Automatic melting point, boiling point, cloud point, and slip melting point apparatus.
Simple and Efficient Melting Point Measurements at Your Fingertips
How do users test the purity of their products? And how do they check the quality of their materials? Numerous techniques like boiling point, melting point, slip melting points, and cloud point can be utilized to define a substance and examine its properties.
The Excellence Melting Point Systems from METTLER TOLEDO make it possible to measure these thermal values automatically, precisely, and with just a single click of the button.
Measurements are Made Easy
The determination of melting point has never been so simple! With the help of an intuitive color touchscreen and easy operating routines, users can carry out the measurements rapidly. Moreover, users can simply click to start, and the instrument does the rest for them. This gives them time to attend to other essential tasks while the measurement is being carried out.

Increases the Efficiency
It is important to have the right tools to achieve an efficient workflow. The Excellence Melting Point Systems from METTLER TOLEDO has been developed to make sure that users’ regular processes run seamlessly.
Users can store the results and techniques directly on the instrument, quantity multiple samples at the same time, and print or export the results automatically following an experiment, while simultaneously fulfilling the GMP and GLP requirements.

Results that Can Be Trusted by Users
With METTLER TOLEDO’s Excellence Melting Point systems, users can never miss a measurement again. Users can observe real-time measurements through a video or can replay it to verify their results.
They can directly visualize intensity results and curves on the color touchscreen both during and after the experiment. Using certified reference substances, accuracy and performance can be verified by calibration.

Secure Investment for Users
Instrument qualification and method and process validation are not restricted to the pharmaceutical sector. All companies certified by ISO are subject to security and quality standards and need the correct documentation and procedures to prove that they fulfill these standards.
Users should make sure that their Excellence Melting Point System is qualified, installed, and maintained as per the quality standards required by their companies.

LabX for Melting Point Excellence
The LabX software allows excellent melting point quality control by offering a detailed result overview, video storage, as well as automatic result assessment. Users can re-examine the melting point curves, organize detailed sample lists, and produce customized reports, while completely supporting their regulatory requirements.