This eBook explores various Raman spectroscopy techniques for evaluating layer thickness, strain, and defect analysis in graphene. Discover the role of Raman imaging in advancing graphene research—a valuable resource for researchers who are aiming to strengthen their understanding and application of this material.

Download the full eBook to learn more!
Topics Covered
- A Comprehensive Overview of Graphene
- Understanding the Raman Spectrum of Graphene
- The Advantages of Raman Imaging: New Products and Techniques
- Graphene Imaging Case Studies:
- Mapping Layer Numbers Across a Graphene Film
- Tracking Strain Distribution in Graphene
- Identifying and Analyzing Defects in Graphene

Download the "Complete Guide to Graphene Characterization with Raman Imaging" now!

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.
For more information on this source, please visit Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.