JEC Composites has reported the 2012 award winners of the JEC Innovation program.
The company will give awards to 11 companies and their partners at JEC Asia - Composites Show and Conferences, which will be held from 26 to 28 June, 2012.
The program is considered as a global promoter of innovations and is organized at JEC Americas in Boston, in India, in China, JEC Asia in Singapore and JEC Europe in Paris.
The JEC Innovation Awards program was established during 1998 and 1,600 companies are involved in this program, wherein 177 companies and 433 partners were awarded for their excellence in composite innovations.
The applications for this award revealed the general requirements of the Asia-Pacific region together with present trends like composites research, which is based on new energies, local renewable resources and recycling problems. Numerous partnerships were presented by the competing companies in the Asian region and also in America and Europe.
Mrs. Frédérique Mutel, the CEO and President of JEC explained that the 2012 JEC Asia Innovation Awards program confirms Asia’s pioneering technologies that were developed in three main research fields like manufacturing of huge components, fibers and resins, complex conditions infrastructures equipment like deep sea, mining or offshore extraction and added that important research and development potential in composites have been created in Asia Pacific countries.