Semilab’s PDL Hall system is suitable for both AC and DC Hall measurement modes. The AC field measurement can be performed on materials with a mobility of less than 0.1 cm2/Vs, which can be superior to the DC field measurement mode.
In general, materials with such characteristics are thermoelectric, photovoltaic ( aSi CIGS Perovskite) , Organics Electronics ( OTFT, OLED), Transparent conductive oxides TCO( ITO, AZO, ZnO, IGZO) and semiconductor materials.

Operation of the magnets

PDL-1000 setup and sample holder
High Sensitivity Parallel Dipole Line Hall Measurement. AC/DC Field
- Simple and sturdy tabletop system design
- A broad range of mobilities, such as semi-insulating samples and very low mobilities (<0.1 cm2/Vs) can be measured, including the ability to carry out both conventional static field (DC) and alternating (AC) Hall measurements
- Tabletop arrangement, using rotating Parallel Dipole Line magnets (bulky electromagnet not required)
- Background illumination option
- Software retrieves low Hall signal with the help of software-based lock-in detection (this avoids the need for expensive hardware-based lock-in detection)
- Software-regulated measurement and automated parameter extraction
- Cooling system is not required
- Compact design
- Easy operation
- High sensitivity (ability to handle mobility <0.1 cm2/Vs)
- Uniformity (<2% sample size up to 10×10 mm)
- Large magnetic field (approximately 2.5 T pk-pk)
- Proprietary signal processing and user interface (UI) software
- Optional gate bias voltage

Measurement results

Screen copy of PDL-1000 measurement sequence