DuPont Showcase New Technology in Personal Protection Products

On Monday, DuPont hosted Delaware Congressman Mike Castle and more than 30 local officials, first responders and firefighters in Wilmington, Del., for an overview of DuPont Personal Protection key industry products.

A live “Demo Man” demonstration tests the proven effectiveness of Nomex®.

Among the technologies showcased were DuPont™ Nomex® and DuPont™ Kevlar® fiber used in firefighter apparel and Tychem® chemical protective garments.

"DuPont is committed to protecting lives by providing solutions that better safeguard workers around the world," said Tom Powell, vice president and general manager, DuPont Advanced Fiber Systems. "Our products deliver the high-level protection that firefighters, HAZMAT teams, utility workers and law enforcement officers need to respond quickly and effectively in dire and dangerous situations, when every second counts. DuPont uses science to continuously innovate and introduce new technologies to help protect those who protect us."

"DuPont always has had a heart to protect people and has worked over the years to develop life-saving technology, such as what we see here today,” said Congressman Castle. “Their science is important for the future of our state."3

DuPont recently launched a revolutionary new technology for law enforcement, Kevlar® XP™, which stops bullets faster and reduces trauma to the body of the vest wearer. Nomex® was the first flame-resistant fiber to be used in firefighter gear more than 40 years ago. Nomex® and Kevlar® brand fibers can be found in almost every component of a firefighter’s full protective system. Seventy percent of every turnout coat and pant is made using Nomex® and Kevlar®; the majority of every firefighter's hood is made using Nomex®, and Kevlar® is used in straps for self-contained breathing apparatus, providing added strength and thermal performance.

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