Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is commonly utilized to segregate compounds in complicated mixtures, and analytes are usually detected by searching library databases.
Though this may sound simple, compound identification can be complex due to numerous high-scoring database matches or low-scoring matches for coeluting peaks.
Several compounds might not already be registered in the database, and innovative analytical approaches are required to functionalize the data from high-resolution assessments and soft ionization approaches.
In this webinar, JOEL USA will discuss an innovative GC-MS analysis workflow that utilizes high-resolution MS with EI and soft ionization approaches. The data interpretation software spontaneously delivers a color-coded qualitative analysis report for all the sample analytes.
The innovative workflow comprises chromatographic peak deconvolution, database matching, elemental composition determination for the molecular ion, isotope pattern matching, and accurate EI fragment mass analysis to determine the most probable candidate for compounds registered in the databases.
This data can also detect compounds not present in the database. The webinar will present several samples to showcase the effectiveness of this workflow.
Key Learning Objectives
- Explore a novel automated workflow that facilitates GC-HRMS data analysis
- Simplify qualitative analysis by using EI and soft ionization with HRMS
Image Credit: JEOL USA, Inc.
About the Presenters
John graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in 2006 with a doctorate in applied chemistry, focusing on mass spectrometry. He then took a postdoctoral position in biodiesel combustion at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. John joined JEOL USA, Inc., in 2008 as an MS applications chemist and is involved with the MS product lines. He lives in the Boston area and likes being outside whenever possible.