For reliable quality control at the push of a button, The X-Supreme8000 is the ultimate benchtop XRF analyser for materials such as petrochemicals, polymers, minerals and general chemicals in production environments and laboratories.
Getting consistent, accurate analysis from production control instruments helps any process run more effi ciently. Performance and flexibility The X-Supreme8000 makes it easy to get reliable, repeatable results by combining application-optimised hardware with software that is simple but powerful.
To take a measurement, the operator simply prepares the sample, loads it into the auto sampler and presses the start key. Results are displayed on-screen, including pass/fail messages and instructions on how to handle a sample that is out of specifi cation. For added fl exibility the X-Supreme8000 allows advanced users to easily develop custom calibrations by following the step-by-step method creation guide.
Customised Applications
- Minerals and mining
- Petrochemicals - fuels, lubricating oils
- Wood pressure treatments
- Cement
- Food and cosmetics
- Plastics and polymers
- Education
Meeting the ever increasing requirement for minimal or no sample preparation and unattended operation, the powerful EDXRF X-Supreme8000 can be used by non-laboratory operators.
Hitachi's powerful Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) and high reliability X-ray tube technologies guarantee precise multi-element analysis at concentrations from high percentage down to ppm levels of detection, covering elements Na11 to U92 in the periodic table.
Wide range of Sample Types
- Solids
- Liquids
- Powders
- Pastes
- Films
X-Supreme | Benchtop XRF | Ultimate flexibility for process and quality control