New Quantitative, Material-Oriented Theory to Study Ising Superconductors

Igor Mazin, Professor of Practice for Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, Quantum Science and Engineering Center, Physics and Astronomy, is creating a quantitative, material-dependent theory of Ising superconductivity.

Ising superconductivity is a recently discovered phenomenon, an unconventional superconductivity of a new kind. In particular, one of the signatures of this phenomenon is exceptional resilience of the superconducting state with respect to external magnetic field.

The goals of this research are to create a quantitative, material-oriented theory and study specific Ising superconductors, as well as their interfacing with magnetic materials.

This research is expected to have important ramifications for the theory of superconductivity and inspire new experimental studies. It also has potential for applications, such as quantum computing.

Mazin received $450,000 from the U.S. Department of the Navy for this work. Funding began in April 2020 and will end in April 2023.

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