In association with a renowned pharmaceutical company, Radleys has developed the advanced Findenser. The super air Findenser includes an internal vigreux condenser as well as an external, finned aluminum jacket between which a small quantity of water is sealed permanently.
The Findenser offers superior heat transfer and also eliminates the requirement for water cooling. The system can be utilized for 95% of all general chemistry applications, preventing the need for water cooled condensers.
Product Benefits
- Eliminates costs relating to purchase and disposal of water
- No threat of flooding from running water
- Helps fulfill sustainable water reduction targets
- Suitable for solvent volumes ranging from 5 mL up to 1 L
How the Findenser Works
- The Findenser includes of an internal glass condenser and also an external, finned aluminum jacket, between which a slight quantity of water is sealed permanently
- The glass condenser has more internal surface area when compared to conventional condensers, providing it with more heat transfer capacity
- The finned jacket closely fits around the glass condenser, additionally increasing the external surface area; the outcome is a super air condenser that performs equally as a conventional water condenser

Image Credit: Heidolph North America

Findenser B24 Cone, B24 Socket. Image Credit: Heidolph North America

Findenser B19 Cone, B19 Socket. Image Credit: Heidolph North America

Findenser B29 Cone, B24 Socket. Image Credit: Heidolph North America

Findenser Mini B24 Cone, B24 Socket. Image Credit: Heidolph North America

Findenser Mini B19 Cone, B19 Socket. Image Credit: Heidolph North America

Findenser Mini B14 Cone, B14 Socket. Image Credit: Heidolph North America