CEZ has received a competitive bid from Westinghouse Electric to develop a turnkey dual-unit AP1000 plant for concluding the Units 3 and 4 Project of the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant in the Czech Republic.
Based on its over five decades of expertise in the nuclear industry and proven success on Temelin Units 1 and 2, Westinghouse Electric is confident in fulfilling the design, construction, licensing, supply and project specifications set by CEZ for the conclusion of the Temelin Project.
Westinghouse Electric has created a delivery team, which includes Metrostav, a construction firm in Czech, and I&C Energo, a nuclear safety instrumentation and control firm in Czec. The AP1000 pressurized water reactor (PWR) is a cutting-edge nuclear plant design, which features high-tech passive safety systems and wide-ranging plant simplifications to optimize plant construction, safety, operation, assembly and maintenance. The plant design utilizes established standardized technology built upon five decades of operating PWR expertise.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) awarded Design Certification Amendment to the Westinghouse AP1000 reactor in December 2011. The U.K. Office for Nuclear Regulation also granted Interim Design Approval in the Generic Design Assessment process to the AP1000 in the same month. With European Utility Requirements complaint, the AP1000 nuclear power plant can also be installed in Europe. In addition, the AP1000 PWR is the world’s only Generation III+ design that received both European and the United States regulatory approvals. At present, six US contracts and four Chinese contracts have been placed for 10 AP1000 reactors.