Jun 22 2007
The fully automated entry-level novAA® 300 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometers from Analytik Jena offer features and performance normally found only on much more expensive systems. High quality optics, computer controlled gas box, a motorized lamp turret and automatic control of flame conditions ensure high quality results are obtained quickly and easily.
Supplied in the UK by Lambda Advanced Technology, the novAA® 300 spectrophotometers are available as stand-alone units or with external PC control. The stand-alone unit features an integrated PC with touch-screen control to save space.
With historic links to the Carl Zeiss optical company, Analytik Jena offers superb quality optical components with a 10 year guarantee.
Sealed optical units are protected from aggressive laboratory atmospheres, while the use of aspheric optical components optimises imaging conditions with minimal aberrations. With an automatic 6-lamp hollow cathode lamp turret and D2 HCL background correction, accurate analyses can be carried out even on samples with a high background content.
Optimised flame conditions are guaranteed for each element in the analysis with fully automatic control of gas flow and burner height.
With a choice of fuel and oxidant gases, the gas box ensures there are no gas pressure fluctuations in the flame and a constant fuel/ oxidant gas ratio as well as safe ignition and quenching of the flame. Monitoring the flame conditions allows rapid adaptation to unknown samples to give the best sensitivity.
The Windows-based control and analysis software offers the same excellent features as Analytik Jena’s well-known WinAAS® software. By simply touching the built-in screen the user is guided through the analysis to make sample running easier than ever before. The "Quick Start" routine makes method development possible in less than six steps for fast analysis and fast results.
A host of accessories including a choice of autosamplers and a software controlled flame injection system further automate analysis for a variety of different samples.