Nanosys Creates Division Dedicated to Solar Panel Cell Designs

Nanosys today announced the creation of QD Soleil, a wholly owned division focused on the use of its proprietary nanotechnology in solar panel cell designs. Nanotechnology is the next step in the natural evolution of a solar generated grid-ready energy supply.

QD Soleil's intellectual property is a seminal estate that includes over 500 patents and patent applications. This technology has been refined over many years by Nanosys and exploits the best in class inorganic material compositions, processing and integration chemistries, and includes the most stable nanomaterial formulations known. Applications of the technology and intellectual property are broad and include additive enhancement layers for light conversion engineering, nano-particle inks, light waveguide concentrators and nanomaterial composites for enhancing overall solar cell efficiency. Nanosys is considering strategic options to maximize the value of QD Soleil, including possible sale to a large photovoltaic manufacturer. QD Soleil is now meeting with potential partners and parties interested in acquiring a substantial footprint in nanotechnology for photovoltaics.

"Based on the current administration's energy focus, the U.S. is likely to grow into the largest installed market of solar panels in the world over the next five years," commented Nanosys CEO Jason Hartlove. "Nanosys is one of the world's leading nanotechnology companies, with a consolidated position in inorganic nanotechnology, and significant product launches in other areas such as green lighting this year. Therefore, we believe that QD Soleil can focus and execute more effectively as a separate division."

"It's an exciting time for QD Soleil to engage with larger companies best poised to fully exploit seminal IP, know-how and critically enabling technologies," said Vijendra Sahi, VP and GM of the QD Soleil division. "We are particularly excited because we can utilize much of the technology base and materials now being launched in products by Nanosys."

"The acquisition of QD Soleil would be an ingenious way, especially in this environment, to take a focused approached to innovation and R&D," said Josh Wolfe, co-founder and Managing Partner of Lux Capital. "Furthermore, so significant is the QD Soleil patent portfolio and know how that it could be extremely valuable to any entity contemplating nanotechnology in solar today."

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