Malvern Panalytical's OMNISEC multi-detector system is the most sensitive and accurate detector used for the characterization of proteins and both natural and synthetic polymers.
It includes OMNISEC REVEAL, the integrated multi-detector module, OMNISEC RESOLVE, the integrated separations module and OMNISEC software used for advanced GPC/SEC analysis.
OMNISEC REVEAL combines multiple detectors for intrinsic viscosity, light scattering, UV/Vis absorbance and refractive index.
OMNISEC RESOLVE incorporates a column oven, an autosampler, a degasser and an integrated pump within a single advanced separations unit.
The zero injection volume overhead mode of the autosampler prevents wastage of precious samples, and protects them from degradation and aggregation by cooling the samples to 4°C.
OMNISEC software combines the data from multiple detectors in order to determine Mark-Houwink parameters, radius of gyration (Rg) and hydrodynamic radius (Rh).
OMNISEC: The world’s most advanced multi-detector GPC/SEC system
Key Features
The main features of Malvern Panalytical's OMNISEC multi-detector system include:
- Improved flow rate stability offered by optimized isocratic pump in OMNISEC RESOLVE minimizes the baseline noise in detectors
- Light scattering detector of OMNISEC REVEAL allows measurement of injection masses as low as 100ng and molecular weights as low as 200Da
- Self-balancing differential viscometer with user exchangeable capillaries make it more robust and usable
- Integrated column oven maintains stable separation temperature of up to 65°C
- Autosampler cools fragile samples to 4°C to prevent degradation and aggregation
OmniSEC GPC/SEC System

Malvern's OMNISEC multi-detector system is the most sensitive and accurate detector used for the characterization of proteins and both natural and synthetic polymers.

OMNISEC REVEAL combines multiple detectors for intrinsic viscosity, light scattering, UV/Vis absorbance and refractive index.

OMNISEC RESOLVE incorporates a column oven, an autosampler, a degasser and an integrated pump within a single advanced separations unit.

Improved flow rate stability offered by optimized isocratic pump in OMNISEC RESOLVE minimizes the baseline noise in detectors

Light scattering detector of OMNISEC REVEAL allows measurement of injection masses as low as 100ng and molecular weights as low as 200Da