Jul 11 2010
It has been announced this month the GKN Aerospace plans to heavily invest in a new research program to develop the next generation of fan blades. The aerospace industry is just one example of the utilisation of composites, recognised for low weight and high strength properties.
Fatigue life prediction of composites and composite structures from Woodhead Publishing provides a comprehensive overview of fatigue damage and fatigue life prediction methodologies. A comprehensive introduction reviews fatigue life prediction of composites and structures past, present and future. Residual strength theories, fatigue damage modelling and novel computation methods are examined and the application of each outlined.
An assessment of fatigue behaviour in the context of fibre reinforced composites and under constant aptitude loading facilitates a discussion of the concept of fatigue damage accumulation and the constant fatigue life diagram approach. Applications of prediction methods and theory are further explored with a specific chapter detailing fatigue life prediction of wind turbine rotor blades manufactured from composites.
With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Fatigue life prediction of composites and composite structures is a standard reference for industry and researchers working with composites and those concerned with the long-term performance and fatigue life of composite components and structures.