Jul 6 2006
European and international experts have been meeting over the past two days to consider the potential for carbon dioxide capture and storage in the Chinese power generation sector.
The meeting brought together the main Chinese and European carbon capture and storage research communities and experts, in support of the EU/China and the UK/China Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) initiatives. International experts in this field have also participated in the debates.
More than 70 European representatives and 80 Chinese participants attended the workshop, making this the largest gathering on carbon dioxide capture and storage in China. The workshop also marks a significant step forward in the collaboration with China under the European Near Zero Emission Coal initiative.
The workshop comes as a follow up of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chinese government on near-zero emissions power generation technology. The MoU will encourage the development of technology allowing the capture and underground storage of carbon dioxide emitted from coal-fired power stations, a matter of potential significance in the fight against climate change.
The workshop has been funded by the UK Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs and the Department for Trade and Industry and supported by the European Commission's research Framework Programme, and is being held in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. The meeting has been organised by The Administrative Centre for China's Agenda 21.
Key aims of the workshop have been to:
- Update on the status and development of CCS initiatives in China and internationally.
- Review the status and progress of current CCS activity in China.
- Facilitate and strengthen links between the Chinese, European and international CCS community.
- Generate a 'road map' for technology development on CCS in China.
- Identify key actions and milestones for development and deployment of CCS technologies in China
The overall objective is to define, steer and develop work being taken forward under the first phase of the Near Zero Emissions Coal Demonstration initiative. The European Union supports a large portfolio of research projects in the field of NZEC, with a total value of E75 M with the participation of key research Chinese Institutes. The total EC funding towards Chinese Institutes is in the of E1.5 M. In addition, the UK has pledged to support the Phase 1 assessment with approximately E5 M (£3.5M) with activities commencing in late 2006 and reporting back in 2008.
6th July 2006