SmartPave Dynamic Shear Rheometers from Anton Paar are high-performance instruments to investigate and analyze asphalt binder and bitumen, so that modern asphalt and bitumen products meet the high requirements placed on them. There is a need for these products in both quality control and during product development. The SmartPave 92 and SmartPave 102 dynamic shear rheometers are able to analyze unmodified as well as modified asphalt binder and bitumen in a wide temperature range, either according to standards or with classic rheological methods.
Features such as Toolmaster™, QuickConnect, a Peltier temperature device for dry sample heating, and step-by-step instructions for measuring procedures according to AASHTO T315, AASHTO T350, AASHTO TP101, ASTM D7175, ASTM D7405 and DIN EN 14770 guarantee the most convenient operation. For measurements according to AASHTO T316, ASTM D4402 and DIN EN 13302 both instruments can be equipped with a Peltier-temperature-controlled measurement chamber for concentric cylinder geometries.
SmartPave 92
SmartPave 92 was specially developed for quality control measurements and routine measurements in asphalt testing laboratories.
For standard asphalt tests according to AASHTO, ASTM, DIN EN, and FGSV
Temperature range: -5 °C to 200 °C

SmartPave 102
SmartPave 102 is ideal for the most demanding measurements. It is used in the research and development of asphalt and bitumen.
For standard asphalt tests according to AASHTO, ASTM, DIN EN, and FGSV
Temperature range: -30 °C to 120 °C

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