The Model 3575 transverse extensometer is used for measuring transverse or diametral strain on axially loaded specimens. It can measure samples of any diameter/width ranging from 0 to 1in.
The instrument is most frequently used along with Epsilon’s Model 3542 axial extensometers. It also performs transverse measurements using anisotropic materials such as composites, sheet metal testing including r-value determination and Poisson’s ratio measurement.
The Model 3575 extensometer can be easily attached to the sample and its round contact edges can hold the specimen in one position. It is positioned in a place by means of an integral spring.
These units are high accuracy strain gaged devices that are compatible with any electronics suitable for strain gaged transducers and most of the test controllers. A test machine controller carries the signal conditioning electronics required for the extensometer.
The electronics may also be added to the extensometer. The extensometer can be directly attached to the electronics through an appropriate connector and wiring.
Epsilon offers different solutions for the systems that lack the necessary electronics. This enables the extensometer output to be linked to chart recorders, data acquisition boards or any other devices.
Single lateral measurement is widely being used for various tests instead of the traditional three manual measurement methods. The Model 3575AVG is an alternative unit performing dual lateral measurements to average the transverse readings from two locations.
Available Versions of Model 3575 extensometer
The extensometer is available in different measuring and temperature ranges as shown below. Other configurations can be availed based on the special request.

Epsilon MODEL 3575 Transverse (Diametral) Extensometers

Model 3575 special long measuring range

Models 3575 and 3542 extensometers
Key Features
The main features of the Model 3575 extensometer include:
- Rigid, dual flexure design provides improved performance and strength and allows cyclic testing to be performed at high frequencies
- High quality foam lined case in addition to spare set of tool steel knife edges
- Standard units with linearity readings of 0.20% or more
- Full bridge, 350 ohm strain gaged design ensures compatibility with any test system
- Measurement of both positive and negative displacements possible in all models
- May be left on through specimen failure
- Easy to mount
- Integral springs hold the extensometer on the sample
- Self-supporting on the specimen
- Optional connectors to link to nearly any test equipment