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PEFTEC 2019 – New Venue and Bigger!

PEFTEC 2019, the 3rd international conference and exhibition on testing and monitoring in oil, petrochemical, refining and environmental applications, will take place on 22nd and 23rd May at the Rotterdam Ahoy exhibition centre in the Netherlands.

Credit: PEFTEC

PEFTEC 2019 ( is a specialist event focusing on the testing, analysis and monitoring of gas, downstream oil products, chemicals and petrochemicals. With a comprehensive programme of conferences, seminars and an international exhibition, it will provide the latest guidance on regulations, methods, standards and technologies for analytical chemists, process scientists, researchers, academics, process operators, regulators, consultants, laboratory personnel and environmental managers.

PEFTEC 2019 has been expanded to include a full Process Analysis Conference, as well as the hugely popular Analytical Conference, and a full programme of technical Seminars.

PEFTEC Analytical Conference (22nd and 23rd May)

The morning session of the first day will focus on the latest developments in mass spec applications and will feature an opening plenary by one of the fathers of Petroleomics and Director of the Future Fuels Institute at Florida State University, Ryan P. Rodgers who will be followed by other leading researchers in this rapidly growing field. The afternoon presentations will cover recent developments in GC and GCxGC applications with a range of detection systems including the barrier ionisation discharge detector, MS and VUV spectroscopy.

The Analytical and Process monitoring conferences will merge at the beginning of the second day to address the hot topic of ‘Big Data and Big Analysis’ with a plenary by Eric Little, the Chief Data Officer of Osthus, which will be followed by talks on specific applications of data analytics in both the laboratory and process analysis applications. The analytical conference will then continue with talks on the re-emergence of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography as a mainstream analytical technique and the afternoon sessions cover the application of both molecular and atomic spectroscopic techniques for petro industry related analysis.

PEFTEC Process Monitoring Conference (22nd and 23rd May)

The first day will begin with a plenary lecture on the latest developments in process monitoring by Alison Nordon from the Centre for Process Analysis and Control Technology (CPACT). This will be followed by sessions featuring a wide variety of monitoring techniques including OFCEAS spectroscopy and low pressure sampling, carrier-gas-free GC, micro GC, gas chromatography – vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy, laser technology for C1 to C5, online micro GC and remote sensing. Sessions will also cover biogas impurities and combustion optimisation.

As with the analytical conference, the second day will commence with a plenary by Eric Little on ‘Big Data and Big Analysis’, mentioned above. Subsequent speakers will discuss gas leak detection, real-time event monitoring, the calibration of process spectrometers, the use of FTIR as a universal concentration meter, online analysis of sulfur compounds, TOC in brine, and on-line elemental analysis. The final presentation will address the application of the on-line liquid injector valve system for non-discriminating analysis of condensate and liquids by GC.

PEFTEC Exhibition (22nd and 23rd May)

The new larger Exhibition will provide access to innovation from over 250 world-leading companies, many of which will be providing technical seminars during the event – see for details.

The exhibition will offer a fantastic opportunity to not just see the latest technologies, but to discuss them with experts and meet with potential suppliers. This is vitally important because face to face meetings provide an opportunity to build trust, and people that visit exhibitions often remark that they found something they didn’t know they were looking for. Many of the exhibitors will unveil new technologies at the event.

Industrial Methane Measurement (IMM) Conference (22nd and 23rd May)

A conference addressing the measurement of methane emissions will run alongside the PEFTEC event, with delegates from both events sharing the ability to peruse the PEFTEC exhibition, which will provide an opportunity to see the latest technologies for monitoring methane in fugitive, vented and partially combusted emissions from the world’s leading test and measurement equipment manufacturers.

Methane is an important Greenhouse Gas (GHG), absorbing significantly more energy than carbon dioxide for example, so it performs a major role in global warming. However, methane is less persistent in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, so methane reduction efforts are likely to have a faster effect.

Atmospheric methane concentrations rose during the decade from 2006 to 2016 following a previous decade of near-constant concentrations, so there is major concern about the sources of this increase and also with the monitoring methods. The methane measurement conference was therefore created to provide an opportunity for experts from around the world to share their experiences in the detection, monitoring and mitigation/prevention of methane emissions.

The first session of the conference will cover current understanding, regulation and policy, and this will be followed by presentations on current capabilities and case studies, including methane emissions from biogas plants.

The first session on day two is titled: ‘Demonstration & Validation of Technologies’ and will include a range of talks; from the validation of controlled release studies, to the demonstration of portable cavity ring-down spectrometers. The final session will focus on emerging technologies for methane monitoring, and will include methane monitoring using drones, quantifying methane emissions using satellite observations and multiple talks on the progress of quantitative optical gas imaging.

PEFTEC 2019 and IMM 2019

Entry to the PEFTEC Exhibition and Seminar programme is free of charge for those that pre-register at The cost of admission to the PEFTEC and IMM Conferences is €125/day + VAT, or €200 + VAT for both days.

The IMM conference will be of major interest to anyone involved with the measurement or management of GHG emissions, especially if they are fugitive, vented, leaked, spilled or emitted from an industrial process. Similarly, PEFTEC 2019 is a ‘must go’ event for anyone involved with analytical chemistry, quality control, research, process development and control within the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors. The conferences and seminars will provide the latest information from global experts, and the exhibition will provide an ideal opportunity to meet existing and prospective instrumentation and service providers – all under one roof and at the same time.

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