Videos | Materials Processing

Materials Processing Videos

Materials Processing Videos

Pushing Technological Boundaries with Automation, Nanopositioning and Piezo Technology

Automation, Nanotechnology and Piezo Technology are pieces of a puzzle.

Precision Motion and Automation Solutions at LASER Show | PI

Overview of motion technology demonstrations at PI's booth at 2019 LASER World of PHOTONICS conference

AutoChem II - Injection Loop Replacement

This video provides a step-by-step guide on replacing the injection loop in a Micromeritics AutoChem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

Solder Reflow Services from Digicom

This video describes Digicom’s solder reflow services. The advanced high-throughput convection reflow oven from Digicom produces customized time-temperature profiles for each board.

AutoChem II - Loop Calibration

This video demonstrates how to calibrate the loop on a Micromeritics AutoChem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

Piezoceramic Materials and Piezoceramic Components from PI Ceramic

This video provides an overview of PI Ceramic's products, technologies, and applications. PI Ceramic produces high-quality piezoceramic materials and piezoceramic components to be used as actuators or sensors. PI Ceramic develops piezo elements from different materials to suit customers’ needs.

Waterjet Cutting a Pizza into the Celtics Logo

This video from FedTech demonstrates how a waterjet cutter can be programmed to cut a "pizza" into the logo of the Boston Celtics NBA team logo.

6-DOF Platform Stabilization with Gyroscope and Matlab Programmable Hexapod Stewart Platform

There are many optics and metrology related applications which require a stable work surface in an unstable environment, whether that environment is vibrating, in an aircraft, a vessel at sea or elsewhere.

Manufacturing Aluminium Road Wheels by Forging and Casting

This video shows the various processes used by Rays Wheels to manutacture both forged and cast aluminium wheels for road cars

High Performance Servo Motion Controller Adapts to Different Loads ServoBoost™

ServoBoost™ is a real-time automatic adaption to load changes for ACS motion controllers: The video shows how an ACS motion controller with ServoBoost™ automatically maintains the performance and stability of a high-precision motion stage despite a significant load changes.

How Stainless Steel is Made from Scrap Steel

Most people are familiar, or at least have come into contact with stainless steel on an almost daily basis. This informative video details how stainless steel is produced from scrap metal. The video then goes into the production of stainless steel strip from slab as well as cleaning scale and stress relieving so that it is easier to process.

Soldering Connector to Wires from Ambrell

This video shows soldering of grounding copper lugs and wires using Ambrell induction system.

TD-NMR minispec Seed Analyzer

TD-NMR minispec Seed Analyzer

Next generation optical surface profiling

This video introduces the TopMap whitelight-interferometers, Micro.View and Micro.View+, which offer advanced optical surface profiling designed for detailed 3D characterization of surface roughness, texture, and form parameters down to the nanometer range.

Quick Tips | Breakthrough Analysis | Tip: In Situ Activation

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: Breakthrough Analysis

CAST Cooperative Research Centre - Functions and Successes

George Collins CEO of the CAST Cooperative Research Centre in Australia explains what who his organisation is and what they have set out to do and who is involved. In particular CAST partner with members of industry and look to improve processes and materials.

A Discussion On The Emerging Nanomaterials in Medicine

A video clip discussing the approach of how emerging nanomaterials in medicine are being engineered and how existing material properties are being optimized for producing new nanomaterials. These emerging nanomaterials are the work of interdisciplinary collaboration between different fields within the scientific community.

6-DOF Piezo Nanopositioning Stage for Alignment and Scanning

6-Axis Nanopositioning System for Photonics Alignment and Scanning Applications.

Fast XY Scanning Stage for Optics, Metrology, Microscopy | Voice Coil Linear Motor, Compact, Precise-|PI V-528

V-528 linear stages are motorized with voice coil linear motors to provide friction-less, maintenance-free motion in a compact package. They are available as single axis linear stages and as XY scanner combinations.

Collaborative Innovation: The CEA-Technetics Revolutionary Partnership

Discover the groundbreaking collaboration between the CEA and Technetics that led to the creation of the Helicoflex® seal.

Vacuum Infusion - How it Works

A video demonstrating the process of vacuum infusion on a civid hood frame.

Micromeritics Flow Reactor - Product Overview

Micromeritics bringing to you The Flow Reactor (FR), the most advanced system for the evaluation of catalyst performance.

Nanococktails - Creating Nanomaterials Using Laser Ablation

Laser Zentrum Hannover presented a range of micro and submicro structures, created by placing a solid material such as a metal, in a liquid and using short-pulsed lasers to break up the material into nanoparticles.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 4: Degas Conditions

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Custom-Made Integrated Process Systems

Hosokawa Micron are leaders in containment technolgies. They provide bespoke, made-to-order contained process systems which can achieve nanolevels of containment.

World Auto Steel: Interview with Dr. Roland Geyer on LCA

This video from World Auto Steel shows the interview with Dr. Roland Geyer Asst Professor, David Bren School of Environment at UCSB. He talks about the importance of Life Cycle Assessment in determining the environmental impact of vehicles.

Direct Drive XY-Linear Stage for Scanning & Alignment | V-508 PI Nanopositioning

The demo shows high speed scan and alignment motion with two direct-drive linear stages, XY configuration, with linear motors.

Quantitative NMR (qNMR) — Nanalysis

While often overlooked, the inherently quantitative nature of NMR Spectroscopy is gaining increasing recognition in the field as a greener alternative to quantify a number of key parameters. Explore the latest in quantitative benchtop NMR assay development.

Types of Mechanical Seals

There are various types of mechanical seals, including contacting and non-contacting face seals. They both operate as a sealing system with a stationary component coupled with a matched axial rotating part.

Flipscribing Glass

This video shows how to accurately scribe and break glass. This technique is very useful in preparing samples of films on glass for further analysis.

Enhancing Welding Precision with Cavitar Welding Camera in Robotized Welding

Cavitar welding cameras offer numerous benefits to the robot welding industry.

Brazing Brass Fitting to Brass Tube Using Ambrell Heating System

This video shows brazing a brass fitting to a brass tube using Ambrell induction heating system.

Piezoelectric and Reverse Piezoelectric Effect for MAE/ECE 535

A video demonstration on the piezoelectric and reverse piezoelectric effect for MAE/ECE 535 with everyday household appliances.

Soldering Rivet onto Steel Tank Cap from Ambrell

This video shows soldering a rivet onto a steel tank cap by induction heating from Ambrell.

Brazing Sleeve to Door Handle form Ambrell

This video shows brazing a centerpiece onto a bronze/brass door handle with the help of Ambrell induction heating system.

Solder Paste Printing

This video illustrates about solder paste printing. Solder paste performs the function of a physical interconnection material and also serves as the conductor, structural support, and thermal interface.

Applications of Energy-Saving Composites from TRB Lightweight Structures

This video shows the applications of composites made at TRB Lightweight Structures in automotive, marine, and architectural markets. TRB Lightweight Structures is focused on developing products that reduce energy consumption.

Soldering Copper Plate with Induction Heating from Ambrell

This video shows the soldering of copper plate with the help of Ambrell EASYHEAT induction heating system.

Weld, Solder, Cure or Sinter with SPOLD® LD Irradiation Light Source

Hamamatsu’s LD irradiation light source SPOLD®, has a laser beam condensed small spot which is so powerful that your materials will not only merge to perfection but also harden quickly.

The Interplay Between Conservation Science and Art - Dr. Gregory Smith at Pittcon 2023

The Interplay Between Conservation Science and Art - Pittcon 2023

Pattern-Free Iron Castings Using Saguenay Foundry’s Nopatech

This video demonstrates the pattern-free iron castings using Saguenay Foundry’s Nopatech. The company developed this new moulding technology to produce complex iron castings without pattern in just a few days.

How Titanium is Made

You have probably heard titanium, but did you ever know where it came from? This video answers that question. From the extraction of the ore, through to refining and purification using the Kroll process, to production of titanium sheets via forging, it's all here for you to see.

Labeling and Print-on-Demand Solutions in histology lab from Thermo Scientific

In this video industry expert Tyler Liebig from Thermo Scientific highlights slide and cassette labeling in the histology lab.

Thermoforming Plastics with ThermoFab Superhero

ThermoFab launched its Thermoforming Superhero video. The Superhero was created to provide a fresh, fun explanation on the process of thermoforming plastics and on ThermoFab's unique capabilities to go from concepts on a napkin to finished product in 6 weeks.

Handling Bulk Powder Using Flow Sciences’ Containment Solutions

This video demonstrates the handling process of bulk powder using the safety containment solutions from Flow Sciences.

Using Shape Memory Alloys in Aircraft Wings to Reduce Turbulence

A video clip showing the use of shape memory alloys in aircraft wings could be used to reduce turbulence in airplanes. The shape memory effect of alloys of titanium, nickel and copper is demonstrated and explained. Such alloys have been used to create a prototype aircraft wing. The advantages of the materials in this application are outlined.

Laser Ablation: Green Technology for Chemical Analysis from Applied Spectra

This video shows Jong Yoo, V.P. of Technology and Marketing at Applied Spectra, discussing the technology of laser ablation and why it is a green technology.

Barnstead Water Purification Systems from Thermo Scientific

This video shows Barnstead water purification systems from Thermo Scientific. These water purification technologies provide solutions for most of the critical and every day application need from electrodeionization to reverse osmosis to distillation.

How Scientists Image Brain Cells

A video showing what scientists use to image the neuron network of the spine and also brain cells. The interaction of the neuron along the spine and the brain is also discussed as well. This imaging techinque allows medical researchers the ability to distinguish between healthy neuron network to those that are damaged.

Micromeritics AccuPyc: The Easiest, Fastest and Most Accurate Pycnometer Ever

Introducing the new AccuPyc from Micromeritics.The AccuPyc is an industry leading gas pycnometer that is easier, faster, and more accurate than any other pycnometers.

ROHACELL Structural Foam for Lightweight Sandwich Construction

This video shows ROHACELL® structural foam that has been used in composite technology for many years. ROHACELL offers PMI-based foam with 100% closed-cell structure.

Waterjet Cutting a Multi Layer Titanium Part by FedTech

A multi layer titanium part is cut at an angle using a waterjet cutter. This video produced by FedTech.

ZeGage Pro and ZeGage Pro HR

This video explores the ZeGage Pro and ZeGage Pro HR from Zygo.

Demonstration of the Capabilities of Waterjet and Laser Cutting Processes by FedTech

This short video from FedTech demonstrates the versatility of waterjet and laser cutting processes. In particular it shows how the processes can be used to cut thick, thin, hard and soft materials.

Meet BMF: Powering High Precision, Micro-AM Innovation Across Industries and the Globe

As design demands drive smaller components across industries from medtech to electronics, Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF) is propelling innovation with ultra-high precision, micro additive manufacturing from within and across the globe.

Clean Copper Cleaving

Cleaving copper with the LatticeAx

TD-NMR minispec Solid Fat Content Analyzer

TD-NMR minispec Solid Fat Content Analyzer

Carbon Nanotube Electronics

The Stanford Nanoelectronics Group presents "Nanotechnology - Carbon Nanotube Electronics", a short educational video on nanotechnology and carbon nanotubes

MEMS Applications and Systems

MEMS Applications and Systems: Enabling the next generation of industrial and consumer products Combining silicon-based microelectronics with micromachining technology, MEMS techniques and microsystem-based devices can potentially affect our lives and the way we live in a most positive way.

Will the Future of the Nanotechnology Industry Be Environmentally Friendly ?

A video discussing the future of the nanotechnology industry in the upcoming century as it will become a multi trillion dollar industry in next decade. The question that is people are trying to determine is, will it be a green industry ? Researchers are spinning gold and copper nanoparticles to target tumor cell and cancer patients. Which deals with particles that are toxic to human beings.

CAVILUX Lasers Unveil the Ultimate Visuals of Laser Cladding - Prepare to be Mindblown!

The footage was provided by our distributors in Poland EC TEST Systems footage taken by Silesian University of Technology using Phantom High-Speed camera.

How Shot Peening Technology Can Improve Product Performance

What gives a race car the winning edge ? How do aircraft landing gears sustain the heavy punshiment of stress ? This video explains the process and applications of shot peening technology in improving product performance.

What is a Mechanical Seal and What Goes Into the Design?

The primary purpose of a mechanical seal is to separate air from fluids in rotating applications. Mechanical seals consist of a rotating component, a rotor or mating ring, and a stationary component often called the seal.

Purchasing and Supply Chain

This video describes how electronic components are purchased at Digicom. The company has vast experience with sourcing hard-to-find electronic components.

Autochem II - Sample Preparation for Chemisorption Analyses

This video demonstrates how to prepare and load the sample tube for chemisorption analyses using the Micromeritics AutoChem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

Introduction to Plastic Media Blasting from Composition Materials

This video gives an introduction to plastic media blasting (PMB) from Composition Materials.

Fiber Alignment Using PI Hexapods

This video shows how PI hexapods align fibers with submicrometer accuracy to reach the so-called “first light”. PI provides a variety of innovative fiber alignment systems. Fiber alignment is an example for positioning on 6 axes with submicrometer accuracy.

Nanomanufacturing - Future of Manufacturing with Nanotechnology

A good video demonstration on the future of manufacturing will change from advancement in nanotechnology and how products can be made from individual atoms.

AutoChem II - Temperature Programmed Reduction with Silver Oxide

This video will guide you through conducting a Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) analysis using silver oxide reference material on the Micromeritics AutoChem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

Thermcraft eXPRESS Line Box Furnaces - Key Features

The eXPRESS Line furnaces from Thermcraft as so-named due to their short 2 week lead time to be manufactured. Jim Miller points out the key features and options of the box furnace range.

Packaging and Shipping Services from Digicom

This video describes packaging and shipping services offered by Digicom. Finished boards and materials are carefully and professionally packed and then shipped to customers’ location using standard mail or international couriers.

Everyday Application of Epoxy Adhesive

Epoxy is great for gluing together a variety of materials. From glass to stone, the video demonstrates why epoxy glue is what you need to use to get a lasting bond.

Periodic Table app for Plasma Etch & Deposition processes from Oxford Instruments

This video shows the periodic table app for the plasma etch and deposition process from Oxford Instruments.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 10: Selecting an Instrument

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Complete Carbon Fiber Lines Scale Up from Harper

This video from Harper shows the carbon fiber scale up path from small scientific research lines to full scale production.

Cleaning Cell Windows on Mastersizer 3000

This video illustrates how to clean the cell windows of Malvern Panalytical’s Mastersizer 3000. The Mastersizer 3000 particle size analyzer provides fast and exact distributions of particle size for both dry and wet dispersions.

The NETZSCH STA 509 Jupiter - Perfect for Coupling

Outstanding Performance Coupled with Cutting-Edge Design: The STA 509 Series

Building a Greener Future: Sustainable Construction Materials - Matthew Glasscott at Pittcon 2023

Building a Greener Future: Sustainable Construction Materials - Matthew Glasscott at Pittcon 2023

Overmoulding Process of Thick-Walled Optical Components from Arburg

This video shows the overmoulding process of thick-walled optical components from Arburg.

Video Demonstration of the IKA Universal Crusher: MultiDrive

Regardless of whether samples are hard, soft, or fibrous – the IKA MultiDrive crusher can perform a wide range of crushing tasks involving coarse and fine crushing, thanks to the variety of vessels available.

Plasma Cutting of Steel - The Process

A video clip from Corus showing the use of steel plasma cutting as an alternative cutting method for cutting steel. The video demonstrates the process of how steel plasma cutting is performed. Steel plasma cutting with a copper tip can reach temperature of 20,000 degree celcius with a velocity approaching the speed of sound.

Vibration Isolation Products from Minus K

This video shows the demo of vibration isolation using Minus K isolators at Spacecraft Technology Expo Booth. Minus K Technology's workstations, benchtops, platforms, tables, and custom design isolators are used for creating anti-vibration and vibration free environments involving laboratory research, nanotechnology, microscopy, and highly sensitive instrumentation.

Additive Manufacturing by Plansee

Plansee is your partner for innovative solutions with refractory metals and all from a single source for 100 years. We use modern processes such as additive manufacturing to enable you to produce complex components that could not be manufactured by conventional methods.

Copper Gaskets Produced by Waterjet Cutting by FedTech

Demostration of copper gasketrs being produced using waterjet cutting techniques, by FedTech.

JDC Precision Sample Cutter from Thwing Albert

This video illustrates Thwing Albert’s twin-blade cutter, which is a JDC precision sample cutter for producing clean and accurate tensile testing samples. View Video

SMAC LCA6 - Thinnest Moving Coil Linear Motor In the World

SMAC LCA6 is the thinnest moving coil linear motor in the world

Process of Carbon MEMS Technology (C-MEMS)

Carbon-MEMS (C-MEMS) refers to a microfabrication technique in which photopatterned resists, heat treated (pyrolyzed) at different temperatures in different ambient gases, are used as a carbonaceous structural and functional material for micro electromechanical systems (MEMS).

A Platform Approach to Scientific Data Flow Management: Everything You Need to Know

In this interview, AZoM speaks with Alan Marcus, Chief Growth Officer, at LabVantage during Pittcon 2024 about their platform approach to scientific data flow management.

NMR based fully automated FoodScreener

NMR based fully automated FoodScreener

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 9: Selecting the BET Range

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Product Portfolio: LaserNet 200 Series Oil Particle Counter

The Spectro LNF Q200 series features LaserNetFines™, the world’s best particle counter technology.

5 Reasons for Choosing the MCR 72 and MCR 92 Rheometers

5 Reasons for Choosing the MCR 72 and MCR 92 Rheometers

Titanium Manufacturing and Processing - From Start to Finish

A video clip showing how titanium has revolutionize the aerospace industry with the world's fastest plane, the SR71, being built from titanium. The video shows the manufacturing of titanium from the mining of the titanium ore and takes it through the complex and expensive processing of the titanium which can take up to six months.

SlideMate Labeling in Labwork from Thermo Scientific

In this video industry expert Tyler Liebig from Thermo Scientific highlights slide and cassette labeling in the histology lab using SlideMate.

The Process Behind Making the 45nm Processor

This video takes the viewer through the manufacturing process of an Intel 45nm chip factory. The technology behind the 45nm chip and the machine and process required for manufacturing one of the world's smallest transistors.

Walnut Shell Blasting from Composition Materials

In this video Ted Diamond of Composition Materials discusses more efficient method of paint removal when reconditioning submarines.

PI Positioning Solutions for Microscopy and Imaging

This video shows the various precision motion products solutions offered by Physik instrumente (PI) for microscopy and imaging applications. Super-resolution microscopy and imaging requires extremely fast, stable, and accurate positioning equipment, for example, lens positioners and scanners, microscopy stages, fast nano-focus devices based on piezo, voice-coil, and linear motor technology.

Enabling Miniaturization: BMF Company Overview

Boston Micro Fabrication was founded to serve a previously underserved market - additive manufacturing of micro parts. We set out on a mission when we globally launched in early 2020 to enable miniaturization - one of the biggest trends in product design.

Operating Principle of PILine Ultrasonic Piezomotors

This video shows the operating principle of PILine ultrasonic piezomotors. The piezoceramic actuator forms an integral part of ultrasonic piezomotor. The actuator is excited to ultrasonic vibrations with a high-frequency electric signal (100 to 200 kHz).

Magnesium Case Cleaning on a Porsche 911

A video using magnesium engine case cleaing on a Porsche 911.

Reclaiming Carbides in Drill Bit from Ambrell

This video shows the reclaiming of drill bit with Ambrell Induction heating system.

Contamination Control Solutions Throughout the Semiconductor Manufacturing Process

Complete solutions for contamination monitoring and control throughout semiconductor manufacturing. 20 nm for liquids: chemicals and Ultrapure water batch sampling options to 20 nm.

National SureStop Vial Expert Insight - Stephanie Urriola

In this video Stephanie Urriola, Product Line Director from Thermo Scientific talks about the National SureStop vial.

HBLED Applications and Systems: Enabling the Revolution of Solid State Lighting

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology presents an evolution in Batch Etch technology. The HBLED industry justifiably demands high throughput, optimum device quality and low cost of ownership.

Quality Management Systems | Analytical Services

Our Quality Management Systems are essential in providing excellence in our Analytical Services. Jordi Labs is an ISO registered company that can provide GMP compliance services when requested.

Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc.: Automation & Fabrication Capabilities

This video showcases Mid-Mountain's expertise and fabrication capabilities to manufacture thermal barriers and environmental protection solutions, utilizing automation and vertical integration to engineer customized, high-quality products.

Final Inspection/ Quality Assurance

This video shows how Digicom’s products are subject to a rigorous final inspection before they leave the factory. Digicom offers first pass yield of more than 98% for all its products.

Overview of PI’s N-565 Piezo Motor Linear Positioner

This video shows Physik Instrumente (PI)’s Nexact® piezo stepping drive with subnanometer precision. The N-565 linear positioner is more compact, achieves higher velocities, and has developing forces in the range of 10 to 20 N. A suitable selection of the piezo elements optimizes step size, clamping force, velocity, and stiffness for the respective applications.

DS 300: A Single-Use Mixer from Thermo Scientific

This video shows Millie Ullah, a bioprocess expert, talking about Thermo Scientific’s Single-Use Mixer DS 300 system, an advanced and flexible docking station utilized for liquid mixing and transfer.

Breakthrough Analyzer - How to Perform a Leak Test

This video will show you how to perform a leak test on the Micromeritics Breakthrough Analyzer.

Introduction To Pittcon Exhibition 2013

Exhibit at Pittcon 2013 and be part of the annual global conference and expo for laboratory science.

Flipscribing Silicon

This video shows how LatticeGear's back side scriber is used to cleave a large sample from a silicon wafer. This sample preparation technique is useful for preparing samples for cross section analysis

Product Portfolio: SpectrOil 100 Series Elemental Oil Analysis

Spectroils are easy to use, reliable and the workhorses of commercial and military oil analysis laboratories that require the rapid analysis of wear metals, contaminants and additives in lubricants.

Customer Reviews on Thermo Scientific Portable XRF Analyzers

In this video, customers at PDAC 2012 share their business experiences of using Thermo Scientific portable XRF analyzers in the mining and exploration industry.

The Universal Midi Centrifuge IKA G-L for Separating Substances

Separating substances at medium rotational speeds: IKA G-L is the ideal midi centrifuge for all types of separation processes such as those found in molecular biology. It can be used with standard 1.5/2 ml vessels, as well as with PCR strips.

How Aluminum is Made

The process of making aluminum is described. Starting with the raw material bauxite and going via the Bayer process, we see the aluminum production procedure.

ARBURG Service

This video from ARBURG focuses on the requirements of the customers and provides them with its technology and services directly on the location.

Receiving and Incoming Inspection

This video shows inspection of components at Digicom. At Digicom, every tray of electronic components undergoes 100% visual inspection at Goods Inward and is labeled for accurate moisture sensitivity, shelf life expectancy, and tracking.

Introduction to GPC in 30 Minutes

Presented by GPC applications specialist Dr Kyle Williams this 30 minute introduction offers a comprehensive educational insight into the technology and its applications.

How Steel Scuba Tanks are Made

Scuba tanks must withstand massive pressures. The production process involves procedures such as deep drawing, hot spinning, heat treatment, machining, shot blasting and sometimes hot dip galvanized as well being hydrostatically tested.

PrintMate Cassette Printer from Thermo Scientific

In this video Tyler Liebig highlights innovative cassette label printing with the Thermo Scientific PrintMate.

Future Weapon Using Laser Incorporated into Directed Energy Weapon

Science fiction has been predictiong forceshield and death rays but the reality of this technology is closer than we think. Its called Directed Energy Weapon which can shoot 300,000 faster than conventional bullets!! This is a good video showing the future and current laser weapon technology in airborne situation and in hostage situation.

Spectrometer Wavelength Calibration by Ocean Optics

A video by Ocean Optics on how to calibrate the wavelength of a spectrometer. Spectrometer will drift slightly due to time and environmental conditions. This video details the steps in verifying and calibrating your spectrometer and the instruments required.

3Flex - How to Install a New Gas Cylinder

This video demonstrates how to install a new gas cylinder on the Micromeritics 3Flex Surface Characterization Analyzer.

Diamond Track Cleaning Process from Digicom

This video describes diamond track cleaning process that sets Digicom apart from its competitors. Cleaning electronics becomes essential with increased component miniaturization, rising cost of advanced packages, and electromigration.

15 Second Introduction into QPAC® Thermal Decomposable Binder

Discover a 15 second introduction into the QPAC® thermal decomposable binder.

Walnut Shell Blasting at Norfolk Navy shipyard from Composition Materials

This video shows the footage of Walnut Shell Blasting at the Norfolk Navy shipyard from Composition Materials.

Burn-in Test from Digicom Electronics

This video provides a brief idea about the burn-in test used at Digicom. The burn-in test is used to stress check the finished board assemblies for identifying any signs of possible failures.

What is Induction Brazing - Overview by Ameritherm

Brazing is a heating process in which two or more like or unlike materials are joined together by means of another metal alloy with a lower melting point. Induction heating provides reliable, repeatable, non-contact and energy-efficient heat in a minimal amount of time without flame.

Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc.: Fabric weaving with state-of-the-art loom

This video highlights Mid-Mountain Materials' work with state-of-the-art loom and how it enhances fabric weaving with different materials.


Athena is a Finite Element Simulation code developed by EDF. The CIVA Athena 2D module will be available soon. It will then be possible to add it to your CIVA UT Module license. This new Module is the first coupling between CIVA and a Finite Element code to be commercially released.

GPC Testing | Investigation Analysis | Regulatory Analysis

GPC Testing, Investigation Analysis, Regulatory Analysis

Tempering Steel Studs with Ambrell Induction Heating System

This video shows tempering of the steel studs threads using Ambrell induction heating system.

Waterjet Cutting a Nickel Superalloy

Using a waterjet cutter to machines a nickel superalloy component for use in an advanced jet engine.

Ultra High Precision Machining of Titanium for Cutting Edge Products

A video clip shows how the Suzuki Precision is pushing the limits, as customer needs are becoming more demanding in fields such as medical science, biotechnology and the semiconductor industry witht he advancement of nanotechnology. These industries are requiring more sophisticated cutting tools and cutting processes with various types of metal are required. In particular Suzuki Precision works with titanium developing processing technologies to produce cost effective finished items.

Anchor Brewing Co.: Customer Success Story

Anchor Brewing Co.: Customer Success Story

Quick Halide Soak Method from Rigaku

This video from Rigaku shows two summer interns demonstrates the quick soak method.

Minus K’ Anti Vibration Technology – Wine Glass Demo

This video shows the demo of the famous Minus K wine glass. Erik Runge, Director of Engineering at Minus K Technology, shows how Minus K offers the best in class anti vibration technology.

Exploring Biomaterials for Better Coatings

In this video, Prof. Yeau-Ren Jeng from the National Chung Cheng University talks about studying enamel, the top layer of the tooth.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 7: Speed Optimization

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Air Bearing Rotary Tables and Motorized Linear Air Bearings | PI

Rotary Air Bearings provide High Precision Motion with Minimal Eccentricity and Wobble.

Motion Control for Semiconductor and Optics Manufacturing and Testing - Maglev, Air Bearings, Hexapods

Precision automation applications at: Video shows examples of high precision motion systems used for test, inspection and production of semiconductor and photonics related products: Magnetic Levitation, Air Bearing Multi-Axis Stages and fast 6-DOF Motion Platforms (Hexapod) for image stabilization testing.

Exploring Environics Products

This video looks at Environics available products. Environics design, manufacture and sell gas flow instrumentation, specializing in customizing their units to fit the needs of the customers.

Quick Tips | Breakthrough Analysis | Tip: Use a Tracer Gas to Simplify Analysis

In this video, learn how to measure the dead volume and simplify your breakthrough experiments using a tracer gas.

How Nanoparticles Are Produced by Laser Ablation

Particular Colloids produce gold, silver, titanium, zinc, magnesium and copper metallic nanoparticles in acetone by laser ablation.

Melting of Copper by Induction Heating from Ambrell Induction

This video shows the melting of suspended copper by induction heating from Ambrell Induction.

Andreas Lackner, Member of the Executive Board of the Plansee Group Presents Highlight KPIs of the New Sustainability Report 2023

Andreas Lackner, Member of the Executive Board of the Plansee Group presents highlight KPIs of the new sustainability report 2023, and talks about the companys sustainability strategy.

Brazing Copper Rod and Bracket Using Ambrell Induction System

This video shows brazing a copper rod and bracket using Ambrell induction heating system.

Heating Steel Gear Ring by Ambrell Induction Heating System

This video shows induction heating of steel gear ring from Ambrell.

Piezoelectric Transducers & Piezo Components for OEM's - Flexible Printed Circuit Boards

Custom piezo transducers for OEM's with pre-configured connectors and flexible printed circuit boards (PCBs).

3Flex - Micropore Analysis with Y Zeolite Reference Material

This video demonstrates how to perform a Micropore analysis using Y-zeolite reference material on the Micromeritics 3Flex Surface Characterization Analyzer.

Non-contact Vibration Measurement on Rotating Objects

The convenient and non-contact mapping of operational deflection shapes is a specialty of Polytec's Laser Scanning Vibrometers.

Production of Silicone Parts Using the Two Shot Injection Transfer Process - Simtec Silicone Parts

This short video from Simtec Silicon Parts demonstrates the two shot injection transfer process for producing liquid silicone parts (LSR)

The Hiden EQP Mass Spectrometer for Plasma Characterisation

Hiden Analytical's Mark Buckley explains the operation and capabilities of the Hiden EQP mass spectrometer which is used for plasma characterisation. It is typically used by process development engineers and research technicians to optimise plasma conditions for the manufacture and fabrication of new and novel devices.

Converting Polypropylene, Polyethylene and Polystyrene Back Into Reusable Oil

A video clip showing a machine that can convert waste plastics ( polypropylene, polyethylene ad polystyrene) back into reusable oil therefore reducing carbon dioxide emission.

Split Tube Furnace - Protege from Thermcraft

Jim Miller from Thermcraft introduces us to the Protege split tube furnace, the latest addition to the eXPRESS line of furnaces. The all in one unit includes controller, power supply and heating elements. The semi-exposed elements enable rapid heating rates, up to the maximum working temperature of 1100°C.

Labeling Solutions in Histology Lab - Expert Insight from Thermo Scientific

n this video industry expert Tyler Liebig from Thermo Scientific highlights slide and cassette labeling in the histology lab.

Induction Heating of Steel Strip from Ambrell

This video shows induction heating of steel strip from Ambrell.

iWave Temperature Control for MARS 6

iWave advanced temperature control for your microwave digestion gives the best temperature sensitivity and safety on the market.

Detection of Trace Explosives with Laser Excitation

Detection of Trace Explosives with Laser Excitation

World Auto Steel: The Element that Shaped the Planet

This video from World Auto Steel says about a very special element that shaped the planet earth.

Introducing EM 40

Introducing EM 40

Discover Micromeritics Top Five Traits

Learn more about Micromeritics and surface area, porosity, density, particle interaction, and particle flow.

Bottle Rejecting, Diverting, and Multi-lane Sorting

SMAC electric actuators can reject or divert a single container only, at line speeds over 1200 containers/minute. Movement of container is smooth, fast, and gentle with unique Soft-Land™ feature. Container will not tip over because of force and velocity control. First the actuator must slowly make contact and start the bottle moving then do the high speed push after 10mm or so of movement. Total out and back is 50ms, 1200/min.

Heating Titanium Nuts with Ambrell Induction Heating System

This video shows fitting the titanium nuts into the coil with the help of Ambrell induction heating system.

Micromeritics FR Series- FR200 Benchtop Reactor

Building on the powerful FR100 platform, Micromeritics brought to you FR200 for more flexibility while studying complex multi-step catalytic processes and expanding test throughput complexity.

Smart Sample Loading System from Rigaku

This video shows Rigaku’s Smart Sample Loading System, which is specifically designed to allow holderless sample handling on deck on the ZSX Primus WDXRF spectrometer.

How Plastic Money is Made

Plastic money was pioneered in Australia in 1988 and this video takes a look inside the Australian mint to see how it is produced. All the way from raw materials, via the biggest bubble in the world, through to laser etching and printing, this video covers the entire production process.

Breakthrough Analyzer - How to Assemble and Disassemble the Internal Gas Saturator

This video will show you how to assemble and disassemble the internal gas saturator on the Micromeritics Breakthrough Analyzer.

Atomic Scale Processing Solutions

Atomic Scale Processing Solutions from Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology. Clustering multiple processing modules into one system enables unique solutions on a single vacuum transfer.

Revolutionary Nanosensors for Early Detection of Cancer Cells

A video demonstrating how nanotechnoloyg is revolutionising the future of medical detection. The development and advacnement of nanoscale detection sensorssa are giving scientists the ability to detect cancer and other diseases at its early stages. This video shows the development of two such sensors made only possible by embracing micro and nanotechnology.

Brazing Nut and Shaft Assemblies from Ambrell

This video shows brazing of three nut and shaft assemblies using Ambrell induction system.

Corus Demonstrate the Fabrication and Manufacturing Process of Steel

A video clip demonstrating the fabrication and a start to finish manufacturing process of steel. The versatility, low cost and high strength makes steel one of the most attractive material in the construction industry. Therefore it is vital that the fabricators deliver the steel according to the requirements of the construction contractors.

ZSX Primus Series of wavelength dispersive X-Ray fluorescence spectrometers from Rigaku

The ZSX Primus Series of wavelength dispersive X-Ray fluorescence spectrometers from Rigaku continues the tradition of delivering accurate results in both a timely and seamless manner, with unsurpassed reliability, flexibility, and ease of use to meet any challenges in the lab.

Webinar: Hygienic and Accurate Weighing Systems for Increased Worker Safety

The isolation of hazardous and/or dusty materials is a necessity for industrial companies to avoid worker contamination.

Take a Virtual Tour of Environics Inc.

Welcome to Environics! Take a look inside of their headquarters in Tolland, CT, USA.

Quick Tips | Microactive | Export Options

Welcome to the Quick Tip Series | Microactive

Reasons to Use Thermal Sensors in Manufacturing Processes

The introduction of thermal sensors into tools and moulds can improve process performance. The incorporation of TFX thermal sensors will not interrupt any aspect of the parts or their manufacture. Furthermore, the use of thermal sensors can bring improved understanding of your manufacturing process, resulting in productivity gains and lower rejection rates.

Advantages of Full CO2 Laser Cutting Tools on Glass Cullets

A video clip showcasing the new CO2 laser cutter. Concentrated high energy carbone dioxide laser cutting tool with a spot precision of 10 microns capable of cutting narrow deep groves on surface materials with ultra precision. Since cullets are not produced it makescleaning much easier. Discusses the common problems of producing glass cullets and how this new laser overcomes these conventional problems.

Cleaving Narrow Samples

Some analytical instruments can only accept small samples with limited height. Sample preparation by scribing and cleaving is often the best solution. LatticeGear's scribing and cleaving tools are used to prepare narrow samples for high resolution SEM and STEM.

Nanotechnology in Self-Assembling Process for Fabrication Tailored Thin Films

Sandia scientists and engineers have developed a radically new self-assembling process for fabricating tailored thin films. This new technology is set to change the way that optical and electrical thin films are produced and its applications as this method can be modified and optimized at any stage of the process with many manufacturing benefits compared with conventional production. Watch and find out how.

Production of Gold Plated Tubes for Transparent Tube Furnaces

This video from Thermcraft shows the production of gold plated tubes for their TransTemp transparent tube furnaces. These furnaces use an outer tube with its internal face gold plated to reflect heat back into the work tube. The outer tube is opaque at room temperature, but becomes transparent above 600°C allowing the operator to see what is actually happening inside in real time at elevated temperatures.

Manual Assembly / Soldering – Digicom

This video highlights manual inspection at Digicom. Manual inspection is employed at Digicom at all parts of the process, despite the latest automated systems and equipment.

What Is Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)?

Malvern Panalytical MicroCal DSC team introduce what Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is and why it is the gold standard in characterizing the stability of a protein or other biomolecules.

Micromeritics Physisorption Instruments- How to Minimize Helium Usage

This video will show how to minimize your helium usage when running physisorption experiments on micromeritics instruments.

The Bruker XRD S8 Lion XRF Spectrometer for the Cement Industry

Alexander Seyfarth from Bruker AXS introduces us to the S8 Lion, a new XRF unit designed specifically for the cement industry. This is the latest in the S8 series and features multi-channel analysis, which provides much faster analysis compared to sequential analysis instruments.

Waterjet Cutting a Thick Block of Aluminum by FedTech

A demonstration of waterjet cutting from a thick blocl of aluminium by FedTech.

STW 10 Animation Mix (Short Version)

STW-10 automated plasma system is designed for front-end semiconductor processing. It is especially well suited for activating silicon surfaces prior to hybrid wafer bonding.

Silicon Molding in Albright Technologies Controlled Environment Room

Albright Technologies offers medical, pharmaceutical, and other clients controlled environment room silicone molding services.

Environmental Impacts of Nanomaterials

Discussion on the impact of nanotechnology on the environment and human safety issues. The lack of government regulation and standard is a growing concern for professionals working in the nanotechnology field.

Overview of the InfraCal 2 Biodiesel Analyzer

The InfraCal 2 Biodiesel Blend Analyzer for measuring percent biodiesel in diesel is the ideal solution where a quick, accurate, on-site measurement is required and a single, repetitive biodiesel blend analysis is needed.

Laser Cutting of Cold Rolled Steel by FedTech

A demonstration of laser cutting cold rolled steel by FedTech.

Q-Motion®: High-Resolution, Space Saving Positioners from PI

This video shows PI's Q-Motion® piezoelectric inertia drives that are space-saving and inexpensive piezo-based drives. These positioning systems are compact, have high-resolution, and provide a cost-effective solution. PI's Q-Motion® piezoelectric inertia drives can achieve high positioning accuracy and repeatability of the motion over long travel ranges.

Pressing Powders - Compacting Metal Powders in Powder Metallurgy

A video clip animation showing the process by which powders are compacted in the powder metallurgy process. The animation demonstrates the automated process used to produce green powder compacts.

Surface Treatment Provides Reduced Friction and Energy Consumption

A video clip showing how surface treatment with Fricso polymer materials can help reduce friction and energy consumption and hence reducing running and maintenance costs. This technology allows friction reduction and energy consumption by treating metal surface on existing production line. A nano layer deposition with oil retaining capabilities is created.

How Does Rotational Molding Work and What Products are Made Using Rotational Molding

This informative video provides an overview of the the rotational molding process. It outlines all stages of the process from the making of the molds, to the materials and the actual forming process. There is also a strong focus on the applications of products produced using the rotational molding process.

Producing Copper Gaskets Using Waterjet Cutting by FedTech

Using waterjet cutting to produce copper gaskets by FedTech.

Buying Time in Suspended Animation: SmartTrak Mass Flow Meter in Biomedical Research

Dr. Kraus uses Sierra Instruments' mass flow controller, SmartTrak Model 100, to deliver small amounts of H2S in suspended animation experiments.

TA Instruments: All New ACS-3 Air Chiller System

The new Air Chiller System, the ACS-3, is a unique gas flow cooling system that enables mechanical testing to temperatures as low as -100c. Equipped with a three-stage cascading compressor design, the ACS-3 allows for a low temperature environmental control without the use of liquid nitrogen. This flexible system is available for use with Q800 DMA; all Discovery Hybrid Rheometer models with Environmental Test Chamber (ETC); The ARES-G2 Rheometer, and the RSA-G2 Solids Analyzer with Forced Convection Oven (FCO). The ACS-3 can help eliminate or reduce liquid nitrogen usage and associated hazards from any laboratory and offers an incredibly return on investment.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS 11 for Food Processing Industries

This video shows Colin Thurston, Product Director at Thermo Fisher Scientific, discussing the challenges involved in food production.

How Cultured Diamonds are Made

A detailed video demonstrating how artificial diamonds are produced including use of lasers.

Brazing of Copper Rod by Induction Heating

This application video shows the brazing of copper rod to a moly disc by induction heating.

Pittcon Thought Leader: Susan Olesik

In this interview conducted at Pittcon 2024 in San Diego, we spoke to this year's recipient of the Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award, Susan Olesik.

World Auto Steel: LCA, Future Steel Vehicle Design – Goes Hand-in-Hand

This video from World Auto Steel shows the Frankfurt Motor Show, where Harry Singh, EDAG Engineer and FutureSteelVehicle (FSV) Project Manager talks about the unique body structure produced by FSV.

QTec® multipath interferometry for fast and efficient vibration measurement

The patented QTec® laser technology reinvents laser vibration measurements by eliminating the root cause of noise, delivering superior optical sensitivity, and enabling high-fidelity measurements on all technical surfaces – whether rotating, moving or dark.

Omniseal Solutions Video: Omniseal® INTERNAL Metal Lip Seal Installation

Watch to Prepare for Success: Our "collaborative spirit" and support does not end with the designing of a precision metal sealing solution; it also extends to installing the solution once it has been delivered.

Frequency Offset Feature in EASYHEAT LI from Ambrell

This video illustrates the frequency offset feature in the EASYHEAT LI induction heating system from Ambrell. High currents are supplied into the mismatched load of EASYHEAT LI with this feature.

How the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Works - A Closer Look at Nanomaterials

A video demonstrating how the atomic force microscope (AFM) works and how the AFM is use to to look closer into the structures of nanomaterials.

What is Induction Getter Firing - Overview by Ameritherm

Getter firing is used in manufacturing to extend the life of laser tubes, neon tubes, fluorescent lamps, other high intensity lamps and television picture tubes.

Fedtech Corporate Video - Waterjet and Laser Cutting

This ocrporate video provides an overview of the services that FedTech provides. Namely waterjet and laser cutting on an industrial scale.

Active Optics: High-Speed Piezo Deformable Mirror for Laser Focus Control | PI Piezo

A High-Speed Active Optics Piezo Deformable Mirror for Laser Focus Control - Adaptive Optics.

Piston and Sleeve Assemblies

These pieces represent a large base of experience achieving very tight diameter, and cylindricity requirements desired by our customers. With piston/sleeve clearances down to .00004", pumping is possible without use of flexible seals.

A PET Sheet Co-Extrusion Production Line

A tour through a PET sheet co-extrusion production line

Using Water to Create More Powerful and Smaller Semiconductor Chips

As consumers requires faster gadgets and instruments there is a need for more smaller faster chips. Lithography is the key to making chips smaller. A new technology called Immersion is making more powerful semiconductor chips using water in the production process. 8 million wafers has being produced by this method since 2008. Watch and find out how !!

Malvern’s Mastersizer 3000 Particle Size Analyzer

This video shows Malvern Panalytical’s Mastersizer 3000 particle size analyzer. The analyzer provides fast and exact distributions of particle size for both dry and wet dispersions. The analyzer works on different particle size ranges from nanometres to millimetres.

How Resistance Spot Welding Works

A detailed look at how the resistance spot welding process works and how it forms effective joins between metals.

Liquid Nanotechnology Ecology Coating Superior to Traditional Coating Process

A video clip showing how Ecology Coatings using liquid nanotechnology, and vitually no harmful materials in the production process can save energy, reduce wastage which increases efficiency. These coatings are ultraviolet curable and provide an abrasion resistant surface with excellent adhesion. Comparisons are drawn to traditional coating processes and coatings.

AutoChem II Microactive Software - Peak Editor Pulse Chemisorption

This video will guide you through using the Peak Editor for Pulse Chemisorption in the AutoChem II Microactive Software.

High Performance SuperResolution Microscopes with PI Nanopositioning Stages - Witec

Find out how WITec - a manufacturer of high-resolution near-field atomic force microscopes and confocal Raman systems - can provide superior instruments with nano-positioning technology from PI - since the company started 21 years ago!

Streamline Your Process: Thermo Scientific™ Process 16 Twin-Screw Extruder

Streamline your process with the  Process™ 16 Extruder. Listen to scientists about how the Process 16 Extruder helps to streamline the material development process.

What Are The Different Types of Material Analysis ?

A video clip showing how chemical analysis works and the wide range of applications of chemical analysis (detecting trace metals). The development of a handheld vapor pressure detector that is capable of detecting vapour pressure of explosives. In biological analysis, raman spectroscopy is use to determine different tissues that can be use to identify cancer cells. Introduction of material analysis instruments including mass spectrometry.

The Making of a Kyocera Ceramic Knife

Have you ever wondered how they made those ceramic knives that never go blunt? This short video shows the entire process including pressing, sintering, hot isostatic pressing or HIPing, laser marking and polishing and buffing.

AutoChem II - TCD Calibration

This video demonstrates how to perform a TCD calibration on the Micromeritics AutoChem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

PI Air Bearing Technology

This video shows the principle and advantages of air bearing stages. Air bearing stages replace mechanical contact by a thin air film, avoiding wear, friction, vibration, and hysteresis effects. PI's air bearing motion control and positioning products are inherently frictionless, enabling smooth, accurate motion.

Overmolding of Filigree Metal Pins from ARBURG

This video shows the overmolding of filigree metal pins with plastics by injection molding machine from ARBURG.

Adaptive Optics in Laser Welding & Cutting – Fast Piezo Mirror | PI

Piezo ceramic actuators combine rapid response with high resolution and high force generation, ideal prerequisites to drive highly-dynamic deformable mirrors.

Plant Based-Resin Paint Coating for Electronic Products

A video demonstrating the new plant based-resin paint made of corn developed by Sharp as an alternative environmental energy source. Sharp has coated many of its consumer based electronic products based on this paint. This paint dried quickly and can be easily produced.

Air Bearing Rotary Table - Motorized and Large Aperture for Metrology

A-688 motorized rotary air bearing stage with large aperture can be used in any orientation.

Fonderie Saguenay's Pouring of 16,000 lbs Gray Iron Casting

This video shows the pouring of a 16,000 lbs gray iron casting in a no-bake sand mould at Fonderie Saguenay.

Autochem II Microactive Software - How to Customize a Sample File

This video demonstrates how to customize a sample file using the AutoChem II MicroActive Software.

How Artificial Diamonds are Made

Diamonds are expensive to mine and produce. However, Gemesis is now producing artificial diamonds using a high pressure process that takes 4 days per stone.

Cap Sealing with Induction Heating - Video by Ameritherm

A cap- to-container seal is made with the aid of a laminated disc composed of a wax layer, aluminum layer, and a polyethylene (PE) layer. The aluminum layer acts as a susceptor, heating to about 125-150°C in the electromagnetic field produced by the induction coil. It then heats the wax and PE layer sufficiently to produce a hermetic seal between the cap and container. Heating times are in the order of 100 milliseconds, supporting a high-speed automated process.

Autochem II: Automated Catalyst Characterization System

Discover the Micromeritics AutoChem II training series - the Autochem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

Specimen Grinder from Zwick Roell

This video shows the working of specimen grinder from Zwick Roell. The specimen is grinded with wet grinding technology.

Omniseal Solutions Video: Hycomp™ Story - Manmade Fiber to Carbon Fiber

Like a piece of fabric with many threads and man-made fibers that crisscross and touch, the story of Hycomp™ is interwoven into a tapestry of innovative people connecting and adding their own “touches” to build and become a trusted expert of carbon fiber composite and thermoplastic material solutions today.

High Performance Laser Dicing / Processing with Air Bearing Motion Systems and EtherCat Controller

Manufacturing of semiconductor chips involves cutting the wafers, first: The process is known as wafer dicing and produces “chips” or “die”.

VibroFlex QTec® - modular vibration measurement system reinventing vibrometry

VibroFlex QTec® is the optical vibration measurement solution, now enhanced with the patented technology QTec® for outstanding measurement data quality and best SNR when measuring dynamics, acoustics and vibrational behavior on engineered surfaces.

Aluminium Forging Helps Ferrari Win Double Titles

The Ferrari F1 racecar set a record winning double titles. Crucial to this achievement was the incorporation of aluminum forged 2 piece wheels featuring the world-renowned BBS. This video demonstrate how aluminium forging has helped in the development process.

The Effects of Anodizing Metal and How it Works

Anodizing certain metals such as aluminum, titanium can produce certain optical characteristics. This video clip provides an in depth explanation of how the process works with a detailed demonstration.

Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. Textiles Manufacturing

This video provides insight into textiles manufacturing at Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc.

Manufacturing Technologies of Light Alloy Automotive Wheels

This video clip from BBS shows the manufacturing and technology of producing alloys wheels for road cars to racing cars made from light alloy metals from design to manufacture of the finished item.

The Zircar Hot Spot 110 1700°C High Temperature Laboratory Furnace

Zircar's David Hoskins demonstrates the simple operation and key features of the Hot Spot 110 1700°C high temperature laboratory furnace.

Renewable Energy Source - Revolutionary Spherical Solar Cells Increases Energy Efficiency

Spherical Solar cells -In the quest for finding renewable energy sources, a revolutionary spherical solar cell competes with traditional solar cell. It can harness reflective and diffuse solar light and direct light from all direction. Connected in parallel or in series and in different shapes and sizes. For powering different products like windows. Molten silicon is used in the production and the process that its made, no silicon is wasted.

Beacon Program for Carbon Fiber Manufacturing from Harper

This video shows the Beacon program from Harper International focuses on greener future in carbon fiber production.

Easy-to Adjust Minus K Vibration Isolators

This video shows how the Minus K vibration isolator can be easily adjusted. Minus K’s vibration isolators offer an easy mode of adjustment, contradicting the popular notion that passive isolators are very difficult to adjust.

3Flex - Sample Preparation for Physisorption Analyses

This video demonstrates how to prepare and load the sample tube for physisorption analyses using the Micromeritics 3Flex Surface Characterization Analyzer.

Fast Active Photonics and Optics Alignment w/ Fast Algorithms and Software | L-505 Mini XYZ Stage | PI

A fast active optical photonics alignment system based on a compact motorized XYZ stage (L-505) and a high-speed XYZ piezo scanner (P-616).

Dynamic Image Analysis for Characterizing Irregularly Shaped Particles from Micromeritics

The dynamic image technique looks at particles in motion, providing additional critical information. Besides particle size, numerous shape parameters are obtained. As the images are taken, statistical data for all measurement parameters are calculated and recorded. At the same time, thumbnail images of each particle are saved for post-analysis viewing and screening.

AOI and X-ray Inspection from Digicom

This video shows AOI ad X-ray inspection at Digicom. Inspection is taken very seriously at Digicom to ensure that no defective boards leave the factory. Every board is tested and inspections are done at every station along the manufacturing process.

Laser Cutting Stainless Steel by FedTech

Laser cutting stainless steel by FedTech.

Overview of the InfraCal 2 Ethanol Anaylzer

The InfraCal 2 Ethanol Blend Analyzer for measuring percent ethanol in gasoline is the ideal solution where a quick, accurate, on-site measurement is required and a single, repetitive ethanol blend analysis is needed.

Handheld XRF analyser X-MET8000 for quality control and assurance

Used by thousands of businesses around the world, the X-MET8000 handheld X-ray fluorescence (HHXRF) analyser delivers the performance needed for rapid alloy grade identification and accurate chemistry. It’s practical, rugged and easy to use to deliver results you can trust.

Capabilities of Patternless Nopatech Sand Moulding Technology

This video demonstrates the capabilities of Fonderie Saguenay’s Nopatech sand moulding technology without pattern.

Applications of Hexapod 6-DOF Motion Platforms Shown at Photonics West | PI Booth

Hexapod 6-DOF platforms can solve complex motion and positioning tasks in applications including astronomy, aerospace, image-stabilization testing, photonics alignment, optics test, micro-manufacturing etc.

Carbon Fiber Fabrication from Harper International

This video shows the carbon fiber fabrication with complete line systems from Harper International.

SediGraph III Plus: Particle Size Analyzer

The SediGraph III Plus 5125 is a unique, reliable, and proven particle size analyzer based on a scientific law.

Materials for Composites from Evonik

This video depicts Evonik materials for composites. Lightweight fiber-reinforced composites can help to meet the growing number of challenges in renewable energy, efficient resource management, and ecological aspects.

Brazing Carbides to Steel Metal Plate from Ambrell

This video shows the brazing the carbides to a steel metal plate with the help of Ambrell induction heating system.

6-Axis Motion Helps Camera Testing | PI

6DOF hexapod motion platforms allow fast and precise motion in all 6 degrees of freedom. in this video Nicolas Touchard, Vice President Marketing at DxOMark Image Labs talks about how DxOMark Image Labs uses PI hexapods for image quality benchmarking.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 6: Compromised Data

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

How Bowling Balls are Made

Have you ever wondered how a bowling ball is made? Watch this video and you will no longer take the humble bowling ball for granted. Production of bowling balls is a multi stage process and an exact art, with more in a bowling ball then you may have thought.

Dynisco PolyClean Fluidized Bath

Watch our video and see how the Dynisco PolyClean Fluidized Bath is a safe and effective cleaner for transducer tips and extrusion tools.

Micromeritics - The Science & Technology of Small Particles

Micromirectics is the global leader in analytical instrumentation for the physical characterization of particles, powders, and porous materials across fundamental research, product development, and quality control in production.

Coating of Fabricated Steel and Structural Components - Decorative and Functional Coatings

This video clip from Corus shows the coating of fabricated steel members for building and construction applications. Decorative and functional coatings are applied once fabrication is complete. The types of coatings are dictated by design regulations and architectural demands. Intumescent coatings are detailed. View Video

Quick Tips | Microactive | Data Overlay

Welcome to the Quick Tip Series | Microactive

Advanced Positioning Systems from PI for Neuroscience Microscopy

This video shows how advanced positioning systems from PI help to increase imaging quality and also enable easy positioning of complex samples. Microscope imaging applications require precise handling of complex samples as well as accurate and fast positioning of optical elements.

Final Assembly / Labeling from Digicom Electronics

This video outlines Digicom’s final assembly and labeling process. Digicom has expertise in mechanical assembly and final board buildi apart from board assembly.

Welcome to Jayhawk Fine Chemicals

Learn about Evonik's custom-manufacturing hub for complex chemical intermediates and active ingredients

What is Induction Heating - Overview by Ameritherm

This video explains the basics of induction heating, introduces Ameritherm and previews our product line.

Multi-Axis Automation - Scalable Integrated Motion Systems | PI

A flexible design is the basis for fast fulfillment of production needs in industrial precision automation, including, precision assembly, medical engineering, semiconductor test, electronics manufacturing, test and inspection and laser processing.

PICOSUN® Morpher - the new ALD production platform for up to 200 mm wafer markets

The PICOSUN™ Morpher ALD product platform is designed to disrupt the up to 200 mm wafer industries in Beyond and More than Moore technologies.

Interferometer for Position Feedback of Linear Motor Stage-| PI

Closing the loop on a V8 piezo linear motor with a laser interferometer: resolution down to 0.15 nanometers is achievable.

Quick Tips | Microactive | IAST

Welcome to the Quick Tip Series | Microactive

Grinder vs Steel Pipe (CAVILUX Lasers and Schlieren Setup)

Explore the mesmerizing world of scientific phenomena with our cutting-edge setup!

Process of Conformal Coating - Electronic Coating Technologies

This video shows the applications, features and properties of conformal coating, potting, encapsulating, conductive coatings, form in place gaskets, silicone molds, fixtures, board cleaning in electronic component production and the technologies currently used in conformal coatings.

Functional Testing – Digicom Electronics

This video illustrates functional testing at Digicom. The functional test is carried out by carefully recording each step of the assembly process electronically, following which the inspection points and sequences are set.

Heating with EASYHEAT (1.2-2.4kW) from Ambrell

This training video from Ambrell illustrates how to heat with an EASYHEAT Small (1.2-2.4kW).

Oxidation Oven Technologies from Harper

This video shows advanced Oxidation Oven technologies from Harper International.

Scaling Up of Complete Carbon Fiber Lines from Harper International

This video describes Harper International offers complete carbon fiber lines ranging from small scale scientific systems to 3M and 4M wide process systems.

Additive Manufacturing by Plansee

Plansee is your partner for innovative solutions with refractory metals and all from a single source for 100 years.

TG 309 Libra Series

Introducing our state-of-the-art ultra-sensitive thermobalance, the TG 309 Libra Classic / Select and Supreme.

Aircraft Made Lighter with ROHACELL High-Performance Foam Cores

This video describes ROHACELL® high-performance foam cores for aircraft. Evonik develops high-performance lightweight foam core to meet the challenges related to production, maintenance costs, and environmental issues in the aircraft industry.

Insulation Material Machined Using Waterjet Cutting by FedTech

A demonstration of waterjet cutting of insulation materials by FedTech.

PI Product Display at Laser World of Photonics

This video shows PI products showcased at the Laser World of Photonics. PI develops a wide range of positioning stages and actuators for linear, rotary, and vertical motions. PI also produces customer-specific applications for motion and positioning.

Selective Soldering Service from Digicom

This video illustrates Digicom’s selective soldering process that offers high yield, speed, accuracy, and superior throughput. Before the start of selective soldering, the board is fluxed and preheated.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 5: Minimizing Error Factors From Cryogen

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

The IH15A Benchtop Induction Heater from Across International

The IH15a from Across International is a laboratory sized induction heater suited to melting, welding, and surface heating of materials.

Compact XYZ Positionig-Stage for Precision Assembly and Alignment | PI

The video shows an XYZ-setup of the M-505 miniature linear positioning stage with integrated linear encoder.

The Advantages of Continuous Electrode Slurry Processing

The Advantages of Continuous Electrode Slurry Processing

LLT100 Non-contact Laser Level Measurement for Industrial Applications

Laser level measurement for industrial applications.

A Short Documentary on How Carbon Fiber Cellos are Made

A Short Documentary on How Carbon Fiber Cellos are Made

ProSpeed laser sensors – Measure length and speed in production processes without contact

The next generation optical speed and length sensor ProSpeed LSV-2100 is designed to reliably perform even under harsh conditions and with up to 3 meters stand-off distances

Heating Kovar Ring for Glass Sealing from Ambrell

This video shows induction heating of steel kovar ring used for glass sealing application from Ambrell.

Waterjet Cutting of Titanium Strip by FedTech

This short video from FedTech demonstrates how titanium strip can be cut into intricate and accurate parts using waterjet cutting.

New Boeing 747 Airborne Laser (ABL) System Takes Over the Air

The New Boeing 747 with the Airborne Laser (ABL) can track and destroy any intercontinental missles. The laser can be shot hundreds of kilometres. The aircraft is covered with IR sensors to detect any missile launch.

Minus K’s Compact High Capacity Cubic Isolator

In this video, Erik Runge, Director of Engineering at Minus K Technology, describes Minus K’s CM-1 compact high capacity vibration isolator. The Cubic Isolator CM-1 is basically the smallest isolator made in horizontal foot print and is also quite compact vertically.

STA 10iL for Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing

The STA-10iL automated plasma system is designed to clean and activate substrates for improved adhesion. It is ideal for semiconductor packaging and electronics manufacturing.

Smart Sample Loading System for Rigaku ZSX Primus WDXRF Spectrometer

This video shows the new Smart Sample Loading System (SSLS) by Rigaku that adds a new degree of flexibility to the ZSX Primus WDXRF platform.

Induction Heating Of Welded Steel Tube from Ambrell

This video shows heating a welded steel tube with Ambrell induction heating system.

Short Clamping-length Specimen Grips from Zwick.

This video shows the short clamping-length specimen grips from Zwick Roell. The short clamping-length grips are used for testing sintered metal specimens.

Calibration Rig Setup from Mecmesin

This video shows rig setup calibration from Mecmesin. Precision test instruments and systems that are accurate, reliable and excellent value for money are offered by Mecmesin.

What is Materials Science?

Ever been asked what materials science is? If so, just send people to this apage for the answer. An interesting compilation put together by the staff and students at the Department of Materials Science at UNSW.

Stainless Steel Tube Annealing from Ambrell

This video shows annealing of stainless steel tubing using Ambrell induction heating system.

Producing Teflon Shapes Using Waterjet Cutting by FedTech

FedTech demostrate how Teflon shapes can be produced using waterjet cutting techniques.

Basic principles of laser Doppler vibrometry

Laser vibrometry or more specific laser Doppler vibrometry is a precision optical measurement technology used for determining vibrational velocity and displacement at a fixed point

Rotary Tube Furnaces from Harper International

This video shows the most advanced rotary tube furnaces from Harper International.

Rapid Analysis of Nickel Alloys with SciAps Z-500 Handheld LIBS System

This video demonstrates the rapid identification of a range of nickel alloys, using the Z-500 handheld laser-induced breakdown spectrometer from SciAps.

Introducing the New NETZSCH LFA 717: Precision Redefined in Thermal Conductivity Measurement

At NETZSCH, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation in thermal analysis.

Thermcraft eXPRESS Line Split Tube Furnaces - Key Features

The eXPRESS Line furnaces from Thermcraft as so-named due to their short 2 week lead time to be manufactured. Jim Miller points out the key features and options of the split tube furnace range.

Forming Steel Part Using Ambrell Induction System

This video shows a steel part is heated to 1100° F for forming application using Ambrell induction heating system.

Component Placement from Digicom

This video outlines Digicom’s component placement process. Quick set-up, exceptional accuracy, flexibility, rapid change-over, and excellent repeatability describe Digicom’s pick and place process.

Reliable Analysis of Plant Oil Wear Debris and Image Processing

Discover how Image Analysis advances have helped in the identification and classification of wear particles in oil.

Quick Tips | Microactive | Data Merging

Welcome to the Quick Tip Series

Precision Motion Technology Products from PI

This video shows PI's broad portfolio of precision motion technology products. PI provides the broadest and deepest portfolio of products that include piezo actuators, nanopositioning stages, hexapod 6-axis, and air-bearings.

Hardening of Saw Bit Teeth by Induction Heating

This video shows the hardening of saw bit teeth by induction heating.

3D Printing of Drug Doses

In this video, Abu T. Serajuddin Ph.D. Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at St. John's University talks about how certain types of medication suit certain types of people, as human systems differ.

The AZoM iPhone App - The World of Materials in the Palm of Your Hand

The iPhone app from gives you the world of materials in the palm of your hand. It offers you a totally portable way to locate materials solutions, suppliers and products as well as providing you with the latest materials news, conveniently broken down into categories to suit various industry sectors.

Hamilton Neuros Syringe

Hamilton Neuros syringe technology provides unprecedented functionality for controlled animal injections. The Neuros accurately dispenses volumes between 50 nL and 100 µL through an ultrafine needle.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

The shielded metal arc welding process is described and demonstrated and its application spoken about.

Did You Know? Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology

Did you know we could etch the entire London transport network onto a human hair? Or that our plasmas are hotter than the surface of the sun?

Acoustic Quality Control with Laser Precision

The new IVS-500 Industrial Vibration Sensor is the key to fast acoustic quality inspection, structure-borne noise analysis and reliable pass-fail decisions.

Synroc - Technology for Neutralizing Nuclear Waste

Dr. Lou Vance, Chief Scientist at ANSTO tells us about a technology called Synroc that they have been developing over many years to neutralise nuclear waste. He tells us about the origins of Synroc, the structure of Synroc, how Synroc is made and its commercial success to date.

Large Stainless Steel Gears Produced Using Waterjet Cutting by FedTech

This short video from FedTech shows large stainless steel gears being machined using waterjet cutting techniques.

How to Make a Silicone Rubber Mold and its Applications

This is an instructional video showing how to make a mold from silicone rubber. Silicone rubber molds provide high accuracy and self releasing properties. They are also heat resistance, possess excellent tear strength and elongation and are suited to a wide variety of mold applications and can be used to cast a range of materials.

Perfect Beer Foam with Modern Flow Meters

The Dial-A-Gas capability is extremely valuable in achieving aeration during fermentation and the ultimate goal of the perfect head of foam.

3Flex - Training Series

This series will guide you through using the 3Flex Surface Characterization Analyzer.

Sapphire Wafer Carriers

Insaco, Inc has become recognized as a worldwide leader in custom machined ceramic and sapphire parts for the semiconductor industry. Through this experience, Insaco® offers multiple hole wafer carriers in sapphire for GaAs, Indium Phosphide, and other semiconductors.

3D Infrared Microscopy for Preclinical Pathology

This video, "3D Infrared Microscopy for Preclinical Pathology," explores cutting-edge techniques revolutionizing pathological analysis.

Producing Hot Rolled Steel

This video produced by Corus describes in detail the hot rolling process for steels. There is emphasis on the hot rolling equipment used to produce various profiles and how it can be used to produce profiles with high degrees of accuracy.

Demonstration of Friction Stir Welding (FSW)

A demonstration of the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process on a pipe.

Low Frequency Vibration Isolation Using Minus K’s BM-4 Half Hz isolator

This video shows Erik Runge, Director of Engineering at Minus K Technology, describing Minus K’s advanced BM-4 Half Hz isolator. The isolator attenuates vibrations even at very low frequencies to provide high-quality performance.

A Virtual Tour Around Albright Technologies Silicone Molding Facility

This virtual tour around Albright Technologies facility covers the wide range of Albright's in-house services.

Laboratory Sample Cutter - The Alfa 240-7B from Thwing-Albert

The 240-7B Alfa Laboratory Sample Cutter from Thwing-Albert is a pneumatic air operated cutting machine used for sample preparation. It is used for cutting materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic, film, rubber, textiles, nonwovens, metal foils etc. This short video provides a demonstration of how easy the instrument is to operate.

Vibrating Sample Magnetometer by MicroSense

The Vibrating Sample Magnetometer by MicroSense is unique in terms of temperature dependent measurements and can be inserted in the magnet in seconds.

Patternless Two Impressions Pillow Block Mold Produced Using Nopatech Technology

This video illustrates the production of a two impressions pillow block without pattern with the help of Nopatech patternless moulding technology from Fonderie Saguenay.

Emerging Methods in Separation Science for Environmental Samples - Emanuela Gionfriddo at Pittcon 2023

In this interview conducted at Pittcon 2023 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we spoke to this year's recipient of the Satinder Ahuja Award for Young Investigations in Separation Science, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Toledo, Emanuela Gionfriddo.

Semiconductor Device Fabrication from Oxford Instruments

This video shows wide band gap power semiconductor device fabrication from Oxford Instruments.

Downsizing a Silicon (111) wafer with the FlipScribe

The 4" wafer is downsized into quarters using the FlipScribe. It is first cleaved along a crystal plane in half and then into quarters by scribing across the entire half wafer. The scribe overcomes the (111) crystal line to produce the 1/4 wafer piece.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 1: Selecting the Adsorptive Gas

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Melting Iron Blocks Using Ambrell Induction Heating System

This video shows melting of iron blocks from Ambrell. The EASYHEAT 2 kW induction heating system is used for melting process.

Inorganic Ventures: An Industry Leader in Certified Reference Materials - Pittcon 2023

Inorganic Ventures: An Industry Leader in Certified Reference Materials - Pittcon 2023

Thermo Scientific Portable XRF Analyzers Customer Testimonial - Vegas Fasteners

With a manufacturing team averaging more than 30 years' experience in the specialty fastener business, Las Vegas, Nevada-based Vegas Fastener Manufacturing (VFM) specializes in the hot forging of high-temperature and corrosion-resistant alloys for the manufacture of bolts, nuts, screws, sockets, and studs. Established in November 1998 and having 150 employees, Vegas Fastener serves industries worldwide, including aerospace, power generation, military, marine, construction, transportation, mining, environmental, bulk paper, food processing, and petrochemical applications.

Wide Band Gap Power Semiconductor Device Fabrication

Increasing adoption of renewable energy sources & ever nearer prospect of electric vehicles drives demand for power semiconductor components.

UV Conformal Coating - Features and Applications

This video demonstrate the process of producing UV conformal coating using UV conveyor processing. The UV oven is an inline system with full images of a UV conformal coating curing.

Cobolt Skyra™

Introduction to Cobolt Skyra™, the multi-line laser.

DynaPro Plate Reader III – Automated Biopharmaceutical and Nanoparticle Characterization

DynaPro Plate Reader III – Automated Biopharmaceutical and Nanoparticle Characterization

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology Customer Support

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology is committed to providing comprehensive, flexible and reliable global customer support.

Laser Welding Visualization with CAVILUX Laser and Phantom VEO 710s

Everyday, researchers from universities all over our beautiful planet are busy conducting studies and making new discoveries that can impact our lives in the future.

Micromeritics LN2 Transfer System

Discover the ease, speed, and safety of transferring Liquid Nitrogen in your lab with the Micromeritics LN2 Transfer System today.

Waterjet Cutting a Ceramic Coated Titanium Part by FedTech

Demomstration of waterjet cutting a ceramic coated titanium part by FedTech.

MicroSense UltraMap 200C Wafer Thickness Measurement System

The MicroSense UltraMap-200C is an automated wafer metrology system designed for high throughput measurement of wafer thickness, flatness, bow and warp.

Magnesium Alloys - Future of Lightweight Material for Automotive and Aerospace Industries

A video clip showing the future of lightweight material, Magnesium. Alloy composing of titanium alumina are already in existence for the construction industry. A new lightweight material is required for automotive and aerospace industry. Magnesium which is the lightest of all metal display many potentials. The video demonstrate the properties of magnesium (Mg), the challenges associated with using magnesium (Mg), the characterization and processing of these lightweight magnesium alloys.

BM-10 Small Low Height Vibration Isolator from Minus K

This video shows Erik Runge, Director of Engineering at Minus K Technology, describing Minus K’s BM-10 Small Low Height Vibration Isolator aimed at small atomic force microscopes, which require high levels of vibration isolation.

Demonstration of Waterjet Cutting of Plastics by FedTech

This short video from Fedtech describes the benefits of waterjet cutting and capabilities of the process. It also provides a demonstration of the waterjet process cutting plastic sheet.

Superhydrophobic Coating - Process, Properties and Applications

Sandia scientists have develop superhydrophobic coating which is transparent that is not just impermeable to water, but actually makes it bounce off a surface to help prevent corrosion, protect electronic and antiquities, or provide a new, more efficient coating for any surfaces. This coating can be deposited by any common deposition methods

Transformative Sealing Solutions for the World – Technetics Group

At Technetics, we provide innovative sealing solutions for demanding markets. With over a century of experience, we offer a wide range of services, including research and development, design, qualification testing, and on-site support.

World Auto Steel: LCA Important to Vehicle Emissions Regulations

This video from World Auto Steel explains the very basic terminology and lots of pictures life cycle assessment and its importance for vehicle emissions regulations.

Corn Cob Blasting for Log Home from Composition Materials

This video from Composition Materials shows the corn cob blasting process in log home restoration.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 8: Free Space Options

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Vendor Managed Inventory

Vendor Managed Inventory – aka VMI – connects you and your vendors to your silo inventory.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 2: Quantity of Sample

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

Harper International: Carbon Fiber Process Lines

This video shows the fabrication of carbon fiber with complete line systems from Harper International.

Single Channel Pipettes IKA PETTE Fix and Vario

An ergonomic feel combined with uncompromising precise performance: the IKA single fix and vario pipettes have been devised for use in many applications typical in a modern laboratory. Color coding makes it simple to find the right pipette.

How does Steel Sawing Work?

A video clip showing how steels are cut during the manufacturing and fabrication process of steels after being delivered to the steel stockyard.

Breakthrough Analyzer - How to Prepare a Sample Column

This video will show you how to prepare a sample column on the Micromeritics Breakthrough Analyzer.

Automated Fusion Bead Sample Preparation with the PANalytical Eagon 2

Simon Milner from PANalytical shows us their Eagon 2 fully automatic fusion instrument used for preparing fusion bead samples for XRF (x-ray fluorescence) samples. He shows us how the system works and it's safety features to protect the operator from coming into contact with hot materials.

Saturn DigiSizer II High-Definition Digital Particle Size Analyzer - Micromeritics Webinar

Utilizing a state-of-the-art CCD detector containing over 3.4 million detector elements, Mie theory, and unique design and data reduction features, the Micromeritics' Saturn DigiSizer II provides an extremely high level of resolution and sensitivity not available in other laser particle sizing systems.

ARBURG’S ALLROUNDER 370 E Machine Improves Energy Efficiency in Injection Moulding Process

This video shows how the efficiency can be improved through the combination of optimized plastics material and perfect machine technology.

Metal Injection Molding at Plansee

Plansee is your partner for innovative solutions with refractory metals and all from a single source for 100 years. With metal injection molding (MIM), Plansee enables efficient, cost-saving and sustainable production of precise components with complex geometries and outstanding mechanical properties in small and large quantities.

Cr2O3 Thermal Plasma Spraying Demonstration

A video demonstration of showing the process involved in Cr2O3 thermal plasma spraying.

Everything vibrates – VibroFlex as the new flexibility in optical vibration measurement

Wherever researchers, product developers and quality engineers measure acoustics, dynamics and vibration – VibroFlex laser vibration sensors from Polytec offer the precise, efficient and reliable analysis without contacting or influencing the sample.

Motion Control for Laser Machining – Linear Stage and Galvo Synchronization | PI

The processing of high-density structures over large areas such as laser drilling or laser marking of PCBs requires solutions that provide high precision and high throughput.

See it in Action: Spectroil 100 Elemental Oil Analysis

A step by step video on how to use the Spectroil Q100 for wear metal analysis. Oil analysis is often able to identify problems before vibration analysis can detect them.

Cleaving and Scribing Reinvented at ISTFA 2015

An educational overview of LatticeGear and their products.

New SediGraph Software Highlights

This video will introduce you to key features of the new SediGraph Software version 2.0, which is designed for Windows 10 with a 64-bit operating system.

What Pittcon Can do for You

What Pittcon Can do for You

Exploring QPAC® Thermal Decomposable Binder in 30secs

Explore QPAC® Thermal Decomposable Binder in 30secs.

Comparison of Hand-held Decapper and Manual Method from Thermo Scientific

This video shows the comparison of Hand-held Decapper and Manual method from Thermo Scientific.

Dry Powder Dispersion Using Malvern’s Mastersizer 3000 Aero

This video demonstrates Malvern Panalytical’s Mastersizer 3000 Aero. The Aero S is a dry powder disperser, which is developed by understanding the power dispersion. The disperser is suitable for applications in the measurement range of 100nm to 3.5mm and delivers effective de-agglomeration of samples without any particle damage for both fragile and robust materials.

Quick Tips | BET Surface Area Measurements | Tip 3: Sample Preparation

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: How to Maximize BET Surface Area Measurements.

BioMEMS Process Solutions

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology collaborates with Southampton University to provide solutions for cutting edge research into BioMEMS.

Nopatech Patternless Sand Moulding Technology from Saguenay Foundry

This video demonstrates the functioning of the Nopatech patternless sand moulding technology introduced by Saguenay Foundry

PI Piezomotors for Precision Positioning Solutions

This video offers a glimpse of the various commercially available piezomotors by Physik Instrumente (PI). Piezomotors come in various designs, which are optimized for different applications. Parameters such as speed, cost, holding force, pushing force, size, and stability can be influenced by different designs.

Introducing Jordi Labs

Find more great content on the Jordi Labs Youtube channel

Kitting from Digicom Electronics

This video explains about kitting, which is an essential part of preparation in an efficient EMS assembly house. This process is done to make sure that exact number of components is used, so that the assembly line is not stopped or slowed down.

Production of Laminated Glass

Laminated glass consists of two or more layers of glass with layers PVB between them. Advantages and applications of laminated glass are described.

Advanced Laser Marking Workstations from FOBA

This video shows the next generation of advanced laser marking workstations from FOBA.

New Technology in Hydrogen Production: Porous Transport Layer Material (PTL)

Learn about the latest technology in hydrogen production with Technetics Group's Porous Transport Layer Material (PTL).

How to Synthesize Nylon

This video demonstrate the synthesis of nylon from the chemical reaction between sebacoyl chloride with a diamine (1,6-hexanediamine).

Laser Tube Cutting Demonstration

An impressive demonstration of the speed, accuracy and capabilities of laser tube cutting.

Microstructure Characterization

This video introduces the easy way to measure 3D dynamics and topography for microstructure characterization.

What is Induction Hardening - Overview by Ameritherm

Many types of steel are treated with heat to increase toughness and resistance to wear. The effectiveness of this process depends on the steel's carbon content. When the steel is heated above its transformation temperature (720°C), the carbon changes the steel's crystalline structure to an austenite. The harder, more brittle steel is then quickly cooled or quenched.

How to Cleave a Wafer into Die Sized Pieces

Starting with a whole wafer, this instructional video shows you how to downsize a wafer into die sized pieces. The process results in high quality, clean samples that can be used for further analysis. The LatticeGear Cleaving Kit (WCSK-102LG) is required to perform this process and the LatticeScriber (LGUS-100) is also useful, having a long life diamond scribe tip designed specifically for semiconductor materials.

Innovation of Cryosectioning – Expert Insight from Thermo Scientific

In this video Tyler Liebig from Thermo Scientific talks about the cryosectioning. The new cryostat has ergonomic design, intuitive touch-screen and smooth joy-stick operation.

Product Portfolio: D2R2 General Overview

The Double Disc Rapid Robot (D2R2) is an accessory to the Spectroil M spectrometer that provides automatic operation for used oil analysis.

New Transparent Coating for Metals, Plastics and Glass that Repels Water, Oil and Adhesive Materials

The introduction of the Nanosceptor coating machine that places transparent coating on glass, plastic and metals which repels water, oil and other adhesive materials. Normal TEFLON coatings have a thickness of around 10microns, but with the Nanosceptor the coating thickness is only several nanometers !! Watch and see how this is done

AutoChem II - Carbon Monoxide Pulse Chemisorption Analysis with Platinum Alumina (PtAl)

This video demonstrates how to conduct a Carbon Monoxide pulse chemisorption analysis using platinum alumina (PtAl) reference material on the Micromeritics AutoChem II Automated Catalyst Characterization System.

Quick Tips | Breakthrough Analysis | Sample Preparation is Key

Welcome to the Quick Tips Series: Breakthrough Analysis

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