The DeltaDiode from Horiba Scientific has the potential to convert key LEDs and laser sources with picosecond pulse and repetition rate that ranges up to 100 MHz
DeltaDiodes use laser diode and LED technology to produce short optical pulses over an extensive range of wavelengths and repetition rates. Optical pulses, as short as 50 ps, could be produced at repetition rates up to 100 MHz. The DeltaDiode is ideal for applications such as:
- TCSPC excitation source
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM)
- Quantum cryptography
- Detector response testing
Key benefits of the DeltaDiode:
- The extensive range of interchangeable heads
- Repetition rated up to 100 MHz
- Short optical pulses from <50 ps optical FWHM
- No extra optimization sources needed in normal use
- Wavelengths range from 250 nm to NIR
- Diode operating features completely accessible for advanced applications
Source: Horiba Scientific