After the great success at HI TEMP 2011 in Boston and HI TEMP 2012 in Munich, we at NETZSCH are proud to welcome you to Santa Fe to attend the third HI TEMP 2014 Conference, which will take place from September 17 to September 19, 2014. Again a great placefor a great conference: Santa Fe, NM is the oldest capital city in the U.S. and the third largest art market in the country. The city of 70,000 sits at 7,200′ above sea level and has 250 art galleries and 250 restaurants.
Thanks to our longstanding relationship with key research organizations developing or using new materials, we have been able to gather a great panel of speakers to present their most recent findings from within the field of high-temperature materials. The meeting will include presentations about cutting-edge results in areas such as thermoelectric materials, thermal barriers, nuclear fuels, and advanced ceramics. The state of the art in high-temperature characterization methods will be examined, with a focus on thermal analysis.
At NETZSCH, our expertise in the thermal characterization of materials has earned us recognition around the globe as a technological leader in our field. For several decades, our specialists have been throwing themselves into their work with the same passion as those who use our instruments – scientists like you. Our experience is certainly crucial in developing new solutions, but it is definitively our interaction with professionals like you which drives us; which pushes us into new realms. HI TEMP 2014 will again help us to better understand the trends in high-temperature materials characterization and to determine tools we need to develop for the future.
We hope this conference will be a great opportunity to meet other scientists who, like you, put all their passion into new materials and new processes for a better life. We have compiled a program broad enough to allow you to learn from avant-garde leaders in your field while also experiencing related applications apart from your own.
For more information, please click HERE (