Thermo Scientific Phenom AsbestoMetric Software is a specialized automation software program designed to make asbestos analysis quick and precise.
The ISO 14966 standard describes the analysis of asbestos fibers as a complex and time-consuming procedure with numerous steps that must be repeated. Notably, fibers must be visually identified by the operators during manual evaluation, which may lead to inaccurate analysis.
With the help of the integrated energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS) detector, the analyst can use AsbestoMetric Software to automatically analyze up to nine filters and identify potential fibers.
Phenom Asbestometric Software Features
Automated fiber detection and image capture.
Higher Accuracy
Higher accuracy and repeatability.
ISO Standard
AsbestoMetric Software is fully compliant with the ISO 14966 standard.
Source: Thermo Fisher Scientific – Electron Microscopy Solutions
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Phenom XL Desktop SEM equipped with BSD, SED and EDS detector
Phenom ProSuite including mini PC and monitor
- AsbestoMetric Software
Standard sample holder
- including 9x25 filter insert
Automated tool
- Image acquisition
- Fiber detection
- Reporting
Assisted EDS analysis with fiber revisiting
Note: AsbestoMetric Software is available for the 19" Phenom User Interface only