TOFWERK is joining the analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy communities in Philadelphia for Pittcon 2019. TOFWERK is excited to showcase our high performance time-of-flight technology and connect with new customers and OEM partners. At Pittcon 2019 we are highlighting the Vocus PTR-TOF and the icpTOF, which offer exceptional speed and sensitivity for diverse application fields.
Learn More about Vocus PTR-TOF at Pittcon 2019
The Vocus PTR-TOF is a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) that is used for sensitive, real-time detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in industrial, laboratory, and field applications. The instrument combines TOFWERK’s novel Vocus proton transfer reaction cell with our high performance time-of-flight technology to offer you market leading sensitivity and mass resolving power.
Discuss the Advantages of the icpTOF at Pittcon 2019
The icpTOF is an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) that couples the source and interface hardware of a Thermo Scientific iCAP RQ to a TOFWERK TOF mass analyzer. The iCAP RQ hardware provides versatile sample introduction, robust ICP, simple access to cones and lenses and the Q-cell technology. The TOF adds simultaneous all-element detection, linear response and mass resolving power >6000, while maintaining QMS-equivalent sensitivity. With high-speed mass spectral acquisition and simultaneous analysis of all isotopes, the icpTOF is the ideal ICP-MS detector for multi-element single particle analysis or fast laser ablation imaging.