TA Instruments invites you to experience the latest innovations in rotational shear rheometers, the Discovery Hybrid Rheometer HR 10, HR 20, and HR 30. The Discovery Hybrid Rheometers are designed for scientists who need to obtain better rheological data, under the widest range of measurement conditions, collected by more users, with less training. A wide array of accessories are available to expand your rheological testing capabilities with the Discovery Hybrid Rheometer.
All of TA Instruments’ Discovery Hybrid Rheometer temperature systems and accessories are designed with superior performance and ease-of-use in mind. Only TA Instruments’ DHR offers the convenience and versatility of Smart Swap™ geometries, temperature systems, and accessories. Smart Swap™ technologies provide fast and easy interchanging of accessories and automatic detection and configuration of the rheometer for operation.
Available Discovery Hybrid Rheometer accessory options include:
- TRIOS AutoPilot
- Peltier Plate Temperature Systems
- Advanced Peltier Plates
- Dual Stage Peltier Plate
- Upper Peltier Plate
- Electrically Heated Cylinder (EHC)
- Peltier Concentric Cylinders
- Powder Rheology - NEW
- Orthogonal Superposition
- Pressure Cell
- Electrically Heated Plates
- Environmental Test Chamber
- High Sensitivity Pressure Cell Accessory (HSPC)
- Relative Humidity Accessory
- Modular Microscope (MMA)
- Optical Plate
- Small Angle Light
- Interfacial Accessories
- Interfacial Exchange Cell
- Electro-Rheology
- UV Curing Accessories
- Dielectric Measurement
- Immobilization Cell
- Tribo-Rheometry Accessory
- Starch Pasting Cell
- Magneto-Rheology
- Rheo-Raman Accessory
- Dry Asphalt Accessory
- Upper Heated Plate for Peltier Plate
- Dynamic Mechanical Analysis