Videos | Coatings

Coatings Videos

Coatings Videos

SITA Dynamic Surface Tensiometer Demonstration and Explanation

Phil Harrip from Scientific Solutions demonstrates the SITA Dynamic Surface Tensiometer used for measuring surface tension. He shows us how the instrument works, key components and describes commercial applications that the SITA Dynamic Surface Tensiometer is suited to such as detergent and surfactant manufacturers, coating manufacturers and inkjet manufacturers.

Omniseal Solutions Video: Omniseal® LARGE DIAMETER, Open Rod Gland Seal Installation

Watch to Prepare for Success: In this video about our polymer, spring-energized sealing solution, our technical team shows you how to handle and install a Omniseal® LARGE DIAMETER, open rod gland seal.

Process of Conformal Coating - Electronic Coating Technologies

This video shows the applications, features and properties of conformal coating, potting, encapsulating, conductive coatings, form in place gaskets, silicone molds, fixtures, board cleaning in electronic component production and the technologies currently used in conformal coatings.

Artificial Joint Material Using Carbon Nanotubes

Interesting video showing the latest development in artificial joint material using carbon nanotubes. Using nanobiotechnology and carbon nanotubes, researchers have developed a material for use in the acetabular cup that wears less than more conventional materials such as polyethylene and ceramics. They hope to extend the life of these artificial joints beyond the 15-20 years that is currently the norm.

UV Conformal Coating - Features and Applications

This video demonstrate the process of producing UV conformal coating using UV conveyor processing. The UV oven is an inline system with full images of a UV conformal coating curing.

Carbon Nanotubes Used in Growing New Bones

Material scientists are developing carbon nanotubes to regenerate bone within the body to overcome some of the challenges and limitations of conventional bone implants. They are proposing to coating the carbon nanotube bone scaffold with collagen to promote new bone regeneration.

Carbon Nanotube Aerogel Muscles

A video demonstration looking at the molecular level of Superelastic Carbon Nanotube Aerogel Muscles.

Cressington Vacuum Coating Systems

Cressington Vacuum Coating Systems

Omniseal Solutions Video: The Meldin® Origin - A Tale of Two Materials

High performance plastics are everywhere in our world - making it easier for us to move, work, grow and enjoy life.

Self-Healing Waterborne Coating for Wood from NEI Corporation

This video shows self-healing of waterborne coating on wood surface from NEI Corporation. The waterborne urethane coating on the wood surface is scratched.

Anti-ice Coating from NEI

This video shows superhydrophobic coating technologies that prevent the accumulation of snow and ice from NEI.

Depositing a Laser Gold Coating on a Beryllium Mirror

This video shows how Epner Technology deposited a 0.5 micron thick laser gold coating on a highly polished beryllium mirror for use on the Mars Orbiter.

DuPont Renewable Packaging Products and Biodegradable Materials

An interview with a representative from DuPont on discussing the company's renewable packaging products. The use of biodegradable materials and various thin films to create these products. Also DuPont's strategy in releasing renewable packaging products.

Self-Healing Superhydrophobic Coating from NEI Corporation

This video shows self-healing, superhydrophobic coating from NEI Corporation. Water droplets are poured on to the surface of superhydrophobic coating; the coated surface repels the water droplets.

Water Resistant Glass Nanocoating

Road testing the NanoBionic glass coating on the front car screen demonstrating the unique water resistant properties which would make the wind shield wipers seem obsolete

Master Bond UV15 Epoxy-Based System

This video from Master Bond shows a low-viscosity, one component, UV curable epoxy-based system called UV15 for applications such as sealing, coating, and bonding.

Coating of Fabricated Steel and Structural Components - Decorative and Functional Coatings

This video clip from Corus shows the coating of fabricated steel members for building and construction applications. Decorative and functional coatings are applied once fabrication is complete. The types of coatings are dictated by design regulations and architectural demands. Intumescent coatings are detailed. View Video

Alternative Material to Silicon based Solar Cells - The New Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSC)

The Japanese are developing dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) which does not require any silicon making it cost effective and can be mass produced to meet future market demand as solar cell usage increase. The current development method has overcome previous production challenges and meet up to the JIS standard and the results are comparable to conventional silicon based solar cells.

Liquid Nanotechnology Ecology Coating Superior to Traditional Coating Process

A video clip showing how Ecology Coatings using liquid nanotechnology, and vitually no harmful materials in the production process can save energy, reduce wastage which increases efficiency. These coatings are ultraviolet curable and provide an abrasion resistant surface with excellent adhesion. Comparisons are drawn to traditional coating processes and coatings.

The Future Of Mobility With Omniseal Solution: Precision Seals & Materials Protecting eVTOLs

The future of aviation mobility is quite exciting with emerging technologies like eVTOL on the rise.

Walnut Shell Grit for Non-Skid Coatings from Composition Materials

This video shows how to apply walnut shell grit for non-skid coatings from Composition Materials.

Dursan CVD coating technology from SilcoTek

This video shows Dursan CVD coating technology from SilcoTek. Dursan is a coating designed to improve the inertness, hardness, and corrosion resistance of stainless steel, alloys, glass, and ceramics.

Self-Cleaning Coating from NEI Corporation

This video shows the self-cleaning coating from NEI Corporation. The self-cleaning coated glass on the left repels muddy water while uncoated glass on the right attracts muddy water.

How a Raman Spectrometer Works ?

This video detail the proper setup for taking Raman measurements using the Ocean Optics Q65000 Spectrometer. Once setup is complete it takes you through the steps of performing a basic Raman measurement using a Ramen spectrometer.

Graphene Based Coatings Designed for Active and Passive Corrosion Prevention

University at Buffalo chemists are using graphene, to develop new coatings for rust-proofing steel.

Demontration of the Versatile Nanoindentation Testing Platform from CSM Instruments

The Nanoindenation platform is a versatile system available in two configuations that allow you to build a device tailored ot your specific requirements. You can incorporate various testing modules such as: Nano and microindentation; Nano and microscratc; and Micro/nanoscratch. You can also choose between imaging systems suc as a: Video microscope; AFM; or profilometer.

Easy-to-Clean Hardcoat SR-100EC from NEI

This video shows easy to clean hardcoat coating technologies from NEI.

Self-Healing Waterborne Coating for Metals & Wood from NEI Corporation

This video shows the self-healing coating for both metals and wood from NEI Corporation. Waterborne urethane coating is applied on to the metal and wood surfaces.

Single Chamber Tri Axis Research Evaporator by Semicore

This video shows the single-chamber tri-axis research evaporator from Semicore.

Model 3442 Extensometer

Setup instructions for the Model 3442 low-profile extensometer.

Stretchable Highly Conductive Film

The video demonstrate the development of a new highly conductive film that can be stretched like rubber. It has many application in electronic circuitry and in particularly in the development of artificial skin incorporated with sensors.

Fischer-Cripps Laboratories Present The IBIS Nanoindentation System

Tony Fischer-Cripps explains what nanoindentation is and shows us the IBIS Nanoindentation system.

Flexible Divider Pouch Packaging from Master Bond

This video shows the demonstration on how to use a pre-measured flexible divider pouch from Master Bond.

Nanotechnology in Self-Assembling Process for Fabrication Tailored Thin Films

Sandia scientists and engineers have developed a radically new self-assembling process for fabricating tailored thin films. This new technology is set to change the way that optical and electrical thin films are produced and its applications as this method can be modified and optimized at any stage of the process with many manufacturing benefits compared with conventional production. Watch and find out how.

How to Keep Your Stainless Steel Appliances Looking Like New

An instructional video on how to keep your stainless steel appliances looking like new using ProtectaClear.

Failure of Nanocrystalline Aluminium (Al) Thin Film

A video demonstration on the failure of a nanocrystalline aluminium thin film.

New Transparent Coating for Metals, Plastics and Glass that Repels Water, Oil and Adhesive Materials

The introduction of the Nanosceptor coating machine that places transparent coating on glass, plastic and metals which repels water, oil and other adhesive materials. Normal TEFLON coatings have a thickness of around 10microns, but with the Nanosceptor the coating thickness is only several nanometers !! Watch and see how this is done

Master Bond’s EP42HT-2Med Epoxy System

This video shows EP42HT-2Med epoxy system from Master Bond. EP42HT-2Med is a room temperature curable, two-component epoxy, sealant, adhesive, coating and casting material featuring outstanding chemical resistance along with high-temperature resistance.

Omniseal Solutions Video: ASE Story - At The Root & Core Of Metal Seal Solutions

It seems to be a perfect fit that American Seal & Engineering (ASE) has its founding roots in Connecticut, a state with the longest foliage season in New England with a bounty of apples.

How Tissue Engineers Can Use a BioPrinter to Repair Body Organs

A video showing what tissue engineers are doing to develop new ways to repair body organs and body replacement parts using three-dimensional printers. Tissue engineers are using biopaper( biocompatible gel ) and bioink which contains cell to generate a biocompatible structure for the body in hope that someday this technology will enter into the operating room.

High-Strength Steel Tensile Test using Short Specimen - Model 3442

The compact Model 3442 extensometer measures strain in this tensile test through failure of AISI 1080 high strength steel. The music wire rod in this test has a 4.7 mm diameter. The extensometer may be used for determining elastic modulus, offset yield strength, ultimate elongation, and stress-strain curves. It may be left on through failure.

The Gamry Potentiostat - For Accelerated Corrosion Testing

Phil Harrop from Scientific Solutions walks us through the Gamry Potentiostat which is an extremely sensitive device that can be used for corrosion studies. It would be of use to anyone who needs to perform accelerated corrosion testing, such as coating manufacturers or metal manufacturers.

Omniseal Solutions Space Satellite Application: Rulon® PTFE Bushings in Solar Panel Arrays

Did you know that Rulon® PTFE bushings play a critical part in satellites? Omniseal Solutions' fluoropolymer solutions are used in pantograph joints that are part of the solar panel arrays.

Printing Solutions from Trelleborg

This video shows the printing solutions from Trelleborg. The ultimate performance of Trelleborg’s printing solutions is due to the precise engineering of physical properties.

The AZoM iPhone App - The World of Materials in the Palm of Your Hand

The iPhone app from gives you the world of materials in the palm of your hand. It offers you a totally portable way to locate materials solutions, suppliers and products as well as providing you with the latest materials news, conveniently broken down into categories to suit various industry sectors.

Semicore’s Tri-Axis Research Sputtering System

This video shows the Tri-axis research sputtering system from Semicore.

Master Bond’s High Strength Epoxies

This video shows Master Bond's epoxy systems that feature physical strength properties for industrial applications such as coating, bonding, encapsulation, sealing, and potting.

FLM36 from Master Bond

This animated video shows the advantages and application of FLM36 film from Master Bond. It is a B-staged film for bonding and sealing applications that offers exceptionally easy processing.

Handheld Coating Thickness Measuremet Instruments - Technology, Features and operation

This short video runs you through the range of handheld coating thickness measurement instruments from Fischer Instrumentation. These instruments use different technologies and the various useful features of these devices are demonstrated, as well their ease of operation.

Master Bond Flame Retardant Systems

This video shows the heat resistant tendency of Master Bond flame retardant system.

EP42HT-2FG Food Grade Epoxy System from Master Bond

This video shows EP42HT-2FG food grade epoxy system from Master Bond. EP42HT-2FG is a room temperature setting, two-component heat resistant epoxy system for bonding metals, rubbers, plastics, and other substrates.

Anti-Icing Coating from NEI Corporation

This video shows Anti-Icing Coating on metals from NEI Corporation. Both treated and untreated metal panels are frozen to -1°C.

Omniseal Solutions Video: Omniseal® INTERNAL Metal Lip Seal Installation

Watch to Prepare for Success: Our "collaborative spirit" and support does not end with the designing of a precision metal sealing solution; it also extends to installing the solution once it has been delivered.

Surface Treatment Provides Reduced Friction and Energy Consumption

A video clip showing how surface treatment with Fricso polymer materials can help reduce friction and energy consumption and hence reducing running and maintenance costs. This technology allows friction reduction and energy consumption by treating metal surface on existing production line. A nano layer deposition with oil retaining capabilities is created.

PTFE Coated Heatbelts and Fabric from Dotmar Engineered Plastic Products

Alan Bresnehan from Dotmar Engineered Plastic Products shows us their range of PTFE coated heatbelts and fabrics. PTFE is used as a coating materials due to its non-stick, low friction and heat resistant properties.

Testing On Nano-Coated Window Car

A short demonstration of a Bentley with nano-coated car window showing its ability to protect against different types of solutions and testings.

High Temperature Resistant Epoxies from Master Bond

This video shows the benefits of high temperature resistant epoxies from Master Bond.

Plant Based-Resin Paint Coating for Electronic Products

A video demonstrating the new plant based-resin paint made of corn developed by Sharp as an alternative environmental energy source. Sharp has coated many of its consumer based electronic products based on this paint. This paint dried quickly and can be easily produced.

Omniseal Solutions Video: Omniseal® SMALL DIAMETER Piston Gland Seal Installation

Watch to Prepare for Success: Our technical team is more than happy to help our customers use our sealing solutions like polymer, spring-energized seals as effectively as possible. This video will help you handle and install a SMALL DIAMETER piston gland seal as easily as possible.

How to Use LED Curable Adhesives from Master Bond

This video demonstrates the curing of adhesives by using LED from Master Bond.

UV25 UV Curable System from Master Bond

This video shows a UV curable system with a high glass transition temperature from Master Bond.

Superhydrophobic Coating - Process, Properties and Applications

Sandia scientists have develop superhydrophobic coating which is transparent that is not just impermeable to water, but actually makes it bounce off a surface to help prevent corrosion, protect electronic and antiquities, or provide a new, more efficient coating for any surfaces. This coating can be deposited by any common deposition methods

Inline Sputtering System by Semicore

This video shows the inline sputtering system from Semicore. This sputtering system can be used to produce thin films of material on various substrates.

Gun Applicator from Master Bond

This video shows a gun applicator from Master Bond. The gun applicator is used for easy mixing, measuring and dispersing of Master Bond epoxy systems.

Demonstration of the Revetest Xpress Scratch Tester from CSM Instruments

The REVETEST Xpress is a cost effective solution for Industrial and Quality Control (QC) applications. This instrument provides measurement of adhesion, hardness and scratch resistance with a very user-friendly, intelligible interface.

Demonstration of Heat Resistance of silicon coating from SilcoTek

This video from SilcoTek demonstrates the heat resistance of silicon coating on stainless steel.

Micro XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) Product Range from Bruker XRD

Michael Haschke from Bruker AXS shows us thorugh their new range of Micro XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) instruments.

Omniseal Solutions Video: The Rulon® Origin - The Revolutionary Ride

The Industrial Revolution was indeed a time of transformation, growth and ingenuity.

Production of Gold Plated Tubes for Transparent Tube Furnaces

This video from Thermcraft shows the production of gold plated tubes for their TransTemp transparent tube furnaces. These furnaces use an outer tube with its internal face gold plated to reflect heat back into the work tube. The outer tube is opaque at room temperature, but becomes transparent above 600°C allowing the operator to see what is actually happening inside in real time at elevated temperatures.

Demonstration of The CSM TTX Table Top Nanoindentation Tester

The CSM TTX Table Top Instrument is a high performance Nanoindentation Tester (NHT) in a small and simple-to-use package. It is suited to customary nanoindentation testing where a complete platform configuration is not required.

Nanocrystalline Aluminum Thin Film Under Applied Stress

A video demonstration on nanocrystalline aluminium thin film under applied stress.

Proper Preparation of Metal Surface for Optimal Metal Bonding from Master Bond

This video from Master Bond shows a presentation on how to obtain optimal bond strength with proper preparation of metal surface.

Behind the Scenes of Video Library from Master Bond

In this animation video Max Bond shows the backstage and behind the scenes of the Master Bond Video Library.

Max’s Love towards Epoxies from Master Bond

This animation video shows Max’s love affair with Master Bond Epoxies.

Handheld Coating Thickness Measurement Instruments from Fischer Instrumentation

This video clip introduces the Fischer Instrumentation family of handheld coating thickness measurement instruments.

Silcoalloy 1000 Corrosion Resistant Coating from SilcoTek

This video demonstrates the application of Corrosion Resistant Coating Silcoalloy 1000 from SilcoTek.

Self-Healing Coating for Metals from NEI Corporation

This video shows self-healing of the coating on metals from NEI Corporation. Solvent-borne urethane coating is coated on a metal surface.

Staying Cool Using Air Conditioned Polyester Clothing with A Titanium Coating

A video clip showing air conditioning polyester clothing which blocks UV better than ordinary polyester materials and these clothing has been sputter coated with titanium to give it its unique properties. Sputtering helps deposit a better film layer on the surface of the fibre without harming the fabric and yet maintaining superior adhesion.

Custom Formulated Adhesive, Sealant and Coating Compounds from Master Bond

This video shows custom formulated adhesives, sealants and coating compounds from Master Bond.

Omniseal Solutions Video: Omniseal® LARGE DIAMETER Open Piston Gland Seal Installation

Watch to Prepare for Success: In this video about our polymer, spring-energized sealing solution, our technical team shows you how to handle and install a LARGE DIAMETER open piston gland seal.

EP62-1 Epoxy System from Master Bond

This video shows a chemical resistant and high strength EP62-1 epoxy system from Master Bond.

Defelsko PosiTector 6000 - Coating Thickness Gage Demonstration

The PosiTector 6000 from Defelsko is a handheld portable thickness gage. It is suitable for measuring coating thickness on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, making ideal for applications in the automotive industry.

Nano-composite Hydrogels and Their Application to Healthcare

The newest in innovative medical material is the nano-composite hydrogel or NC Gel. This video demonstrate the medical applications of NC Gel which display good mechanical properties, transparencies and is made of 90% ordinary water suitable for various biological applications. Not only that, it is also environmentally friendly.

The SC943 Inline Sputtering System by Semicore's Equipment Range

This video shows the SC943 inline sputtering system from Semicore. The SC 943 system is a versatile horizontal sputtering system with multi target capability.

Hiden Standard Filament Change Procedure

Changing the filament on a Hiden Analytical residual gas analyser. Residual Gas Analysers for vacuum diagnostics, leak detection and process monitoring.

Superhydrophobic coating from NEI Corporation

This video shows the demonstration of Superhydrophobic coating from NEI Corporation. The SuperCN (Superhydrophobic) is used for promoting dropwise condensation on condenser tubes.

An Explanation of Super Hydrophobic Materials and How They Work

Have you ever heard the term "hydrophobic" and wondered what it meant. This video explains what super hydrophobic surfaces are and how they work. Included are demonstrations to illustrate this and how they work in nature and potential commercial applications.

The Effects of Anodizing Metal and How it Works

Anodizing certain metals such as aluminum, titanium can produce certain optical characteristics. This video clip provides an in depth explanation of how the process works with a detailed demonstration.

Model 3800 Extensometer - Setup instructions

Setup instructions for the Model 3800 long-travel extensometer for rubber and elastomers.

Test Driving the BMW Hydrogen 7 Series Hydrogen Fuel Car

A video clip showing the test drive of the newly released BMW Hydrogen 7 Series which use a hydrogen fuel engine. They are hoping that by rolling out this model they can influence those decision making people and showing them the reality of hydrogen fuel cars. Challenges with using hydrogen cars are discussed and how they are overcoming these problems. Relax and take a test drive in the new BMW Hydrogen 7 Series

Super Gel 9 for Sealing and Encapsulation from Master Bond

This video shows Master Bond's latest Super Gel 9 for Sealing and Encapsulation.

Omniseal Solutions Video: HTMS Story - Touching The Sky

Discover the history of High Tech Metal Seals (HTMS), a metal sealing solution business that combines tradition and innovation, characteristics that are very similar to their place of business at Mechelen, Belgium. Both may be considered a “hidden gem,” with much to offer. Their metal seals have been used in critical applications and extreme environments such as space launch vehicles and nuclear power stations.

The PVA TePla Plasma Pen for Precision Cleaning Operations

Demetrius Chrysostomou shows us the PVA TePla Plasma Pen which is used for precision cleaning of surfaces and raising the surface energy of surfaces prior to operations such as welding or bonding. It is commonly used in the automotive, electronics and flat panel industries.

The Hiden EQP Mass Spectrometer for Plasma Characterisation

Hiden Analytical's Mark Buckley explains the operation and capabilities of the Hiden EQP mass spectrometer which is used for plasma characterisation. It is typically used by process development engineers and research technicians to optimise plasma conditions for the manufacture and fabrication of new and novel devices.

Omniseal Solutions & Our New Identity: The Wayfinders

Why do we connect to being "Wayfinders?" Watch this video to find out how we are moving forward with our new identity, what is our vision for the future and why we are relentlessly committed to our customers.

Flame Retardant Epoxy from Master Bond

This video features non-halogen filler, Master Bond epoxy EP21FRNS-2 passes the UL 94V-0 test. This is a flame retardancy test used in encapsulation, casting and plotting applications.

EP65HT-1 Fast Curing Epoxy from Master Bond

This video from Master Bond illustrates how to apply fast curing EP65HT-1 epoxy.

The Ultra High Vacuum Kelvin Probe from KP Technology

Prof. Iain D. Baikie from KP Technology shows us their Ultrahigh Vacuum Kelvin Probe. It is used for measuring changes in a sample's surface such as may be the case when a coating is employed, due to temperature changes and can be adpated for use with semiconductors.

Worldwide Shipping Options of Master Bond

In this video, Maximus Bond talks about the worldwide shipping options of Master Bond. The company produces, sells and ships all of its adhesives, sealants and coatings directly from the manufacturing facility in Hackensack, New Jersey, U.S.

Changing Your Home to Green Products and Green Materials - A DIY Guide

There is a growing group of homeowners around the world that is turning to green materials when it comes to renovating their house or building their house. However finding green products is not as easier as it seems. This video clip give the viewer ideas on the products that is currently available for keeping your home "green" and most importantly where to find these products. Go Green!!

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