Aug 20 2010
Altair Nanotechnologies, Inc. (Altairnano) (NASDAQ: ALTI), today announced the release of its Application Kit designed to give original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) the ability to apply its advanced lithium-titanate battery systems in a test environment simulating real-world operating conditions.
The Application Kit includes Altairnano's 24 volt, 50 ampere-hour battery module, a connection and control unit (CCU) including a battery management system, and a NetBook computer configured to control and monitor the system performance. The system is scalable to test battery modules in different voltage and amperage configurations.
According to Terry Copeland, Altairnano President and CEO, the release of the Application Kit is a critical element of the company's strategy to demonstrate the value of the technology for OEMs who are searching for a battery system with unequaled cycle life, safety and ability to perform in challenging operating conditions.
"We have received great interest from customers who want to apply our products in a broad range of applications, and we believe this Application Kit will enhance their ability to create innovative solutions and quickly demonstrate the unique value of our battery technology," Copeland said. "The tougher the application and duty cycle, the better our batteries perform."