Laboratories that are focused on advanced materials characterization need access to next-generation methods and will push analytical tools, such as scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), to extreme capabilities.
A majority of these laboratories are multi-user facilities, where users with different levels of experience are accommodated. Time spent on the microscope is valuable, and excess time devoted to training, alignments, image optimization, or maintenance should be prevented.
With the latest Thermo Scientific Apreo 2 SEM, access to high-performance imaging and analytics is expanded to all levels of microscopy know-how.
Thermo Scientific ColorSEM Technology is an exclusive live elemental imaging capability that provides compositional data continuously through the most intuitive interface. ColorSEM Technology prevents all the hassle related to the typical implementations of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and provides ease of use and unparalleled time to result.
Thanks to Thermo Scientific SmartAlign Technology, the Apreo 2 SEM places relatively smaller demands on laboratory managers and users. Thermo Scientific SmartAlign Technology is a self-aligning optics system.
Using Thermo Scientific FLASH technology, the Apreo 2 SEM also automates the image fine-tuning procedure. FLASH Technology can make any required corrections to the stigmators, to lens centering, and to the final focus of the image.
The integration of all these technologies ensures that even users who are new to the field of electron microscopy can access the exceptional performance of the Thermo Scientific Apreo 2 SEM.
Moreover, the Apreo 2 SEM is the only instrument that has a 1 nm resolution at an analytical working distance of 10 mm. This means long working distance will no longer lead to substandard imaging. With the Apreo 2 SEM, any user can confidently obtain excellent results.
Key Features
All-Round Resolution
The Apreo 2 SEM provides a sub-nanometer or all-around nanometer resolution performance on materials spanning from catalysts, powders, nanoparticles, and bulk magnetic samples to nanodevices.
Wide Range of Sample Types
The Apreo 2 SEM offers excellent flexibility for managing an array of sample types, such as magnetic samples, sensitive materials, or insulators, and for acquiring the data that is most important to your application.
SmartAlign Technology
SmartAlign Technology, a self-aligning optics system, allows users to spend less time on maintenance.
Live Quantitative EDS
With ColorSEM Technology, users will have elemental data at their fingertips. This technology offers live quantitative elemental mapping for ease of use and unparalleled time to result.
Advanced Automation
The Apreo 2 SEM provides sophisticated automation such as FLASH for automatic image finetuning, Maps tiling and stitching, User Guidance, and Undo.
Performance at Long Working Distance
The Apreo 2 SEM is the only instrument that delivers excellent image quality and high-resolution performance (1 nm) at a 10 mm analytical working distance, providing hassle-free operation even for inexperienced users.
Apreo 2 S |
Apreo 2 C |
- 0.9 nm at 1 kV
- 0.8 nm at 1 kV (beam decel.)
- 1.0 nm at 1 kV, 10 mm working distance (beam decel.)
- 0.8 nm at 500 V (beam decel.)
- 1.2 nm at 200 V (beam decel.)
- 1.2 nm at 1 kV
- 1.0 nm at 1 kV (beam decel.)
- 1.2 nm at 500 V (beam decel.)
Standard detectors
- ETD, T1, T2, T3, IR-CCD, Nav-Cam+
- ETD, T1, T2, IR-CCD, Nav-Cam+
PivotBeam |
- Mode for selected area electron channeling (also known as "rocking beam" mode).
Optional detectors
ColorSEM Technology (optional)
- Live quantitative SEM image coloring is available based on energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Point & ID, linescan, region, element maps, and reliable Noran quantification are included.
Landing energy range
Stage bias (beam deceleration)
- -4000 V to +600 V standard with every system
Low vacuum mode
- Optional: 10 – 500 Pa chamber pressure
- 5-axis motorized eucentric stage, 110 x 110 mm2 with a 105° tilt range. Maximum sample weight: 5 kg in un-tilted position.
Maximum beam current
- 50 nA (400 nA configuration also available)
Standard sample holder
- Multi-purpose holder uniquely mounts directly onto the stage, hosts up to 18 standard stubs (Ø12 mm), three pre-tilted stubs, cross-section samples and two pre-tilted row-bar holders (38° and 90°) and does not require tools to mount a sample
- 340 mm inside width, 12 ports, three simultaneous EDS detectors possible, two at 180°, coplanar EDS/EBSD orthogonal to the tilt axis of the stage

Ag particles on silica.

Palladium nanoparticles imaged with ColorSEM. Frame time: 30 seconds.

Lithium-ion cathode precursor.

A silver-copper mix imaged on Apreo 2 with ColorSEM technology in less than a minute and a half.

Au/Pd nanoparticle on TiO2 support. Within a 1-minute frame time, ColorSEM technology maps the composition, even on nanoparticle feature sizes.

Blend of polystyrene and polyacrylic acid polymers.
Quality Control
Quality assurance and quality control are indispensable in contemporary sectors. Thermo Scientific provides an array of electron microscopy as well as spectroscopy tools for multi-modal and multi-scale analysis of defects, enabling users to make informed and reliable decisions relating to process improvement and control.

This video demonstrates how Apreo's Trinity detection system quickly answers all our questions about a sample.