Epsilon MODEL 3543 is a long gauge length extensometer with gauge lengths of 50mm and more, with measuring ranges of up to 100mm.
This extensometer is ideally suited for testing of long samples such as wire materials, weld joints, steel re-bars. It is specially designed to survive testing through failure of samples having non-uniform or rough surfaces.
Model 3543 extensometer has established its reliability in most challenging testing environments in the past several years. It can withstand applications where it is not feasible to use standard axial extensometers.
In the event of specimen failure, it separates into two halves. As a result, the module body is prevented from permanent damage. Its upper half pulls out of the main body during operation.
Strain gauged flexures are activated within the unit by tapered measuring beams. This enables long measuring ranges, while retaining compatibility with electronics for strain gauged transducers.
The lightweight Model 3543 extensometers are rugged with high accuracy and low operating force. These tension only units feature hardened tool steel knife edges.
The Model 3543 extensometer comes with standard quick attach wires for use on flat specimens of up to 12 x 31mm and on round specimens of up to 25mm diameter. Quick attach kit wire forms are also supplied as an option to work on larger samples.
As strain gauged devices, the Model 3543 extensometers have compatibility with any electronics engineered for strain gauged transducers. Many of the devices in this model are often coupled to a test machine controller. The signal conditioning electronics for the extensometer is generally part of the test machine controller or may often be incorporated.
In this case, the unit is supplied with the appropriate connector and wiring for direct plugging into the electronics. Epsilon provides a range of solutions for units without the required electronics, connecting the extensometer output to charter recorders, data acquisition boards, or other devices.
Epsilon MODEL 3543 Long Gauge Length Extensometers

Model 3543 with 4 inch gauge length

Model 3543 with 2 inch gauge length

Model 3543 with 4 inch gauge length

Model 3543 with 12 inch gauge length
Key Features
The key features of the Model 3543 extensometer include:
- Uniquely designed unit that may be left on through specimen failure
- The unique design of the unit prevents damage at specimen failure by separating into two halves
- Full bridge, 350Ω strain gauged design for compatibility with almost all test systems
- All standard units meet ASTM class B-2 requirements for accuracy.
- This model is designed for non-reversed tension only testing, not for strain control, cyclic or compressive testing
- Rugged design for reliable testing
- High temperature options extend operation to +150 °C (300 °F)
- Easily replaceable hardened tool steel knife edges and every extensometer comes with a spare set
- Ideal to measure elongation to failure plastic deformation
- A Model 3542 axial extensometer is required for modulus and yield strain measurements
- Includes high quality foam lined case
- Replaceable arms and spacers facilitate repair work
- The gauge length of the extensometer can be easily increased with optional gauge length spacers to meet different testing requirements
- Standard quick attach kit for quick mounting to specimens
Model 3543 Available Versions
The Model 3543 is available in any combination of gauge length, temperature range and measuring range as given below:

The addition of gauge length spacers allows attaining intermediate and longer gauge lengths.
The following options are available:
- Spacers to change gauge lengths
- Quick attach kit wireforms for large specimens
- Connectors to interface to virtually all brands of test equipment
- Twist option is also available for use in applications expecting specimen twisting of more than 3°.
- The 3543TW option can accommodate up to 15° of twist