Videos | Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials Videos

Nanomaterials Videos

High Performance Laser Dicing / Processing with Air Bearing Motion Systems and EtherCat Controller

Manufacturing of semiconductor chips involves cutting the wafers, first: The process is known as wafer dicing and produces “chips” or “die”.

Discussion On How Nanotechnology Can Help You Live to 150

A panel of experts from a wide range of industries come together to discuss whether or not nanotechnology can help increase the life span of human beings. With genetic alteration and genetic therapies.

Demonstration of the Ease of Operation of the Nanosurf easyScan2 FlexAFM

Ola Modinger from Nanosurf gives us and introduction to the their easyScan2 FlexAFM that was released at the 2008 MRS Fall Meeting, where this interview was recorded. We then get a demonstration of how easy this instrument is to operate.

Demonstration of Improved Resolution from Optical Profilers Using AcuityXR Technology from Bruker Nano

Chris Orsulak from Bruker points out the main features of the ContourGT Optical Profiler and briefly describes how it works.

AMM Interview with NanoSteel‘s President

This video shows David Paratore, President and CEO of The NanoSteel Company, discussing the company's Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) sheet design for the automotive industry with Jo Isenberg-O'Loughlin of American Metal Market (AMM).

NanoSteel: A New Class of Steel with High Strength and Ductility

This video shows NanoSteel's President and CEO, David Paratore discussing about the company’s new class of steel that has high ductility and high strength properties for increasing formability.

Environmental Impacts of Nanomaterials

Discussion on the impact of nanotechnology on the environment and human safety issues. The lack of government regulation and standard is a growing concern for professionals working in the nanotechnology field.

What is Materials Science?

Ever been asked what materials science is? If so, just send people to this apage for the answer. An interesting compilation put together by the staff and students at the Department of Materials Science at UNSW.

New Transparent Coating for Metals, Plastics and Glass that Repels Water, Oil and Adhesive Materials

The introduction of the Nanosceptor coating machine that places transparent coating on glass, plastic and metals which repels water, oil and other adhesive materials. Normal TEFLON coatings have a thickness of around 10microns, but with the Nanosceptor the coating thickness is only several nanometers !! Watch and see how this is done

The Nanosurf LensAFM Designed to Integrate with Optical Microscopes and Profilers

The new LensAFM from Nanosurf has been designed to integrate with optical microscopes and profilers, and add AFM capabilities to them. This demonstration shows how easy it is to switching between AFM and optical microscopy/profiler modes.

Demonstration of The CSM TTX Table Top Nanoindentation Tester

The CSM TTX Table Top Instrument is a high performance Nanoindentation Tester (NHT) in a small and simple-to-use package. It is suited to customary nanoindentation testing where a complete platform configuration is not required.

The Nanosight LM20 Nanoparticle Analysis System

Nanosight have developed a unique technique for detecting and viewing nanoparticles in real time using laser light. Jeremy Warren explains how it work and the key components to their system

How the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Works - A Closer Look at Nanomaterials

A video demonstrating how the atomic force microscope (AFM) works and how the AFM is use to to look closer into the structures of nanomaterials.

AIST-NT Show Off Their OmegaScope Combines AFM-Raman System

Take a quick video tour of the OmegaScope AFM-Raman from AIST-NT. The OmegaScope is based on AIST-NT's Smart-SPM, and features either single or 3 laser Raman capabilities and an objective lens up to 100x magnification.

NanoIR Opens Up New Materials Characterization Opportunities

Curt Marcott from Light Light Solutions tells us about his experiences characterizing materials using the NanoIR from Anasys Instruments. In particular he was excited by the fact that the technique combines AFM and IR spectroscopy, and has spatial resolution an order of magnitude better than conventional IR, which means you can characterize various features of a sample, or even analyze compositional differences across an interface.

AZo2Bruker - Grand Opening of Bruker Nano Surfaces Customer Facilities

AZo.TV visited the Bruker Nano Surfaces headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany, for the grand opening of their new European Customer Care Centre and Application Centre.

Superhydrophobic Coating - Process, Properties and Applications

Sandia scientists have develop superhydrophobic coating which is transparent that is not just impermeable to water, but actually makes it bounce off a surface to help prevent corrosion, protect electronic and antiquities, or provide a new, more efficient coating for any surfaces. This coating can be deposited by any common deposition methods

Demonstration of Magnetic Liquid - Ferrofluids

A video demonstrating ferrofluids and its potential applications. Ferrofluids are composed of nanoscale ferromagnetic, or ferrimagnetic, particles suspended in a carrier fluid, usually an organic solvent or water. The ferromagnetic nano-particles are coated with a surfactant to prevent their agglomeration

Combined AFM and IR Spectroscopy with the NanoIR from Anasys Instruments

The NanoIR system from Anasys Instruments is a unique instrument that combines AFM and IR Spectroscopy. Kevin Kjoller explains how the system works, how they have been able to integrate an atomic force microscope and infrared spectroscope to generate topographical, localised mechanical, thermal and chemical data for polymeric and organic materials.

The Use of Atomic Force Microscopy in Imaging Biological Systems

Near field optical microscopy using AFM in combination with laser to produce high resolution images at the nanoscale on samples ranging from quantum dots to biological samples. The focus is on imaging various biological systems.

Thermal Properties of Polymer-Silica Nanocomposite Film

A demonstration on the behaviour of polymer-silica nanocomposite film when ignited with fire.

Creating Fuel From Photosynthesis

Creating Fuel From Photosynthesis

Synergies Resulting from the Acquisition of Veeco Businesses by Bruker Nano

Frank Laukien, President and CEO of Bruker Corporation, and Mark Munch, President of the Bruker Nano Surfaces Business welcomes the Veeco Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and the Optical Industrial Metrology (OIM) instruments to the Bruker family and tell us how Veeco products, staff and clients will benefit from the new organization and the increased resources now available as a consequence of the merger.

Carbon Nanotube Electronics

The Stanford Nanoelectronics Group presents "Nanotechnology - Carbon Nanotube Electronics", a short educational video on nanotechnology and carbon nanotubes

Direct Drive XY-Linear Stage for Scanning & Alignment | V-508 PI Nanopositioning

The demo shows high speed scan and alignment motion with two direct-drive linear stages, XY configuration, with linear motors.

NanoSteel's Breakthrough Steel Materials

This video shows NanoSteel's President and CEO, David Paratore, discussing how the company is redefining steel for the automotive industry.

Will the Future of the Nanotechnology Industry Be Environmentally Friendly ?

A video discussing the future of the nanotechnology industry in the upcoming century as it will become a multi trillion dollar industry in next decade. The question that is people are trying to determine is, will it be a green industry ? Researchers are spinning gold and copper nanoparticles to target tumor cell and cancer patients. Which deals with particles that are toxic to human beings.

Graphene: Opening New Opportunities in the Energy Sector

Advancements in graphene have unlocked unprecedented opportunities in the energy sector.

Nanococktails - Creating Nanomaterials Using Laser Ablation

Laser Zentrum Hannover presented a range of micro and submicro structures, created by placing a solid material such as a metal, in a liquid and using short-pulsed lasers to break up the material into nanoparticles.

SPECS FE-LEEM P90 - Demonstration at emc 2012

Andreas Thissen from SPECS talks to AZoTV at emc2012

NanoSteel's Advanced High Strength Sheet Steel Properties in Action

NanoSteel's Advanced High Strength Sheet Steel Properties.

Liquid Nanotechnology Ecology Coating Superior to Traditional Coating Process

A video clip showing how Ecology Coatings using liquid nanotechnology, and vitually no harmful materials in the production process can save energy, reduce wastage which increases efficiency. These coatings are ultraviolet curable and provide an abrasion resistant surface with excellent adhesion. Comparisons are drawn to traditional coating processes and coatings.

The Hysitron TriboIndenter and Nanomechanical Testing Instruments

This slick animation provides details on the Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter and TI 750 Ubi Nanomechanical test Instrument. Key features, specifications and capabilities are outlined as well as the variety of operating modes for the TI 750 Ubi.

Advanced Manufacturing of Carbon Fibre Composites for Aerospace Applications

Slade Gardner from Lockheed Martin explains that we are currently going through a rebirth of materials science thanks to nanotechnology.

AFM Users Contribute to Unique Market Study

In an exclusive interview carried out at Pittcon 2009, we speak with Barbara Foster from the Microscopy and Imaging Place or The MIP about the first ever global report on the AFM market place using feedback from AFM users themselves.

New Carbon Nanotube Composites with Multiple Layers of Graphite

A video showing the combination of carbon nanotube and graphite to produce a new nanoscale composite. This unique structure was in fact founded accidentally. Chemical vapour deposition was used to make thin films of vertically aligned multi-walled CNT. This new structure has multiple graphite layers on top of the nanotubes.

The AFM+ from Anasys Instruments

Roshan Shetty from Anasys Instruments shows us their new AFM+ platform. This new development has been designed as a modular entry level instrument that combines an atomic force microscope and thermal analysis capabilities. It has been designed so that it can be upgraded to their NanoIR spec at a later date.

NF120: Nano-focus X-ray Inspection for Wafer Level Packaging

This video displays the Nano-focus X-ray Inspection System for Wafer Level Packaging (NF120).

Stensborg, Supporting STEM Innovators of Tomorrow

Give your students the tools to be the next generation of STEM innovators; we’ve made it smarter and easier than ever

World Nanoparticle Counting Championships Featuring the Izon qNano

This novel competition pitted representatives from 4 countries against one another in The World Championship of Nanoparticle Counting in which each combatant raced to count 100 nanoparticles using a qNano from Izon.

The Process Behind Making the 45nm Processor

This video takes the viewer through the manufacturing process of an Intel 45nm chip factory. The technology behind the 45nm chip and the machine and process required for manufacturing one of the world's smallest transistors.

Nanomanufacturing - Future of Manufacturing with Nanotechnology

A good video demonstration on the future of manufacturing will change from advancement in nanotechnology and how products can be made from individual atoms.

What is Nanotechnology and the Applications of Carbon Nanotubes in AFM

A video clip describing what is nanotechnology and the application of carbon nanotube tips in AFM as they give higher resolution , low cost, good electrical conductivity, flexible, high strength and its potential applications in polymers and strengthening polymers.

What are Carbon Nanotubes?

This video clip from the National Science Foundation demonstrates the unique properties of carbon nanotubes such as their electrical properties which leads to potential applications in semicondutor industries and their strength which is higher than stainless steels.

A Discussion On The Emerging Nanomaterials in Medicine

A video clip discussing the approach of how emerging nanomaterials in medicine are being engineered and how existing material properties are being optimized for producing new nanomaterials. These emerging nanomaterials are the work of interdisciplinary collaboration between different fields within the scientific community.

Process of Carbon MEMS Technology (C-MEMS)

Carbon-MEMS (C-MEMS) refers to a microfabrication technique in which photopatterned resists, heat treated (pyrolyzed) at different temperatures in different ambient gases, are used as a carbonaceous structural and functional material for micro electromechanical systems (MEMS).

Get to know LatticeGear

An overview of LatticeGear and their products.

How Nanoparticles Are Produced by Laser Ablation

Particular Colloids produce gold, silver, titanium, zinc, magnesium and copper metallic nanoparticles in acetone by laser ablation.

Revolutionary Nanosensors for Early Detection of Cancer Cells

A video demonstrating how nanotechnoloyg is revolutionising the future of medical detection. The development and advacnement of nanoscale detection sensorssa are giving scientists the ability to detect cancer and other diseases at its early stages. This video shows the development of two such sensors made only possible by embracing micro and nanotechnology.

Using Nanowires and Spintronics to Create Super Fast Computer Memory

Dr. Stuart Parkin from the IBM Almaden Research Center tells us about a new type of memory that is theoretically about a million times faster than current hard disk technologies, with very fast access times, but at the same time very cheap to produce, along with many of the benefits of solid state memory. Called racetrack memory, it uses nanowires and spintronics.

Surface Treatment Provides Reduced Friction and Energy Consumption

A video clip showing how surface treatment with Fricso polymer materials can help reduce friction and energy consumption and hence reducing running and maintenance costs. This technology allows friction reduction and energy consumption by treating metal surface on existing production line. A nano layer deposition with oil retaining capabilities is created.

How a Raman Spectrometer Works ?

This video detail the proper setup for taking Raman measurements using the Ocean Optics Q65000 Spectrometer. Once setup is complete it takes you through the steps of performing a basic Raman measurement using a Ramen spectrometer.

How Are People Regulating Nanotechnology Products

A good video discussion the concerns on the applications and the increase in nanotechnology products available in our market today. A brief intro on what nanotechnology is and than discussing the concerns on the safety of nanotechnology products and the concern on the environment and health and lack of standards to regulate them and what experts are doing to solve these problems.

Applications of Hexapod 6-DOF Motion Platforms Shown at Photonics West | PI Booth

Hexapod 6-DOF platforms can solve complex motion and positioning tasks in applications including astronomy, aerospace, image-stabilization testing, photonics alignment, optics test, micro-manufacturing etc.

NanoSteel’s President Interviewed at Popular Science Radio

This video shows NanoSteel's President and CEO, David Paratore discussing the company’s breakthrough nano-structured sheet steel, which features a combination of high tensile strength and high ductility in cold-formable steel.

NanoSteel for Additive Manufacturing

Breakthrough in uniform metal matrix composites.

The Nanosurf easyScan2 FlexAFM - Key Features

Ola Modinger from Nanosurf points out some of the key features of their easyScan2 FlexAFM that was released at the 2008 MRS Fall Meeting, where this interview was recorded.

The AZoM iPhone App - The World of Materials in the Palm of Your Hand

The iPhone app from gives you the world of materials in the palm of your hand. It offers you a totally portable way to locate materials solutions, suppliers and products as well as providing you with the latest materials news, conveniently broken down into categories to suit various industry sectors.

Graphene Transfer: Trivial Transfer Graphene (ACS Material)

Want to transfer the graphene onto other substrates? It only takes a second with Trivial Transfer Graphene™ from ACS Materials.

Nanoscope Doubles the Ability of Light Microscopes

A video clip showing the use of the latest light microscope, the nanoscope, which has many applications in nanomaterials and studies within biological systems. Sample can be viewed as small as 100nm with high resolution. The nanoscope allows the ability to visuallize the structure and shape of the material even if cannot be seen.

The Nanonics Multiview 4000 Multiprobe SPM System

David Lewis form Nanonics Imaging shows us their Multiview 4000 multiprobe SPM system. It can cater for up to 4 independent probes creating a true nano workstation. The open platform design enables integration with optical or scanning electron microscopes as well as Raman microscopes.

Water Resistant Glass Nanocoating

Road testing the NanoBionic glass coating on the front car screen demonstrating the unique water resistant properties which would make the wind shield wipers seem obsolete

Changing Your Home to Green Products and Green Materials - A DIY Guide

There is a growing group of homeowners around the world that is turning to green materials when it comes to renovating their house or building their house. However finding green products is not as easier as it seems. This video clip give the viewer ideas on the products that is currently available for keeping your home "green" and most importantly where to find these products. Go Green!!

Nanotechnology in Self-Assembling Process for Fabrication Tailored Thin Films

Sandia scientists and engineers have developed a radically new self-assembling process for fabricating tailored thin films. This new technology is set to change the way that optical and electrical thin films are produced and its applications as this method can be modified and optimized at any stage of the process with many manufacturing benefits compared with conventional production. Watch and find out how.

World's Thinnest OLED Display Screen and Future Applications of OLEDs

A video clip showing the new release of Sony's 3mm thick OLED display screen. It is made from supertop emission technology combined with microcavity structure and color filters. Picture clarity from different angles while maintaining picture quality. Utilise Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) which is both energy efficient and easier to produce. Discussion of future applications of OLED.

The Easy to Use SmartSPM from AIST-NT

Bill Flecky and Andrey Krayev from AIST-NT show us how easy the SmartSPM is to use. It is able to perform scans very quickly, and in the space of just a few minutes we see them set up the instrument and take a series of measurements.

NanoSteel’s President Discusses AHSS Sheet Design for Better Fuel Economy

This video shows David Paratore, President and CEO of The NanoSteel Company.

The Impact of the EU's Definition of Nanomaterials

The EU will soon feel the impact of the recently published their definition of nanomaterials. Jeremy Warren from Nanosight indicates how this will impact EU, in particular areas such as ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring.

Testing On Nano-Coated Window Car

A short demonstration of a Bentley with nano-coated car window showing its ability to protect against different types of solutions and testings.

Bamboo Charcoal Nanoparticles in Fabrics for Antibacterial and Deodorizing Applications interviewed Robin Low, Director of Greenyarn about their fabrics that contain bamboo charcoal nanoparticles. He briefly explains how they are produced and shows us numerous examples of finished products including socks and underwear. He also outlines reasons for using bamboo charcoal naoparticles which include their antibacterial and deodorizing properties.

Carbon Nanotubes Used in Growing New Bones

Material scientists are developing carbon nanotubes to regenerate bone within the body to overcome some of the challenges and limitations of conventional bone implants. They are proposing to coating the carbon nanotube bone scaffold with collagen to promote new bone regeneration.

Size and Shape Particle Analyzer - Video of Microtrac MRB's Sync

Microtrac MRB’s synchronous size and shape analyzer, Sync, integrates the world’s leading laser diffraction technology with the world’s leading dynamic image analysis technology.

Mini DLS System: Online DLS Technology

This video introduces the Mini DLS system, an online particle measurement solution that sits diverts samples from your process stream to provide data in near real-time.

New class of Nano-Structured Steel from NanoSteel

This video shows Daniel Branagan, Chief technical Officer at The NanoSteel Company discussing the company’s new generation of steel that exhibits special microstructures with grain sizes down to the nano-scale level.

Carbon Nanotube Aerogel Muscles

A video demonstration looking at the molecular level of Superelastic Carbon Nanotube Aerogel Muscles.

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