OriginOil Announces Sponsorship of BioEnergy Summit to be Held at Harrisburg University

OriginOil, Inc. (OOIL), the developer of a breakthrough technology to transform algae, the most promising source of renewable oil, into a true competitor to petroleum, is among the sponsors of the upcoming BioEnergy Summit set for March 15, 2011, at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in PA.

With its theme of Innovative Technologies for an Energized Future!, the Summit will explore innovative nanotechnologies for bioenergy production and technologies for producing energy from wastewater. Additionally, the commercialization of technologies and processes used to produce bioenergy from a variety of biomass resources also highlights this half-day program.

Additional sponsors of the event, include the Lehigh Nanotechnology Network and Lehigh University.

The keynote speaker for the event is Dr. William Goldner of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). He will give an overview of the strategic thinking and programs USDA NIFA and other USDA agencies are using to address the sustainable production of biofuels, biopower, and biobased products. The programs include: regional systems-oriented programs that integrate research, education, and extension/outreach/ technology transfer; pre-commercialization R&D for small businesses; and grant and loan guarantee programs for demonstration and commercialization.

Dr. Goldner will provide some examples of how businesses may use these programs to take part in this important renewable energy sector. He will discuss the need to include emerging technologies such as nanotechnology and waste water management in developing bioenergy and the need for a thoughtful integrated approach to grow bioenergy, water quality and availability management systems, and perhaps other emerging energy resources (e.g. natural gas) in Pennsylvania and the surrounding region without disrupting existing agricultural systems, natural resources, and rural communities.

Roundtable discussions will examine the business opportunities that can be cultivated, why sustainable energy solutions are as good for business as they are for the environment, and the importance of obtaining financial support to the commercialization process. Scientists, government officials, entrepreneurs and investors will discuss promising research, successful ventures, overcoming commercialization challenges and market-driven opportunities.

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