Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Recognizes Members with Technical Division Awards

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) recognized more than 60 of its members with division-level awards during the Society’s 142nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, March 3 – 7, 2013.

These awards recognize outstanding contributions and excellence within each of the Society’s five technical divisions: Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials Division (EMPMD); Extraction & Processing Division (EPD); Light Metals Division (LMD); Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD) and Structural Materials Division (SMD).

The recipients are as follows:

Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials Division (EMPMD)

  • Distinguished Scientist/Engineer – Mark Asta, University of California
  • Distinguished Service – Jeff Hoyt, McMaster University
  • Journal of Electronic Materials (JEM) Best Paper – Stephen W. Bedell, Bahman Hekmatshoar, Marco Hopstaken, Devendra Sadana, Davood Shahrjerdi, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
  • John Bardeen Award – King Ning Tu, University of California

Extraction & Processing Division (EPD)

  • Distinguished Lecturer – Donald Sadoway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Distinguished Service – Adam Powell, Metal Oxygen Separation Technologies
  • Science Award – Peter Hayes, University of Queensland
  • Technology Award – Michael Gross, Bucknell University; Lauren Hafford, Vestas; Elizabeth Sterling, University of British Columbia; Jonathan Stolk, Olin College of Engineering

Light Metals Division (LMD)

  • Distinguished Service – Jomar Thonstad, Norwegian University of Science & Technology
  • Energy Best Paper Award – Professional – Cynthia Belt, Consultant
  • Energy Best Paper Award – Student – Ramana Reddy and Tao Wang, University of Alabama; Divakar Mantha, US Air Force Academy
  • JOM Best Paper Award – Mansoor Barati, Murray D. Johnston, Leili Tafaghodi Khajavi, Mark Li, and Samira Sokhanvaran, University of Toronto
  • Light Metals Award – Vladislav Gorbunov and Gennady Podgorodetsky, National University of Science & Technology; Gennadiy Klimentenok and Andrey Panov, UC RUSAL Engineering and Technology Center
  • Light Metals Subject Award - Aluminum Reduction Technology – Ingo Eick, Hydro Aluminium Deutschland; Kristian Etienne Einarsrud, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry; Stein Tore Johansen, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
  • Light Metals Subject Award - Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production -- Barry Sadler, Net Carbon Consulting Pty Ltd
  • Light Metals Subject Award – Recycling – Tracey Brommer, PA Consulting; Britt Elin Gihleengen, Scandpower; Elsa Olivetti and Randolph Kirchain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Light Metals Subject Award - Warren Peterson Cast Shop for Aluminum Production -- Malcolm Couper and Mark Easton, Monash University; Nick Parson, Rio Tinto Alcan; Lisa Sweet, CAST Co-operative Research Center; John Taylor, University of Queensland
  • Magnesium Technology Best Paper - Application Award – Fabrizio D'Errico, Politecnico Di Milano; Adamo Screnci, Mc Phy Energy SA
  • Magnesium Technology Best Paper - Fundamental Research Award – Kazuhiro Hono, Tadakatsu Ohkubo and Taisuke Sasaki, National Institute for Materials Science
  • Magnesium Technology Best Paper - Student Award – Srinivasan Chandrasekar, Mert Efe, Wilfredo Moscoso, Dinakar Sagapuram and Kevin Trumble, Purdue University
  • Magnesium Technology Best Poster - Enrique Lavernia, Troy Topping, Yizhang Zhou and Baolong Zheng, University of California; Suveen Mathaudhu, US Army Research Office; Yuhong Xiong, Seagate Technology
  • Technology Award - Dmitry Eskin, Brunel University

Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division (MPMD)

  • Distinguished Service – Thomas Bieler, Michigan State University
  • Distinguished Scientist/Engineer – Thomas Bieler, Michigan State University

Structural Materials Division (SMD)

  • Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award – Carlos Tome, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Distinguished Service – David Bahr, Purdue University
  • JOM Best Paper Award – Markus J. Buehler and Anna Tarakanova, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

One of the primary objectives of TMS is to recognize the accomplishments of its members. Each year, the society presents more than 60 awards in several major categories, including Young Leader Professional Development, Society, and Technical Division.

For more information about 2013 TMS award winners, visit http://www.tms.org/Society/TMSAwardWinners.aspx?year=2013

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