Videos | Composite Materials

Composite Materials Videos

Composite Materials Videos

Comparison of the UK and Australian Carbon Fibre Industries

In this interview Chris Wilkinson compares the UK carbon fibre industry to that of Australia, and the role of the Manufacturing Institute in the UK, to that of VCAMM in Australia. He says that VCAMM's model is advanced in its thinking, and with their involvement with academia, they will be able to exploit academic reserarch such that they will play an important part in the development of the the carbon fibre industry in Australia.

Demonstration of Some Basic Thermal Properties of Magnesium (Mg)

This video demonstrates some basic properties of the combustion of magnesium metal.

Dragon Skin - Revolutionary Body Armor

This video shows the revolutionary next generation advance body armor in comparison with conventional ceramic body armor

How Shot Peening Technology Can Improve Product Performance

What gives a race car the winning edge ? How do aircraft landing gears sustain the heavy punshiment of stress ? This video explains the process and applications of shot peening technology in improving product performance.

Incredible Things ep 2 | Omega Probes in the Pit Lane

Omega Interviews Andreas Boehm, Sr. Motorsport Manager for @Pagidracing. Pagid is a German manufacturer of high-performance racing brake pads. Fast temperature readings are critical when cars are constantly coming in and out of the pit lane.

Testing of Braided Composite Panel from A&P Technology

This video shows the testing of a braided composite panel from A&P Technology. This braided composite panel was tested at NASA Glenn Research Center for jet engine containment.

The Australian Carbon Fibre Industry

AZoM's Cameron Chai speaks to VCAMM CEO Brad Dunstan about the Australian carbon fibre industry and how they successfuly secured funding to really establish the industry with the aim of positioning Australia for future opportunities.

Compressive Strength of Concrete ASTM Method C 39

A video demonstrating the compressive strength of concrete by ASTM Method C 39

Future Fibres’ Cable Improves Furling Speed

This video from Future Fibres shows the top down furling method for furling loose-luffed gennakers.

Composite Rigging Services from Future Fibres

This video shows Future Fibres’ expertise and outreach in the composite rigging market.

Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing –Leg Zero Done Competition from Future Fibers

This video from Future Fibers shows the initial 2,000 mile qualifier who participated in ‘Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing –Leg Zero Done’ competition.

Functional Bioplastics Made from Thermally Conductive PLA Composite

This is a video clip displaying NEC's newest highly functional bioplastics made from plant extracts reducing carbon dioxide emissions and preserving oil resources. The bioplastics compositions are based on polylactic acid (PLA) with the addition of carbon fibers and proprietary bonded material which have desirable properties. These add durability and result in a higher heat conductivity than stainless steel.

Hot Water Compression TEst of Ingeo-Based High Heat Serviceware

Jointly developed between Northern Technologies International Corporation and NatureWorks, Natur‑Tec® BF3002HT is a platform of high-performance, biobased and compostable polymer resin compounds made with modified Ingeo PLA.

Impact Testing of Aluminum Panel for Jet Engine Containment from A&P Technology

In this video the NASA Glenn Research Center compared the performance of aluminum panels to braided composite panels for jet engine containment.

Applications of Energy-Saving Composites from TRB Lightweight Structures

This video shows the applications of composites made at TRB Lightweight Structures in automotive, marine, and architectural markets. TRB Lightweight Structures is focused on developing products that reduce energy consumption.

TenCate’s Thermoplastic Composite Materials for Aerospace Applications

This video offers an overview of TenCate’s thermoplastic composite materials for automotive applications. aerostructures.

TRB's unique manufacturing process enables fibre to composite part in minutes

This video describes TRB's unique manufacturing process which enables fibre to composite part in minutes

Top-down Furling on Swan 112 Anemos Sail Yacht

his video from Future Fibers shows the FF Top-down furling occurring on the super sail yacht, Swan 112 Anemos.

TRB's Battery Enclosure for EV Vehicles

This video discusses TRB's Battery Enclosure for EV Vehicles

Lightweight Composite Interiors for Aerospace - Video

This video shows how TRB design, manufacture and deliver under Part 21, lightweight composite interiors for aerospace.

Video of Production Systems with Integrated Mixing and Dispensing Solutions

RAMPF develops production systems with integrated mixing and dispensing solutions for the casting, sealing, and bonding of various polymers.

Composites in the Aerospace, Automotive and Alternative Energy Fields

Bronwyn Fox, a senior lecturer at Deakin University tells us about the the importance of composite materials in the areas of aerospace, automotive and alternative energy.She provides examples of their use by the likes of Boeing and Tesla and also talks about "out of autoclave" curing technology.

Bend Testing Reinforced Concrete

A real time demonstration of bend testing reinforced concrete.

A100 Trimaran Equipped with Future Fibres' Rigging Endures 70 Knots in Southern Ocean

his video from Future Fibres shows Oman Sail's A100 trimaran 'Majan' struggling against the hurricane force winds in the Southern Ocean during the leg 3 of the Indian Ocean 5 Capes Race.

Future Fibres Supplies Rigging for HUGO BOSS Boat

This video from Future Fibres shows the speed and efficiency of the BOSS sail boat.

TenCate Offers Thermoplastic Composite Materials for Automotive Applications

This video offers an overview of TenCate’s thermoplastic composite materials developed for automotive applications.

NEX OL Process Elemental Analyzer from Rigaku at Pittcon 2013

In this video Robert Bartek, President of Applied Rigaku Technologies talks about the NEX OL process elemental analyzer.

AKSA's Involvement with the Carbon Fibre Industry and the Future for Australia

Dan Pichler from AKSA tells us about their involvement in the carbon fibre industry and their expanding production capacity in response to market demands and future predicted growth.

Carbon Fibre Composites and Shape Memory Alloys Help Advance Wing Design

A video clip showing how composites are replacing many of today's materials. In particular aircraft wing structure are now commonly made of carbon fibre composite layers held together by epoxy resisn which produce a material that is light, strong and rigid. Piezoelectric fibres which can change shape or morph from one shape to another are paving way for new wing designs.

A Short Documentary on How Carbon Fiber Cellos are Made

A Short Documentary on How Carbon Fiber Cellos are Made

Future Fibres’ Rigging Features in B-Yachts B60

This video shows the B-Yachts B60 equipped with a full set of Future Fibres’ rigging.

Improvement of Properties of Carbon Fibre Based Composite Materials through Matrix Modification

Assistant Professor Jeffrey Wiggins from the University of Southern Mississippi tells us about work his team is doing on carbon fibre-based composite materials. In particular they are working on matrix chemistries to optimise matrix critical properties.

Rigid Foam and Molded Parts System Capabilities

In this video, General Plastics details its rigid foam and molded parts system capabilities.

Nanotechnology in Self-Assembling Process for Fabrication Tailored Thin Films

Sandia scientists and engineers have developed a radically new self-assembling process for fabricating tailored thin films. This new technology is set to change the way that optical and electrical thin films are produced and its applications as this method can be modified and optimized at any stage of the process with many manufacturing benefits compared with conventional production. Watch and find out how.

Testing of Braided Composite Panel above penetration level from A&P Technology

This video shows the testing of braided composite above the penetration level from A&P Technology. This test reveals ability of braid's to contain the failure mode.

The AZoM iPhone App - The World of Materials in the Palm of Your Hand

The iPhone app from gives you the world of materials in the palm of your hand. It offers you a totally portable way to locate materials solutions, suppliers and products as well as providing you with the latest materials news, conveniently broken down into categories to suit various industry sectors.

Overview of TenCate at JEC World 2016

This video offers a glimpse into TenCate Advanced Composites at the JEC World 2016— the leading International Composites show. JEC World is an opportunity to discover the endless possibilities of composites, from process to product.

New Carbon Nanotube Composites with Multiple Layers of Graphite

A video showing the combination of carbon nanotube and graphite to produce a new nanoscale composite. This unique structure was in fact founded accidentally. Chemical vapour deposition was used to make thin films of vertically aligned multi-walled CNT. This new structure has multiple graphite layers on top of the nanotubes.

Thermal Properties of Polymer-Silica Nanocomposite Film

A demonstration on the behaviour of polymer-silica nanocomposite film when ignited with fire.

What is Materials Science?

Ever been asked what materials science is? If so, just send people to this apage for the answer. An interesting compilation put together by the staff and students at the Department of Materials Science at UNSW.

Made in Virginia - Episode 12 - Strongwell

Learn about the astonishing process of pultrusion, where a special blend of fibers is pulled through resins to make the world’s most durable products: from utility—poles to sea-walls to bullet proof panels all made in Bristol Virginia.

A Comprehensive Look at How Tires are Made

A comprehensive look at how tires are produced and the materials they are made from including rubber, rayon and steel.

AC45 Catamarans Sail in Auckland from Future Fibers

This video from Future Fibers shows the AC45 boat sailing in Auckland.

Yacht Equipped with Future Fibres' Rigging Survives Southern Wind

This video shows how Future Fibres' rigging helped in battling the southern wind in Table Bay II.

Aircraft Made Lighter with ROHACELL High-Performance Foam Cores

This video describes ROHACELL® high-performance foam cores for aircraft. Evonik develops high-performance lightweight foam core to meet the challenges related to production, maintenance costs, and environmental issues in the aircraft industry.

Evolution of Advanced Ceramics - Material of the Future

The evolution of materials provided by Ceradyne. Provides a review of where advanced ceramics are used, which is almost everywhere, although you may not realise it.

Strength and Durability Testing of FiberStone

FiberStone is a high temperature composite materials comprised of high purity refractory, reinforced with stainless steel fibers. This video demsonstrates just how how strong and durable FiberStone is.

Using Shape Memory Alloys in Aircraft Wings to Reduce Turbulence

A video clip showing the use of shape memory alloys in aircraft wings could be used to reduce turbulence in airplanes. The shape memory effect of alloys of titanium, nickel and copper is demonstrated and explained. Such alloys have been used to create a prototype aircraft wing. The advantages of the materials in this application are outlined.

Future Fibres Constructs and Delivers Azzam’s Mast

This video from Future Fibers shows the systematic process involved in the construction and delivery of the Aazzam’s mast.

GAMESA Sailing Team Undertakes Sea Voyage from Future Fibers

This video from Future Fibers shows the GAMESA sailing team preparing itself for the sea voyage.

How the iPhone Flip its Screen

Ever wander how the iPhone is able to flip its screen as you rotate your phone ? Watch and find out how.

Franck Cammas and Team Beat Jules Verne Round the World Record

This video from Future Fibers shows Franck Cammas and his men who emerged as winners in the racing competition.

Testing On Nano-Coated Window Car

A short demonstration of a Bentley with nano-coated car window showing its ability to protect against different types of solutions and testings.

Properties of Titanium (Ti) and Nickel (Ni) Alloys

This video shows the properties of alloys made of nickel and titanium and demonstrate the affect of stress on the properties of alloys.

Research and Development Involving the Australian Carbon Fibre Industry

Associate Professor Bronwyn Fox from Deakin University outlines some of the successes that they have had to date with the development of composite materials technology including work with Quickstep who are about to produce parts for the Joint Strike Fighter by Lockheed Martin. She also discusses some of the carbon fibre composite projects that they will be working on at the newly established ACFRF, Australian Carbon Fibre Researrch Facility.

A Review on the TATA Nano Car

A video review by CNET on the TATA Nano which has being crowned the cheapest car in the world. This can only be made possible by advacnement in materials electrical engineering.

NanoIR Opens Up New Materials Characterization Opportunities

Curt Marcott from Light Light Solutions tells us about his experiences characterizing materials using the NanoIR from Anasys Instruments. In particular he was excited by the fact that the technique combines AFM and IR spectroscopy, and has spatial resolution an order of magnitude better than conventional IR, which means you can characterize various features of a sample, or even analyze compositional differences across an interface.

The Current State of Play and Future for the Carbon Fibre Industry

Professor Andrew Walker National Composite Certification and Evaluation Facility develop composites expertise transitioning manufacturing traditional metallic materials fibre reinforced composite materials VCAMM Australia carbon fibre composite materials

TenCate Offers Thermoset Composite Material Solutions for the Formula One Market

This video shows TenCate’s comprehensive range of thermoset composite material solutions for the Formula 1 and motorsport markets.

Esprix Technologies Corporate Video

This is the corporate video for Esprix Technologies.

Materials for Composites from Evonik

This video depicts Evonik materials for composites. Lightweight fiber-reinforced composites can help to meet the growing number of challenges in renewable energy, efficient resource management, and ecological aspects.

Rampf Group Corporate Video

The RAMPF Group stands for engineering and chemical solutions and caters to the economic and ecological needs of industry.

What is Pultrusion

Strongwell is a world leading manufacturer of pultruded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) #composites.

Revolutionary Body Armor Made from Advanced Ceramic Titanium Discs - Dragon Skin

A video clip showing testing of the revolutionary Dragon Skin body armor made from advanced ceramic and titanium composite discs that interlink with each other allowing impact energy of the bullet to be dispersed. The video shows conventional steel armor with steel plates being tested using steel core armor penetrating bullets. You'll be surprised at the result!!

Deakin University and the Australian Carbon Fibre Industry

Prof. Lee Astheimer from Deakin University discusses the future of carbon fibre research in Australia, their capabilities and the the great opportunities for industry to embrace carbon fibre as a new materials with many commercial opportunities.

Digital Printing Capability for Food Serviceware

See Box has applied the latest in Swiss digital printing technology to their Riiqi Cup brand of Ingeo cups to provide a new level of vibrant graphics, and eliminate the need for minimum order quantities.

Video to Show How Ingeo is Made

NatureWorks has become a world-leading biopolymers supplier and innovator with our portfolio of naturally advanced materials called Ingeo.

Composite Pressure Vessel with braid from A&P Technology

This video shows the braided composite pressure vessel from A&P Technology. Braided fabrics improve the ultimate burst pressure of COPVs with minimal weight added and give no burden to the manufacturing process.

Advanced Manufacturing of Carbon Fibre Composites for Aerospace Applications

Slade Gardner from Lockheed Martin explains that we are currently going through a rebirth of materials science thanks to nanotechnology.

Next Generation Carbon Fibre Materials

Wen-Fang Hwang from Spirit Aerosystems reveals how the use of carbon nanotube based precursors will be used to create the next generation of carbon fibre materials. These materials have elastic moduli of greater then 500GPa, well up on the 300GPa of existing materials. A key factor of his processing technology is it will use equipment, so plants currently geared up to produce carbon fibre from polyacrylonitrile or PAN, will be able to use this new chemistry with no modification.

Future Fibres’ PBO Rigging Continues to Lead the World of Yacht Racing

This video shows Future Fibres celebrating the news of Mike Golding's third position in the Transat Jacques Vabre (TJV) race, providing yet another feather in the cap for the Valencia-based composite rigging specialist.

Field Testing A Composite Bicycle Wheel

Testing a composite bicycle wheel in a real life scenario. Watch and see if the wheel survives unscathed after a heavy impact with a sharp concrete block.

Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing; A Wild and Wet Racing Competition

This video from Future Fibers shows the 2000 mile qualifiers of the Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing competition.

Future Fibres Retrofits Mast for Swan 112 Anemos Sail Yacht

This video from Future Fibers shows personnel unloading the mast for the Swan 112 Anemos sailing yacht.

The Aptera 2e All Electric Vehicle

A review of the Aptera 2e all electric vehicle that is available from October 2009. The design of this car is extremely aerodynamic and features light weight materials, while the interior is made from recycled and recyclable materials. It has a range of up to 100 miles and features a host of useful high-tech electronics, crumple zone like most passenger cars and roomy interior, as well as solar powered cooling system that keeps the cabin cool, even when parked.

Future Fibres’ Code Cables Deployed in AC45 Wing-sailed Catamaran

This video shows Future Fibres’ code cables being used on the AC45 wing-sailed catamaran in New Zealand.

Carbon Fibre Composite Materials in the Aerospace Industry

Peter Wu from Spirit Aerosystems, the largest tier 1 supplier in the aerospace industry, and supplier to the likes of Boeing, Airbus, Gulfstream and Sikorsky. He explains how the use of carbon fibre-based composite materials is increasing and how automated manufacturing processes are improving their manufacturing operations.

Rugged Boat Design Withstands Initial Offshore Sea Trail

This video from Future Fibers shows the initial offshore sea trail performed in windy conditions, which placed the boat, the structure, the keel and the mast under severe duress.

Video to Show the Industrial and EV Composite Solutions

This video demonstrates the industrial and EV composite solutions provided by TRB Lightweight Structures.

Future Prospects and Potential for the Australian Carbon Fibre Industry

Brad Dunstan, CEO of VCAMM explains their role with Australian manufacturing and advanced materials and how they have been instrumental with setting up the Australian carbon fibre industry and the Australian Carbon Fibre Research Facility or ACFRF that will house a carbon fibre pilot production furnace It will also be the first carbon fibre production facility in Australia and the first open access carbon fibre furnace in the world.

Strength of Materials - A Course on the Fundamental Understanding

This is a video course on the strength of materials. The video provides fundamentals to understanding the strength of materials. A good insight into the fundamental knowledge.

Future Fibres Supplies Rigging for Boats Competing in Barcelona World Race

This video from Future Fibres shows the Barcelona World Race, which began from the Catalan city on New Year’s Eve.

ROHACELL Structural Foam for Lightweight Sandwich Construction

This video shows ROHACELL® structural foam that has been used in composite technology for many years. ROHACELL offers PMI-based foam with 100% closed-cell structure.

Catastrophic Failure of a Wind Turbine

Wind turbine self destructing

Video to Show Composite Rail Solutions Provided by TRB Lightweight Structures

This video shows the composite rail solutions TRB Lightweight Structures has to offer.

TenCate Offers Composite Material Solutions for the Aerospace Industry

This video presents an overview of the composite materials offered by TenCate Advanced Composites in the Aerospace industry.

New Transparent Coating for Metals, Plastics and Glass that Repels Water, Oil and Adhesive Materials

The introduction of the Nanosceptor coating machine that places transparent coating on glass, plastic and metals which repels water, oil and other adhesive materials. Normal TEFLON coatings have a thickness of around 10microns, but with the Nanosceptor the coating thickness is only several nanometers !! Watch and see how this is done

Braided Composites from A&P Technology Used in GEnx Aero Engine

This video shows the braided composites from A&P Technology used in the GEnx engine. The benefits of braided composite fan cases in the jet engines are briefly described in this NASA video.

AFRIC - The Australian Future Fibre Research Innovation Centre

Bronwyn Fox tells us about a world first. Top researchers in the field of carbon fibre materials from Deakin University and CSIRO will come together at a new research facility called AFRIC, the Australian Future Fibre Research Innovation Centre which will incorporate the Australian Carbon Fibre Research Facility.

Layup Process of Baseball Bat from A&P Technology

This video shows lapup process of a baseball bat from A&P Technology. A braided fiberglass sleeving is used for the easy lapup of a composite baseball bat.

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