Does your multi-element analysis with AAS take too long? Are the operating costs of your ICP too high? Analytik Jena has the solution: High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) with the contrAA®!
Thanks to a Xenon lamp as radiation source every wavelength of every element is available for analysis. Any number of elements can be combined in an analytical method. Using a fast high-resolution spectrometer and its CCD detector for spectrum representation, the contrAA® offers decisive advantages hitherto only available to ICP users - but at a fraction of the costs! Non-sensitive secondary lines enable the direct measurement of high concentrations without time-consuming sample dilution.
The high resolution of the spectrometer prevents spectral interference. Since a typical multiple element analysis with the contrAA® only takes approx. three minutes, high sample throughput is guaranteed. Yet, the contrAA® is as easy to operate as a classic AAS. contrAA® - the AAS of the 21st century from the technology leader in Jena!
About Analytik Jena
Analytik Jena is a complete system provider of analytical measuring technology. The portfolio extends from traditional analysis technology to bioanalytical measuring systems and high-end optical consumer products. Along with comprehensive laboratory software solutions, the company’s broad product range consists of elaborate service programs and device-specific consumables for laboratories.