The EIGER2 R detector available from DECTRIS integrates all the advanced features of HPC technology in the most sophisticated detector range from DECTRIS developed for laboratory applications.
Dual-energy discrimination enables extensive background suppression and enhances signal-to-noise, specifically for long exposure times and faint signals.
Excellent count-rate performance allows precise measurements of strong intensities. Users can leverage the large dynamic range of the detector series even during long exposures using concurrent read/write with zero dead time.
Absorption and scatter caused by windows and air can be decreased, thanks to the optional vacuum compatibility. Tiny pixels in tandem with direct detection acquire high angular and spatial resolution and provide users the advantage of fine sampling and broad coverage of reciprocal space. Users can select from three different models to match their requirements.
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Key Advantages
- Dual-energy discrimination helps suppress high and low energy background
- No dark current or readout noise ensures optimal signal-to-noise ratio
- Over 10 orders of magnitude dynamic range
- Hybrid photon counting — direct detection of X-ray photons integrated with single-photon counting
- Direct detection allows the highest spatial resolution
- Dead time-free readout and high frame rates
- Vacuum compatibility (optional)
- All detector components can be operated at room temperature for excellent reliability
- Minimal maintenance and service-free
The EIGER2 R 4M detector allows users to obtain the best possible data with maximum efficiency due to the vast area, suppression of dual-energy background, and absence of the detector noise.

Image Credit: DECTRIS.
The EIGER2 R 1M detector makes the most sophisticated HPC technology available in a highly multipurpose detector format.

Image Credit: DECTRIS.
The EIGER2 R 500K detector integrates all the benefits of advanced HPC technology in a highly compact detector with a media-free operation and large active area.

Image Credit: DECTRIS.