Spectro Scientific, one of the world’s largest suppliers of oil, fuel, and processed-water analysis instrumentation and software, has been presented with the 2018 Global On-site Lubricating Oil Analysis Equipment Customer Value Leadership Award from Frost & Sullivan, a global market research consulting firm. This recognition is part of Frost & Sullivan’s 2018 Best Practices Award program. To receive this award, an organization must be best-in-class in three key areas: understanding demand, nurturing a brand, and differentiating from the competition.

As an example of Spectro’s industry-leading technology, Frost & Sullivan cited the company’s rugged, portable FieldLab 58 analyzer. This enables operators in the field to perform immediate and comprehensive lubricant analysis for condition monitoring and facilitates timely maintenance decisions. The cost-effective FieldLab 58 instrument performs more than 20 oil analysis parameters in five to seven minutes, compared to offsite lab analyses that can take from 48 hours to as long as three weeks to complete. Frost & Sullivan noted that Spectro’s analyzers detect evidence of machine wear and also enable users to extend oil change intervals, thereby reducing oil replacement costs. The award document reports that a marine industry user saved almost $6 million when monitoring 100 pieces of equipment with FieldLab 58 units. Frost & Sullivan called Spectro Scientific products such as the FieldLab 58 a “lifeline” for users who have a critical need for comprehensive, rapid-response fluid analysis capabilities.
The consulting firm also recognized Spectro’s close attention to its customers’ ownership experiences via its in-house and field maintenance and repair services, its direct sales network in the United States and China, and its 70 global distributors. Spectro customer support serves an extensive and growing customer base in the military, mining, oil and gas, and transportation industries, including users that analyze lubricants for machinery as advanced as Formula One racing engines.
Frost & Sullivan emphasized Spectro’s growth potential in light of its wide and growing array of products and its recognition as the worldwide leader in fluid analysis instrumentation and software. A key contributing factor is Spectro’s strong human capital—nearly a quarter of its employees are engaged in research and development and its technically adept sales team and distributor network fully serves the company’s demanding customer base.
This best practices award recognizes our company’s strengths and skills, including our industry-leading analytical instrumentation and software and our worldwide team of employees, which are dedicated to the development, sales, and support of Spectro’s continually expanding and innovative fluid analysis products and services.
Brian Mitchell, Spectro Scientific’s President and CEO