Due to its extremely high compressive structure strength, glass always fails under tensile strength. For this reason it’s very rarely put under direct tension when used in buildings, making its most important property tensile bending strength.
The EN standard calls for a four-point bend test on a sample with width of 360 mm and spans of 1000 mm and 200 mm.
As glass can fail rather spectacularly, the test frame of Testometric’s Universal Glass Testing Machine can be situated within a safety cell, controlled with a separate control console.
Special software allows post-test input parameters in order to meet the test reporting demands of EN 1288-3 and DIN 52 303. Models are available in both CT and AT configuration.
Force Measurements
Universally Calibrated, better than Grade 0.5 EN 7500-1, DIN 51221 ASTM E-4. AFNOR A03-501. Range 0.4% to 100% minimum. Automatic identification of load cell. Resolution 1 part in 500000 with autoranging. Electronic load cell protection.
Extension Measurements
Full frame length to 0.001 mm. Resolution 0.001 min. Accuracy 0.01 mm. Absolute, relative and auxiliary modes mm, inch and percent. Programmable extension limits.
Speed Control
Drive system temperature and current protection. Positional jog speed 0.001 mm/min to maximum. Speed setting increments 0.001 mm/min.
Load Frame
Rigid frame, using dual slide crosshead guidance system and rigid extruded support column. Frame stiffness 5 kN/mm plus K factor facility built-in. Re-circulating ball screw with bellows. Electronic limit trips, total travel trips and customer programmable safety stops. Rubber mat front protection.
This system runs on the comprehensive winTest™ Analysis universal windows software. This complete package covers tensile, compression, peel, shear, tear, cyclic, creep and multi stage testing. It also comes with a large range of industry standard test methods as well as the ability to program and store as many custom testing methods as necessary.

All data produced from testing is automatically stored and can easily be transferred to other processing software such as word, excel, access and SPC systems, enabling enhanced report generation.