Specialist in coating solutions, Applied Plastics proclaimed that it has a huge stock of medical-grade nitinol or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) coated stainless steel forming mandrels that are developed for producing stent delivery systems.
These mandrels facilitate easy removal of catheter in tipping and fuse welding operations and eliminate sticking problems.
The non-flaking Applied PTFE Natural Coated Mandrels offer a flawless anti-stick surface, which can tolerate constant temperature of up to 288° C with excursions of up to 371° C. According to ASTM 1894 standard, the nitinol or stainless steel forming mandrels can demonstrate a coefficient of friction of 0.05.
Applied Plastics has stocked more than 50,000 units of coated mandrels with sizes ranging between 0.004" and 0.070" O.D. They are also available in fractional size range between 0.004" and 0.040" O.D. with standard tolerances of ±0.0003" and custom tolerances of up to ±0.0001". They have accurate cut lengths of up to 12 ft. The price of the mandrels varies with the order of quantity, tolerances, size and materials.