Some of the earliest uses of three-dimensional (3D) printing within the aviation industry involved creating shop aids, tool mock-ups and visualization models in order to allow researchers, aviation employees and their customers take a more dynamic look at the complexity of their aircrafts.
While prosthetic devices have continued to advance throughout history, 3D printing technology has emerged as a revolutionary way to enhance this medical device by avoiding the traditional negative impacts that are often associated with modern prosthetics.
By Benedette Cuffari
22 Jun 2017
A team of researchers from Spain have now shown that a certain hybrid perovskite compound has great potential in solid-state cooling applications.
A cavitation, or the production and nucleation of reactive vapour bubbles within a liquid, is a fundamental phenomenon in fluid dynamics with wide-ranging applications from industrial-scale operations, food engineering and biomedical science.
By Liam Critchley
16 Jun 2017
Historically known for its tensile strength and ability to resist corrosion, pure vanadium remains an important element incorporated into tubes and pipes used in the chemical industry, as well as an additive to steel in the form of ferrovanadium.
By Benedette Cuffari
16 Jun 2017
At Michelin's International Movin' On transportation summit, French tire maker introduced a new concept tire that is airless, biodegradable and made with a 3D printer.
For the millions of people who could benefit from medical implants, 3D printing technology holds considerable promise.
In 2016 alone, an estimated 2.1 billion individuals around the world owned their own smartphones, and this number is expected to steadfastly increase to up to 2.87 billion users by the year 2020.
By Benedette Cuffari
16 Jun 2017
Researchers have discovered that organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites may be capable of advancing electronics to the next level. Perovskites have already found scientific fame for being amazingly efficient at converting sunlight into electricity.
Colorimeters are used across chemical and biological fields including, the analysis of blood, water, nutrients in soil and foodstuffs, determining the concentration of a solution, determining the rates of reaction, determining the growth of bacterial cultures and laboratory quality control.