The raw materials used in packaging materials and their environmental profile are a matter of concern to today’s consumers. This has compelled and induced companies to look for safe and eco-friendly packaging materials.
To achieve this end, they could assess proven materials and select easily recyclable materials. They could then develop the guidelines for material specification and provide them to designers and suppliers.
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a promising replacement for packaging materials such as PVC, due to its easily recyclable and environmentally-friendly nature. When incinerated for disposal, it does not release any toxins. Worldwide, the safety of this material has been recognized for use in personal care products, medical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage applications.
Due to differences in the technology used and the processing methodology, PET created by various manufacturers is not equal. OCTAL uses technology that helps reduce production cost and also meet the sustainability requirements of major global packaging retailers. It has integrated sustainability into the design of its plant to deliver 927,000 tons of PET per year, with a lower carbon footprint. The lower carbon footprint of PET material will induce manufacturers to migrate from packaging materials with lower sustainability and efficiency to PET.
OCTAL uses 38% less energy to manufacture PET resin and 67% less electricity for DPET sheets. OCTAL derives all its energy requirements from natural gas, a clean burning fuel. It utilizes high efficiency burners that consume less gas when compared to traditional PET plants. OCTAL reuses 80% of the water utilized in the plant.