Feb 16 2008
Insulating Coatings Corporation (ICC) has become a member of the USGBC (US Green Building Council) in efforts to continue to promote sustainable and cool roofing systems.
ICC feels that its mission to provide environmentally friendly products that reduce the need for roof tear off and replacement is in direct line with the US Green Building Council's commitment to expand sustainable building practices.
Currently, according to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the EPA, discarded roofing materials comprise from 15 - 30% of landfill space with an estimated 9 - 10 million tons of asphalt roofing alone. By eliminating the need to dispose of old roofing, Astec can help to limit the impact on the environment created while solving facility roof problems.
For more than 20 years the Astec products have been stopping the waste of old roofing materials while also reducing cooling costs on some of America's largest facilities. By providing renewable warranties on sustainable roof systems ICC is dedicated to helping the goal of sustainability for commercial and industrial facility structures.