Oct 22 2008
Structured Materials Industries, Inc. (SMI) reports that it has sold a NanoH CVD™ system. SMI’s line of NanoH CVD™ systems are dedicated to providing researchers with high-end source handling capabilities coupled with small-scale reactors for low net cost of purchase and low cost of operation.
This particular tool is focused on Si, SiO2 and SixNy deposition and film annealing; however, other systems have been implemented for group IV nanowires, silicides, antimonides, chalcogenides, and so on.
Of primary attractiveness to researchers is preconfigured modularity, allowing easy addition of bubbler or gas sources (in the field and by the customer), use of enhancement modules such as plasma or UV assist, and a multiple of easily exchanged heating systems (rf, lamp or resistive) for high or low temperature operation in reducing or oxidizing environments.
Lastly, the simple tool geometry allows researchers to easily switch between material systems by changing low-cost reactor “shell” and substrate holders.