Apr 15 2010
The Special Metals Forum (SMF) are hosting this one day conference on Opportunities in Carbon Capture & Storage which will provide information about the CCS process and highlight the opportunities which will arise for manufacturers. The event will take place on May 25th, at the Harrogate International Centre in North Yorkshire.
Carbon Capture and Storage is a relatively new concept generally using existing technologies. However, many companies that could provide products and services to the CCS projects have little knowledge about the technology and the potential opportunities which arise.
Therefore this one day conference will provide an overview of the CCS technologies that are under development, the implications for existing power plant, and highlight the impact of these technologies on the development of distribution and injection technologies.
The presentations will highlight the key material and engineering challenges, and provide an insight into the opportunities presented to the Metals and Engineering Supply Chain by the emergence of CCS technologies.
The Hatfield project is the first in the UK and has EU funding of £160m. Site work has commenced and the power station will be operational with natural gas in 2012, with coal gasification being operational by 2013. This will be the world's first large scale integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power station.
Four plants are planned to be built in the UK with UK government support. Five projects across Europe are being funded by the European commission.
To register, or for more information click here.