CleanBench™ is an advanced industry standard 63 series vibration isolation lab tables manufactured by TMC. It is designed with the most updated, patent pending, improvements on TMC’s table tops with TMC’s advanced Gimbal Piston™ air vibration isolation system.
CleanBench™ provides better ergonomics and stability, includes guided thread lead-ins, and has a highly compact design. These vibration isolation lab tables offer high performance and are suitable for a numerous applications, including interferometry, AFM, IVF, patch-clamping, metrology and confocal microscopy.
TMC’s proprietary smooth “laminated top” design is a suitable table top for small, desk-style vibration isolation tables. These 50mm, 2in. thick platforms combine sandwiched layers of steel and core material rigid epoxy stuck into a seamless, stainless steel shell having rounded edges. They are suitable for users who do not need a grid of tapped holes.
In case users prefer to have a grid of holes to bolt-down their payload or positioning equipment, then they have to adjust with a “scaled-down” steel honeycomb optical top construction. Although these tops posses a grid of holes, they are less ergonomic for the seated user, and are bulky, elevating the center-of-mass of the payload, which decreases the stability.
A unique core cross-section allows the design to be fitted with a grid of imperial (1/4-20 on 1-inch), metric (M6 on 25mm) tapped holes or a smooth surface. TMC’s proprietary technique of creating the tapped holes results in beveled lead-ins, which smoothens thread engagement and allows for a full three threads.
CleanBench™ Performance
- Structural damping establishes the speed at which an excited resonance in a table top deforms. The easiest method of measuring damping is to hit the table top with a hammer and measure the deformation using an oscilloscope, accelerometer or spectrum analyzer. Additionally, the height of a resonance peak in the “compliance curve” also measures damping.
- Compliance is a reciprocal measurement of a table top’s dynamic stiffness. The data is acquired by hitting the table top with a calibrated hammer and measuring the resultant acceleration or displacement with an accelerometer. Compliance is the ratio of displacement to force expressed as a function of frequency.
The Gimbal Piston™ Advantage
All CleanBench™ tables are equipped with TMC’s Gimbal piston air isolators as a basic feature. The Gimbal piston has always displayed better performance than other air isolators during side-by-side testing. It offers exceptional low frequency vibration isolation in all axes and ensures performance specifications even when impacted with very low input levels of excitation.
TMC’s proprietary damping methods allow the Gimbal piston to stabilize moderately top-heavy payloads and rapidly disperse disturbances of the isolated table top.
Key Features
The main features of the CleanBench™ are listed below:
- The unique new table-top design (patent pending) integrates the exceptional features of TMC’s CleanTop® steel honeycomb tops with TMC’s ultra-stiff, damped, layered platform design
- The low-profile top offers greater damping, stiffness and flatness in an easy to clean stainless steel shell
- Better stability, especially for small-sized tables. The low profile, high density tops lower the general floating center-of-mass, thereby ensuring real stability, even for moderately top-heavy payloads.
- Guided thread lead-ins assist in aligning screws with tapped holes. The bevel shape helps in the engagement of the first thread
- Ergonomics is enhanced to a great extent to benefit the seated user by reducing the table top’s thickness.
The various accessories of the CleanBench™ are illustrated below:
- Adjustable steel front support bar can be mounted on the front legs of the table. It has a slot where the shelves can be mounted and are mostly ordered with the armrest pads.
- Modifiable steel rear support bar can be mounted on the rear of the table legs and supports the rear end of the sliding shelves. It can be cantilevered to either side, thereby allowing for a broader sliding shelf. Both front and rear support bars can be retrofitted; however cannot be used with the Faraday cage or full perimeter enclosure
- Adjustable armrest pads are fastened to the front support bar. TMC also provides an armrest pad that can be fastened to the full perimeter enclosure.
- Casters are required when using the OnTrak™ option. Retractable casters have a total weight capacity of 1,000 lb (450 kg) and can be fitted to the base of the table legs.
- Fixed full-perimeter enclosure is a welded-steel structure, which totally surrounds the tabletop to provide non-isolated support for Faraday cages or other special fixtures. It cannot be used with support bars or sliding shelves. An 8in. wide sliding shelf is exclusively provided for the full perimeter enclosure and it is needed for use with a Faraday cage.
- White laminate sliding shelves slide freely from side to side and are easily lifted off the support bars. Built-in stops help to prevent the shelves from sliding out of slots.
- Faraday cage offers better access and simplified assembly. It is designed for shielding in electro-physiology type applications (60 Hz and harmonics). The Faraday cage measures 40 in.(1 m) in height and includes a 2 in.(50 mm) diameter hole in the base of the side and rear panels. This feature helps to ease cable interface to the inner side of the cage.
- A sub-shelf provides extra storage space. It can be mounted beneath the isolated table top and retrofitted.
- TMC’s precision height control valves help to reduce bottled air supply usage. These valves are equipped with a small “dead band,” which allows a height return precision of +/- 1.3 mm, +/- 0.05 in.
CleanBench™ With Gimbal Piston™ Vibration Isolation from TMC

CleanBench™ (With Gimbal Piston™ Vibration Isolation)

Unique new table-top design (patent pending)

CleanBench™ with tapped holes

Adjustable Steel Front Support Bar

White Laminate Sliding Shelves

TMC’s Precision Height Control Valves