Sep 27 2010
United Conveyor Corporation (UCC) now offers Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) demonstration tests and permanent DSI systems for regulatory compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) emitted from industrial and utility boilers.
The EPA proposed the Industrial Boiler MACT Standard and is expected to propose a similar MACT Standard for Utility boilers. MACT standards will regulate a number of hazardous air pollutants from coal-fired boilers/generating units, such as HCl, HF, mercury and dioxins/furans. The proposed Boiler MACT Standard sets HAP limits based on the boiler category and fuel type burned.
DSI is a low-cost, inherently flexible technology where HAP removal requirements can be met through careful selection of sorbents and injection rates. For example, compliance could be achieved for a given boiler with a combination of hydrated lime injection for HCl/HF and activated carbon for mercury and dioxins/furans. Another potential strategy, for multi-pollutant control, could be to inject trona or sodium bicarbonate for both SO2 and HCL/HF removal, and then low rates of activated carbon for mercury/dioxins/furans.
“Dry sorbent injection can achieve 90 percent or higher removal rates for these pollutants—and is an economical means of achieving compliance with the MACT standards for boilers that do not already have scrubbers,” notes Jon Norman, Sales and Technology Manager, UCC. “UCC has successfully conducted over 10,000 hours of full-scale, on-site demonstrations at numerous major utility sites, including Duke Energy, AES, PPL Corporation, and Reliant Energy, among others. We are pleased to offer this value-added service to help customers address new regulations.”