Dec 16 2015
Nordic leading fuel cell company PowerCell Sweden AB (publ) has received a repeating order of PowerCell S1 fuel cell stacks from a customer in Taiwan.
The Nordic leading fuel cell company PowerCell Sweden AB has received a repeating order of PowerCell S1 fuel cell stacks from a customer in Taiwan.
The customer has launched their new 1kW micro-CHP system, a small scale combined heat and power unit, designed for usage of natural gas to the household market. The customer uses the PowerCell S1 stack to produce electricity and heat, and the hydrogen is produced using their natural gas reformer.
“We are glad that this customer have chosen a PowerCell S1 reformate stack for their system. We are also very happy for them that they have launched their new m-CHP system after an intensive phase. PowerCell have successfully worked with this customer and supported them throughout their development phase.” said Andreas Bodén, Director Marketing & Sales at PowerCell Sweden AB.
About PowerCell S1 Fuel cell stack
PowerCell S1 fuel cell stack is designed to work in an environment both on reformate gas as well as pure hydrogen. It uses metal bipolar plates and state-of-the-art PEM components to give a robust, low cost and high performance design. The S1 fuel cell stack platform is modular and can be offered in 1-5 kW electric output depending on customer application and need.
For additional information please contact:
Per Wassén
CEO, PowerCell Sweden AB (publ)
Phone: +46 76 553 37 71
Email: [email protected]