Chinese Polypropylene and Polyethylene Plant Starts Production

PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company in Xinjiang, China has started up both of their INEOS Technologies licensed polymer units within days of each other. The 550 KTA Innovene PP polypropylene plant comprises the 5th and 6th Innovene PP lines to start up in China since 1998. The 300 KTA Innovene S high density polyethylene plant is the first licensee line to start up using this latest generation of technology. In both cases successful and continuous plant production was obtained within minutes of catalyst introduction to the reactors.

Dr. Peter Williams, CEO INEOS Technologies, stated that: "INEOS Technologies is pleased that these plants will become part of the expansion of PetroChina's polyolefins operations, contributing to the growing industry in China. The rapid start up of both plants provides testament not only to the quality of the technologies themselves, but also to the highly effective preparations and teamwork of PetroChina Dushanzi's implementation teams, the service providers, and the INEOS start up teams."

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