The Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer is designed to meet the demands of advanced quality control and applied R&D. This very flexible Modular Advanced Rheometer System (MARS) provides easy handling, accuracy, and a number of application-oriented solutions for complete material characterization. The New Connect Assist functionality permits easy, error-free exchange of measuring geometries and temperature modules to accelerate the workflow. The flexibility of the HAAKE™ MARS™ suits the rapidly changing testing needs of today and the future.
The HAAKE™ MARS™ next generation rheometers offer:
Future Orientation
- Modern rheometer platform
- Wide range of accessories to perform new analytical requirements, including the Thermo Scientific™ RheoScope module for micro viewing and Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ Rheonaut module for FTIR analysis
- Complements the Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ Viscotester™ iQ rheometer to easily transfer techniques from R&D to QC
- One-piece frame with enhanced force balance and stability
- Nano torque performance for sensitive samples – strong enough for everyday use
- Connect Assist for geometries and temperature modules with quick-fit coupling and instant recognition, as well as automatic push-button rotor release
- Integrated Web server to monitor data online
- Multi-lingual Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ RheoWin™ software completely automates measuring, assessment routines for professionals and beginners
- Two-column design with high flexibility for customization
- Open system architecture accepts a wide range of temperature and measuring geometries to improve accuracy and measuring abilities
Application Solutions
Application-specific accessories and workflows for pharmaceuticals, polymers, petrochemical, cosmetics, inks, coatings, paints, food, construction and building materials.
- Solid clamps for Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA)
- SER tool from Xpansion Instruments™ to measure elongation
- Controlled test chamber (-150 °C to +600 °C)
- RheoScope module to monitor polymer melting behavior
- Software tools such as Spectra, TTS, and MWD
- Broad series of titanium or Hastelloy™ pressure cells that measure up to 300 °C and 600 bar
- RheoScope module for crystallization behavior studies (“Waxing”)
- Tribology cell for friction measurements of fats and lubricants
Paints, Inks, and Coatings
- Sample hood including solvent traps
- High-shear measuring cell to simulate spaying, atomization processes
- A variety of UV curing measuring cells including thermal assisted curing
- Double cone, ring rotor, disposable and other specialized measuring geometries
Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
- Submersion flow cell
- DuNoüy ring and bicone arrangements for interfacial rheology
- RheoScope module for stability testing, crystallization, etc.
- Special holder for microtitier plates or original binds
- Extra software tool for 21 CFR part 11
- Universal Peltier temperature control unit allows switching between coaxial cylinders, plates, and cone within seconds
- Universal container holder to measure in original sample container
- Pressure cell to mimic cooking processes
- RheoScope module to explore crystallization and melting processes
- Texture analysis of solid materials with sample fixture for bending, breaking tests
Construction and Building Materials
- Measuring cell for building materials with vane rotors and exchangeable lamella profiles
- Serrated and sandblasted measuring geometries to avoid sample slippage
- Universal container holder to measure in original sample container
Thermo Scientific™ HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer

HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer - Picture 1

HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer - Picture 2

HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer - Picture 3

HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer - Picture 4

HAAKE™ MARS™ Rheometer - Picture 5